\documentclass{article} \usepackage[latin1]{inputenc} \usepackage{fullpage} \begin{document} \begin{itemize} \section*{Books} \subsection*{Edited} \item[1] ``International Workshop on Hadron Physics - Effective Theories of Low-Energy QCD, Coimbra 1999'', A. H. Blin, B. Hiller, M. C. Ruivo, C. A. Sousa, E. van Beveren (Eds), American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings {\bf 508} (2000). \item[2] ``Proceedings of the Conference on Many Body Physics'', C. Fiolhais, M. Fiolhais, C. A. de Sousa and J. N. Urbano (Eds.), World Scientific, Singapore (1994). \section*{Papers} \subsection*{International Journals} \item[3] ``Atwood machine as a tool to introduce variable mass systems'', Célia A. de Sousa, Physics Education {\bf 47}, 169-173 (2012). \item[4] ``Another look at the projectile motion'', Célia A. de Sousa, LAJPE {\bf 6}, 31-38 (2012). \item[5] ``Falling chains as variable mass systems: theoretical model and experimental analysis'', Célia A. de Sousa, Paulo M. Gordo and Pedro Costa, Eur. J. Phys. {\bf 33}, 1007-1020 (2012). \item[6] ``Effects of entanglement and instanton suppression at \finite temperature in a SU(2) EPNJL model with anomaly'', M. C. Ruivo, P. Costa, C. A. de Sousa, Phys. Rev. D {\bf 86}, 116007-9 (2012). \item[7] ``Interplay between chiral and axial symmetries in a SU(2) Nambu--Jona-Lasinio Model with the Polyakov loop'', M. C. Ruivo, M. C. Santos, Pedro Costa and C. A. de Sousa, Phys. Rev. D {\bf 85}, 036001-10 (2012). \item[8] ``How parameters and regularization affect the PNJL model phase diagram and thermodynamic quantities'', Pedro Costa, H. Hansen, M. C. Ruivo, C. A. Sousa, Phys. Rev. D {\bf 81}, 016007-13 (2010). \item[9] ``Phase Diagram and Critical Properties within an Effective Model of QCD: The Nambu-Jona-Lasinio Model Coupled to the Polyakov Loop'', Pedro Costa, Maria C. Ruivo, Célia A. de Sousa and Hubert Hansen, Symmetry (Special Issue Symmetry Breaking Phenomena) {\bf 2(3)}, 1338-1374 (2010). \item[10] ``Scalar-pseudoscalar meson behavior and restoration of symmetries in SU(3) PNJL model'', P. Costa, M. C. Ruivo, C. A. de Sousa, H. Hansen, W.\,M. Alberico, Phys. Rev. D {\bf 79}, 116003-116027 (2009). \item[11] ``Effects of the Regularization on the Restoration of Chiral and Axial Symmetries'', P. Costa, M. C. Ruivo, C. A. de Sousa, Phys. Rev D {\bf 77}, 096009-7 (2008). \item[12] ``Behavior of the topological susceptibility at finite T and $mu$ and signs of restoration of chiral symmetries'', M. C. Ruivo, Pedro Costa, C. A. de Sousa, European Physical Journal A {\bf 4}, 766-768 (2007). \item[13] ``Phase transitions in quark matter and behaviour of physical observables in the vicinity of the critical end point'', P. Costa, C. A. de Sousa, M. C. Ruivo, Yu. L. Kalinovsky, European Physical Journal A {\bf 4}, 842-844 (2007). \item[14] ``The QCD critical end point in the SU(3) Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model'', P. Costa, C. A. de Sousa, M. C. Ruivo, Yu. L. Kalinovsky, Physics Letters B {\bf 647}, 431-435 (2007). \item[15] ``Effective restoration of chiral and axial symmetries at finite temperature and density'', M. C. Ruivo, P. Costa, C. A. de Sousa, Yu. L. Kalinovsky, J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. {\bf 31}, S1183 (2005). \item[16] ``Analysis of the UA1 symmetry breaking and restoration effects on scalar-pseudoscalar meson septrum'', P. Costa, M. C. Ruivo, C. A. de Sousa and Yu. L. Kalinovsky, Phys. Rev. D {\bf 71}, 116002-18 (2005). \item[17] ``Mass