\documentclass{article} \usepackage[latin1]{inputenc} \usepackage{fullpage} \begin{document} \begin{itemize} \section*{Books} \item[1] ``Os instrumentos do Instituto do Rádio da Universidade de Coimbra'', Gilberto Pereira, Catálogo digital da exposição (2024). \subsection*{Chapters of Books} \item[2] ``Neutron star equation of state: identifying hadronic matter characteristics'', Constança Providência, Tuhin Malik, Milena Bastos Albino, Márcio Ferreira, Talyor \& Francis {\bf accepted} (2024). \section*{Papers} \subsection*{International Journals} \item[3] ``Temperature evolution in the Early Universe and freeze-in at stronger coupling'', C. Cosme, F. Costa, O. Lebedev, J. Cosmol. Astropart. Phys. {\bf 6} (2024). \item[4] ``Tidal evolution of Earth-like planets in the habitable zone of low-mass stars'', EFS Valente, , ACM Correia, P. Auclair-Desrotour, M. Farhat, J. Laskar, Astron. Astrophys. {\bf 687}, A47 (2024). \item[5] ``A roadmap for the atmospheric characterization of terrestrial exoplanets with JWST'', J. de Wit, R. Doyon, B. Rackham, O. Lim, ACM Correia, et al., Nat. Astron. {\bf 8(7)}, 810-818 (2024). \item[6] ``Formulation and Characterization of Chitosan-Based Mixed-Matrix Scaffold for Tissue Engineering'', R. Lopes, P.\,M. Gordo, BFO Costa, P. Alves, Macromol {\bf 4 (2)} (2024). \item[7] ``TrajPy: empowering feature engineering for trajectory analysis across domains'', M Moreira-Soares, E Mossmann, RDM Travasso, JR Bordin, Bioinform. Adv. {\bf 4(1)}, vbae026 (2024). \item[8] ``Modified Biochar Materials From Eucalyptus globulus Wood as Efficient CO2 Adsorbents and Recyclable Catalysts'', S Zomorodbakhsh, ACS Gonzalez, IG Cruz, G Piccirillo, TMR Maria, IS Marques, AF Peixoto, JM Gil, F Ferreira, RMB Carrilho, Adv. Sustain. Syst., 2400431 (2024). \item[9] ``Tangential velocity constraint for orbital maneuvers with Theory of Functional Connections'', AK de Almeida, T Vaillant, VM de Oliveira, D Barbosa, D Maia, S Aljbaae, B Coelho, M Bergano, J Pandeirada, AFBA Prado, A Guerman, ACM Correia, Sci. Rep. {\bf 14(1)}, 7479 (2024). \item[10] ``Constraining a relativistic mean field model using neutron star mass-radius measurements I: nucleonic models'', C Huang, G Raaijmakers, AL Watts, L Tolos, C Providencia, Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. {\bf 529(4)}, 4650-4665 (2024). \item[11] ``Characterisation of the TOI-421 planetary system using CHEOPS, TESS, and archival radial velocity data'', AF Kren, ACM Correia, et al., Astron. Astrophys. {\bf 686}, A301 (2024). \item[12] ``Isoscaling in dilute warm nuclear systems'', A Rebillard-Soulie, R Bougault, H Pais, B Borderie, A Chbihi, C Ciampi, Q Fable, J Frankland, E Galichet, T Genard, D Gruyer, N Le Neindre, I Lombardo, O Lopez, L Manduci, M Parlog, G Verde, J. Phys. G {\bf 51 (1)}, 015104 (2024). \item[13] ``Correlation between the crystal structure and magnetic properties of Bi1-yCayFe1-xMnxO3 multiferroics near the polar-anti(non)polar phase boundary'', V. A. Khomchenko, M. Das, J. A. Paixão, Appl. Sci. {\bf 14(21)}, 9991 (2024). \item[14] ``Hybrid star properties with the NJL and mean field approximation of QCD models: A Bayesian approach'', Milena Albino, Tuhin Malik, Márcio Ferreira, Constança Providência, Phys.Rev.D {\bf 110}, 083037 (2024). \item[15] ``Unified