\documentclass{article} \usepackage[latin1]{inputenc} \usepackage{fullpage} \begin{document} \begin{itemize} \section*{Papers} \subsection*{International Journals} \item[1] ``Effect of the inclination in the passage through the 5/3 mean motion resonance between Ariel and Umbriel'', SRA Gomes, ACM Correia, Astron. Astrophys. {\bf 674}, A111 (2023). \item[2] ``Comparison of automatic methods to detect sunspots in the Coimbra Observatory spectroheliograms'', S Carvalho, S Gomes, T Barata, A Lourenco, N Peixinho, Astron. Comput. {\bf 32}, 100385 (2020). \section*{Communications} \subsection*{Oral} \item[3] ``The passage through the 5:3 resonance between Ariel and Umbriel with inclination'', S.\,R.\,A. Gomes, A.\,C.\,M. Correia, Complex Planetary Systems II – Kavli-IAU Symposium 382, 3-7 July, University of Namur, (2023). \section*{Thesis} \subsection*{PhD thesis} \item[4] ``Dynamics of the Uranian system'', Sérgio Rafael Alves Gomes, PhD in Physics (2024). \end{itemize} \end{document}