redistribution in variable mass systems'', Célia A. de Sousa and Víctor H. Rodrigues, European Journal of Physics {\bf 25}, 41-49 (2004). \item[18] ``Effective restoration of the UA(1) symmetry with temperature and density'', P. Costa, M. C. Ruivo, C. A. de Sousa, and Yu. Kalinovsky, Phys. Rev. D {\bf 70}, 116013-5 (2004). \item[19] ``Pseudoscalar Mesons in Hot and Dense Matter'', P. Costa, M. C. Ruivo, Yu. Kalinovsky and C. A. de Sousa, Phys. Rev. C {\bf 70}, 025204-13 (2004). \item[20] ``Nonrigid systems: mechanical and thermodynamic aspects'', Célia A. de Sousa, European Journal of Physics {\bf 23}, 433-440 (2002). \item[21] ``Pion and rho meson observables in a Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model including a tensor interaction'', M. Jaminon, M. C. Ruivo and C. A. de Sousa, International Journal of Modern Physics A {\bf 17 (32)}, 4903-4925 (2002). \item[22] ``La legge di conservazione dell´energia: applicazione al rotolamento con e senza strisciamento'', Célia A. de Sousa and Elisa P. Pina, La Fisica nella Scuola (Tradução de Paolo Nardini) {\bf 4}, 184-190 (2000). \item[23] ``Kaons in a Hot and Flavor Asymmetric Medium'', M.\,C. Ruivo, C. A. de Sousa and C. Providência, Nucl. Phys. A {\bf 651}, 59-70 (1999). \item[24] ``Effects of Flavor Asymmetric Media on Pion and Kaon Properties'', C. A. de Sousa and M.\,C. Ruivo, Nucl. Phys. A {\bf 629}, 552c-555c. (1998). \item[25] ``Aspects of Mechanics and Thermodynamics in Introductory Physics: an Illustration in the Context of Friction and Rolling'', Célia A. de Sousa and Elisa P. Pina, European Journal of Physics {\bf 18}, 334-337 (1997). \item[26] ``Dirac Sea Effects in a Linear sigma Model with Vector and Axial Vector Fields'', C. A. de Sousa, International Journal of Modern Physics A {\bf 10}, 963-976 (1995). \item[27] ``Medium Effects on Meson Properties'', M. C. Ruivo, C. A. Sousa, B. Hiller and A. H. Blin, Nucl. Phys. A {\bf 575}, 460-476 (1994). \item[28] ``Semi-Classical Description of Dynamical Properties of Mesonic Excitations in the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio Model'', J. da Providência, M. C. Ruivo and C. A. de Sousa, Europhys. Lett. {\bf 21}, 521-526 (1993). \item[29] ``The Energy-Weighted Sum Rule in the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio Model and the Properties of Mesons Pi, pi''', C. A. de Sousa, Modern Physics Letters A {\bf 7}, 207-213 (1992). \item[30] ``Meson Resonances in a Generalized Nambu and Jona-Lasinio Model'', C. A. de Sousa, Zeitschrift fur Physik C - Particles and Fields {\bf 49}, 619-626 (1991). \item[31] ``Time Dependent Hartree-Fock Approach to the Bosonic Excitations of the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio Model in the Continuum'', J. da Providência and C. A. de Sousa, Physics Letters B {\bf 237}, 147-152 (1990). \item[32] ``Order Parameters and Properties of the sigma-pi sector in the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio Model'', C. A. de Sousa, Zeitschrift fur Physik C - Particles and Fields {\bf 43}, 503-508 (1989). \item[33] ``Dispersion Relation of the Pion in the Nambu-Jona- Lasinio Model'', J. da Providência, M. C. Ruivo and C. A. de Sousa, Phys. Rev. D {\bf 38}, 2646-2647 (1988). \item[34] ``Time Dependent Hartree-Fock and the Excitations of the Dirac Sea'', J. da Providência, M. C. Ruivo and C. A. de Sousa, Fizica {\bf 19}, 8-12 (1987). \item[35] ``Time Dependent Hartree-Fock Formalism and the Excitations of the Dirac Sea in the Nambu-Jona- Lasinio