Parkin-Elmer STA6000 simultaneous TG/DSC thermal analysis

Instrument for Simultaneous Differential Scanning Calorimetry/Thermal Gravimetry. Temperature range: 20-1000 ºC. Cooldown time: 1000ºC-30C < 20 min. Balance resolution: 0.1 microgram. Balance range: max 1.5 g. Software Pyris advanced software Temperature accuracy: 0.5 ºC (Pt-Pt/Rh thermocouple). Calorimetric accuracy: 2%. Calibration standards: silver and indium. Alumina pans volume: 180 microliters. Nitrogen purge gas with mass flow controller.

Acquired June 2013 and managed by José António Paixão

Location: TAIL-UC Trace Analysis and Imaging Laboratory (F.16)

How can you have access to it?

This instrument is available to the UC scientific community, external scientific community and industrial users under the general UC policy for access to the UC analytical platforms. Please contact the instrument responsible or TAIL-UC director for details of instrument availability and usage charge rates.