Model'', J. da Providência, M. C. Ruivo and C. A. Sousa, Phys. Rev. D {\bf 36}, 1882-2647 (1987). \item[36] ``Investigation of Pion-Like Collective Excitations in Neutron Matter through Boson Expansion Techniques'', C. A. de Sousa, Progress of Theoretical Physics {\bf 74}, 725-735 (1985). \item[37] ``Anharmonic Effects and Pre-Critical Behaviour in Pion Condensation'', M. C. Ruivo, C. A. Sousa and L. P. Brito, Prog. Theor. Phys. {\bf 69}, 542-556 (1983). \item[38] ``Classical Analogy of the Concept of Collective Variables'', L. P. Brito and C. A. de Sousa, Journal of Physics A: Math. and Gen. {\bf 14}, 2239-2249 (1981). \item[39] ``Time Dependent Generator Coordinate Method and the N-N Interaction'', L. P. Brito and C. A. de Sousa, Portugaliae Physica {\bf 12}, 1-7 (1981). \item[40] ``Comparison of Convergence Rates of Boson Expansions,'', M. H. Caldeira and C. A. de Sousa, Fizika (Zagreb) {\bf 11}, 43-50 (1979). \item[41] ``Collective Hamiltonian in Adiabatic Approximation'', A. Alves, L.\,P. Brito, M. H. Caldeira, J. M. Domingos, P. Martins, H. Pascoal, J. da Providência, M. C. Ruivo, E. M. Silva, C. A. de Sousa and J. N. Urbano, Prog. Theor. Phys. {\bf 58}, 223-230 (1977). \item[42] ``Note on the Applicability of the Peierls-Yoocoz Method'', A. Alves, L.\,P. Brito, M. H. Caldeira, J. M. Domingos, P. Martins, H. Pascoal, J. da Providência, M. C. Ruivo, E. M. Silva, C. A. de Sousa and J. N. Urbano, Nucl. Phys. A {\bf 284}, 420-424 (1977). \item[43] ``The Hartree-Fock and the Generator Coordinate Method in Field Theory: The Polaron Problem'', J. da Providência , M. C. Ruivo and C. A. de Sousa, Ann. of Phys., N. Y. {\bf 91}, 366-374 (1975). \item[44] ``Description of Anharmonicities in a Solvable Model by the Generator Coordinate Method'', M. H. Caldeira and C. A. de Sousa, Fizika (Zagreb) {\bf 7 (2)}, 19-31 (1975). \subsection*{Portuguese Journals} \item[45] ``Sobre Algumas Questões de Mecânica do 10º Ano'', João Tremoço e Célia A. de Sousa, Gazeta de Física {\bf vol 23, fasc. 4}, 10 (2000). \item[46] ``A Lei de Conservação da Energia: Aplicação ao Rolamento com e sem Deslizamento'', Célia A. de Sousa e Elisa P. Pina, Gazeta de Física {\bf 22 fasc 2}, 10 (1999). \section*{Proceedings} \subsection*{International Conferences} \item[47] ``Restoration of axial symmetry and its possible relations with restoration of chiral symmetry and deconfinement at finite temperature'', M. C. Ruivo, P. Costa and C. A. de Sousa, Acta Physica Polonica B Proceedings Supplement {\bf 6 no.3}, 917-922 (2013). \item[48] ``Some properties of two Nambu-Jona-Lasinio -type models with inputs from lattice QCD'', P. Costa, C. A. de Sousa, M. C. Ruivo, O. Oliveira, P. J. Silva, and H. Hansen, Acta Physica Polonica B Proceedings Supplement {\bf 5 no.4}, 1083-1088 (2012). \item[49] ``The QCD Critical End Point in the Context of the Polyakov–Nambu–Jona-Lasinio Model'', P. Costa, M.\,C. Ruivo, C. A. de Sousa, and H. Hansen, Acta Physica Polonica B Proceedings Supplement {\bf 5 no. 2}, 523-528 (2012). \item[50] ``Phase Diagram and Critical Properties in the PNJL Model'', Célia A. de Sousa, P. Costa, M. C. Ruivo and H. Hansen, Procceedings of the International Conference on Quark Confinement IX, Madrid 2010, AIP Conf. Proc (Eds. F. J. Llanes-Estrada and J. R. Peláez) {\bf 1343}, 592 (2011). \item[51] ``Scalar-pseudoscalar meson spectrum in SU(3) PNJL model'', Pedro Costa, M.\,C. Ruivo, C. A. de Sousa, H. Hansen and W.\,M. Alberico, PoS(Confinement8) 086, Proceedings of the ‘Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum VIII: 8th Conference on Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum’, Mainz, Germany, 1-6 Sep 2008. (2008). \item[52] ``Behavior of the topological susceptibility at finite T and $mu$ and signs of restoration of chiral symmetries'', M. C. Ruivo, P. Costa, C. A. de Sousa, IVth International Conference on Quarks and Nuclear Physics (QNP06), A. Dobado, F. J. Llanes-Estrada and V. Vento (Eds.), Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 465-467 (2007). \item[53] ``Phase transitions in quark matter and behaviour of physical observables in the vicinity of the critical end point'', P. Costa, C. A. de Sousa, M. C. Ruivo, Yu. L. Kalinovsky, IVth International Conference on Quarks and Nuclear Physics (QNP06), A. Dobado, F. J. Llanes-Estrada and V. Vento (Eds.), Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 553-555 (2007). \item[54] ``Phase transitions and behavior of kaons in hot and dense matter,'', C. A. de Sousa, P. Costa, M. C. Ruivo, Yu. L. Kalinovsky, Proceedings of the ‘Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum VI, Eds. N. Brambilla et al., AIP Conf. Proc., New York {\bf 756}, 348 (2005). \item[55] ``Effects of the restoration of UA(1) symmetry on pseudoscalar meson observable'', M. C. Ruivo, Pedro Costa, C. A. de Sousa, Yu. L. Kalinovsky, PoS(HEP2005), 109 (2005). \item[56] ``Is the UA(1) symmetry restored at finite temperature or density?'', P. Costa, M. C. Ruivo, C. A. de Sousa, and Yu. Kalinovsky, Proceedings of the Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum VI, Eds. N. Brambilla et al., AIP Conf. Proc. New York {\bf 756}, 351 (2005). \item[57] ``The restoration of the UA(1) symmetry and the meson spectrum in hot or dense matter'', P. Costa, M. C. Ruivo, C. A. de Sousa, and Yu. L. Kalinovsky, Proceedings of Hadronic Physics: Joint Meeting Heidelberg-Liège-Paris-Rostock; HLPR 2004, Eds. J. P. Lansberg et al., Aip Conf. Proc., New York {\bf 775}, 173 (2005). \item[58] ``Pion and rho meson observables in a Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model including a tensor interaction'', M. Jaminon, M. C. Ruivo and C. A. de Sousa, Workshop on Hadron Physics, Ed. B. Hiller, Coimbra (2002). \item[59] ``Kaon Properties in a Hot and Dense Medium'', M. C. Ruivo, C. A. de Sousa and C. Providência, Proceedings of International Workshop on Understanding Deconfinement in QCD, ECT, Trento, 1999, D. Blaschke, F. Karsch and C. Roberts, (Eds.) World Scientific, Singapore, 268-271 (2000). \item[60] ``Effective Kaon Mass in Symmetric Nuclear Matter'', M.\,C. Ruivo and C. A. de Sousa, Proceedings of the XIV International Conference on Particles and Nuclei, PANIC 96, Williamsburg, Eds. C.\,E. Carlson and J.\,J. Domingo, World Scientific, Singapore, 605-606 (1997). \item[61] ``Medium effects on pi-pi scattering and in the rho-pi-pi decay'', M.\,C. Ruivo, C. A. de Sousa, A.\,H. Blin and B. Hiller, Proceedings of the Conference on Many Body Physics, ed. C. Fiolhais et al, World Scientific, Singapore, 179-182 (1994). \item[62] ``Anharmonic effects on pionic modes'', M. C. Ruivo and C. A. de Sousa, Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Perspectives in Nuclear Physics at Intermediate Energies, Trieste, Eds. S. Boffi, C. Ciofi degli Atti and M.\,M. Giannini, World Scientific, Singapore, 527-529 (1984). \section*{Communications} \subsection*{Invited} \item[63] ``Restoration of axial symmetry and possible relations with restoration of axial symmetry and deconfinement at finite temperature'', M. C. Ruivo, P. Costa and C. A. de Sousa, International Workshop on Excited QCD 2013, Bjelasnica Mountain, Bosnia, February (2013). \item[64] ``Pseudoscalar mesons in asymmetric media'', M. C. Ruivo, P. Costa and C. A. de Sousa, International Workshop on Quark Matter in Astro and Particle Physics, University of Rostock, Germany, 2001. (2001). \item[65] ``Kaon Properties in a Hot and Dense Medium'', M.\,C. Ruivo, C. A. de Sousa and C. Providência, International Workshop on Understanding Deconfinement in QCD, Trento, Itália, Março (1999). \item[66] ``The Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model in the TDHF formalism'', J. da Providência. M. C. Ruivo and C. A. de Sousa, I Encontro Luso-Soviético de Física Nuclear Lisboa, Novembro (1990). \item[67] ``Time-Dependent Hartree-Fock and the Excitations of the Dirac Sea'', J. da Providência, M. C. Ruivo and C. A. de Sousa, Workshop on Meson Degrees of Freedom in Hadrons Bled/Ljubljana, Jugoslávia 1987 (1987). \subsection*{Oral} \item[68] ``Restoration of axial symmetry and its possible relations with restoration of chiral symmetry and deconfinement at finite temperature'', M. C. Ruivo, P. Costa and C. A. de Sousa, Talk given at the ‘Exited QCD 2013, 3-9 February, Bjelasnica, Sarajevo - Bosnia (2013). \item[69] ``Modeling Chiral and Deconfinement Transitions in the Context of the Polyakov--Nambu--Jona-Lasinio Model'', P. Costa, C. A. de Sousa, M. C. Ruivo, H. Hansen,, Talk given at the ‘SQM 2011 – Strangeness in Quark Matter’, 18-24 September, Krakow, Poland (2011). \item[70] ``Phase Diagram and Critical Properties in the PNJL Model'', Célia A. de Sousa, P. Costa, M. C. Ruivo and H. Hansen, Talk given at the International Conference on Quark Confinement IX, Madrid, 30/08 to 3/09 (2010). \item[71] ``How the Polyakov loop and regularization procedures affect the behavior of strange quark matter and restoration of symmetries at finite T'', M. C. Ruivo, P. Costa, C. A. de Sousa, H. Hansen and W. Alberico, Talk given at the XII International Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy, 29 November - 4 December, Tallahassee, Florida, USA (2009). \item[72] ``Exploring the role of model parameters and regularization procedures in the thermodynamics of the PNJL model'', M. C. Ruivo, P. Costa, H. Hansen and C. A. de Sousa, Talk given at the XII International Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy, 29 November - 4 December, Tallahassee, Florida, USA (2009). \item[73] ``Scalar-pseudoscalar meson spectrum in SU(3) PNJL model'', Pedro Costa. M. C. Ruivo, C. A. de Sousa, H. Hansen and W.\,M. Alberico, Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum VIII: 8th Conference on Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum’, Mainz, Germany, 1-6 September (2008). \item[74] ``Phase structure, critical points and susceptibilities in Nambu-Jona-Lasinio type models'', C. A. de Sousa, Pedro Costa, and M. C. Ruivo, Talk given at 12th International Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy (Hadron 07), Frascati, Italy, 8-13 October (2007). \item[75] ``Behavior of the topological susceptibility at finite T and $mu$ and signs of restoration of chiral symmetries'', M. C. Ruivo, Pedro Costa, C. A. de Sousa, IVth International Conference on Quarks and Nuclear Physics (QNP06), Madrid, Spain (2006). \item[76] ``Phase transitions in quark matter and behaviour of physical observables in the vicinity of the critical end point'', Pedro Costa, C. A. de Sousa, M. C. Ruivo, Yu. L. Kalinovsky, IVth International Conference on Quarks and Nuclear Physics (QNP06), Madrid, Spain (2006). \item[77] ``Effects of the restoration of UA(1) symmetry on meson observables'', M. C. Ruivo, P. Costa, C. A. de Sousa and Yu. L. Kalinovsky, International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics, Lisbon Portugal, 21.27 July (2005). \item[78] ``Phase transitions and behavior of kaons in hot and dense matter'', C. A. de Sousa, P. Costa, M. C. Ruivo, Yu. L. Kalinovsky, ‘Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum VI 2004’, Villasimios, Cagliari – Italy (2004). \item[79] ``Effective restoration of chiral and axial symmetries at finite temperature and density'', M. C. Ruivo, P. Costa, C. A. de Sousa, Yu. L. Kalinovsky, VIII International Conference on Strangeness in Quark Matter, Cape Town, South Africa (2004). \item[80] ``Is the UA(1) symmetry restored at finite temperature or density?'', P. Costa, M. C. Ruivo, C. A. de Sousa, and Yu. Kalinovsky, ‘Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum VI 2004’, Villasimios, Cagliari – Italy (2004). \item[81] ``The restoration of the UA(1) symmetry and the meson spectrum in hot or dense matter'', P. Costa, M. C. Ruivo, C. A. de Sousa, and Yu. L. Kalinovsky, Three Days of Hadronic Physics, Sol Cress, Spa - Belgium (2004). \item[82] ``J/psi dissociation at finite temperature/density'', Yu. L. Kalinovsky, P. Costa, M. C. Ruivo, C. A. de Sousa, and J. Cugnon, Three Days of Hadronic Physics´, Sol Cress, Spa - Belgium, 16 – 18 December (2004). \item[83] ``Effects of Flavor Asymmetric Media on Pion and Kaon Properties'', C. A. de Sousa and M.\,C. Ruivo, Quark Lepton Nuclear Physics International Conference, Osaka, Japão, Maio (1997). \item[84] ``Many-Body Approach to a NJL type model'', M.\,C. Ruivo and C. A. Sousa, New Problems in the the General Theory of Particles and Fields, Paris, July (1994). \item[85] ``Medium effects on pi-pi scattering and on the rho-pi-pi decay'', M.\,C. Ruivo, C. A. de Sousa, A.\,H. Blin and B. Hiller, International Conference on Many Body Physics, Coimbra, Portugal, September (1993). \item[86] ``Anharmonic Effects in Pionic Modes'', M. C. Ruivo and C. A. de Sousa, Workshop on Perspectives in Nuclear Physics at Intermediate Energies Trieste, Italy, October (1983). \item[87] ``Efeitos Anarmónicos e Fenómenos Pré-Críticos na Condensação de Piões'', M. C. Ruivo C. A. de Sousa and L. P. Brito, Conferência Nacional de Física 82, Coimbra (1982). \subsection*{Poster} \item[88] ``Propriedades de Piões a Temperatura e Densidades Finitas'', P. Costa, M.\,C. Ruivo e C. A. de Sousa,, Física 2000, Figueira da Foz – Portugal (2000). \item[89] ``Kaons at finite baryonic density and temperature'', M. C. Ruivo and C. A. de Sousa, Baryons 95, Santa Fe, USA (1995). \item[90] ``The Energy Weighted Sum Rule in NJL type models'', M. C. Ruivo and C. A. de Sousa, International Congress of Mathematical Physics, Paris (1994). \item[91] ``Mesonic Modes in the Continuum of the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio Model: Masses and Decays'', M. C. Ruivo and C. A. de Sousa, PANIC XII - International Conference on Particles and Nuclei, Massachusets Institute of Technology, Cambridge MA, USA. (1990). \section*{Thesis} \subsection*{PhD thesis} \item[92] ``O Vácuo e as Excitações Mesónicas em Modelos do Tipo de Nambu-Jona-Lasinio'', Célia Almeida de Sousa, Phd thesis, Universidade de Coimbra (1990). \end{itemize} \end{document}