neutron star equations of state calibrated to nuclear properties'', Tuhin Malik, Helena Pais, Constança Providência, Astron.Astrophys. (A\&A) {\bf 689}, A242 (2024). \item[16] ``Analysis of Neutron Star f-mode Oscillations in General Relativity with Spectral Representation of Nuclear Equations of State'', Debanjan Guha Roy, Tuhin Malik, Swastik Bhattacharya, Sarmistha Banik, Astrophys.J. (APJ) {\bf 968}, 124 (2024). \item[17] ``Calibrating global behaviour of equation of state by combining nuclear and astrophysics inputs in a machine learning approach'', Sk Md Adil Imam, Prafulla Saxena, Tuhin Malik, N.\,K. Patra, B.\,K. Agrawal, Phy. Rev. D (PRD) {\bf (accepted)} (2024). \item[18] ``Constraining the high-density behavior of nuclear symmetry energy with direct Urca processes'', Olfa Boukari, Tuhin Malik, Aziz Rabhi, Constança Providência, Phy. Rev. C (PRC) {\bf 110(6)}, 065801 (2024). \item[19] ``Bayesian evaluation of hadron-quark phase transition models through neutron star observables in light of nuclear and astrophysics data'', Debanjan Guha Roy, Anagh Venneti, Tuhin Malik, Swastik Bhattacharya, Sarmistha Banik, Phy. Lett. B (PLB) {\bf Volume 859}, 139128 (2024). \item[20] ``Determining the spin of light primordial black holes with Hawking radiation. Part II. High spin regime'', M. Calzà, JG Rosa, J. High Energy Phys. {\bf 8}, 012 (2024). \item[21] ``Axionic defects in the CMB: birefringence and gravitational waves'', R.\,Z. Ferreira, S Gasparotto, T. Hiramatsu, I. Obata, O. Pujolàs, , J. Cosmol. Astropart. Phys. {\bf 5}, 66 (2024). \item[22] ``Dynamical evolution of the Uranian satellite system I. From the 5/3 Ariel-Umbriel mean motion resonance to the present'', SRA Gomes, ACM Correia, {\bf 424}, 116282 (2024). \item[23] ``Assessing the joint effect of temperature and magnetic field on the neutron star equation of state'', L. Scurto, V.\,M. Carvalho, H. Pais, C. Providência, Phys. Rev. C {\bf 110(4)}, 045805 (2024). \item[24] ``CLOWN: The PASO Cloud Detection for Optimization of Automatic Optical Surveys'', L. Gonçalves, B. Coelho, D. Barbosa, M. Bergano, V. Bonifácio, D. Maia, Astron. J. {\bf 168(5)}, 218 (2024). \item[25] ``Training machine learning interatomic potentials for accurate phonon properties'', A. Loew, H.\,C. Wang, TFT Cerqueira, MAL Marques, Mach. Learn.: Sci. Technol. {\bf 5(4)}, 045019 (2024). \item[26] ``Lightening up primordial black holes in the galaxy with the QCD axion: Signals at the LOFAR telescope'', RZ Ferreira, AG Muyor, Phys. Rev. D {\bf 110(8)}, 083013 (2024). \item[27] ``Schwinger dark matter production'', M. Bastero-Gil, PB Ferraz, L. Ubaldi, R. Vega-Morales, J. Cosmol. Astropart. Phys. {\bf 10}, 078 (2024). \item[28] ``General relativistic magnetohydrodynamic simulations with BAM: Implementation and code comparison'', A. Neuweiler, T. Dietrich, B. Brügmann, E. Giangrandi, K. Kiuchi, F. Schianchi, P. Mösta, S. Shankar, B. Giacomazzo, M. Shibata, Phys. Rev. D {\bf 110 (8)}, 084046 (2024). \item[29] ``The K2-24 planetary system revisited by CHEOPS'', V. Nascimbeni, L. Borsato, P. Leonardi, SG Sousa, TG Wilson, A. Fortier, A. Heitzmann, G. Mantovan, R. Luque, T. Zingales, G. Piotto, Y. Alibert, R. Alonso, T. Barczy, ACM Correia, et al., Astron. Astrophys. {\bf 690}, A349 (2024). \item[30] ``Assessing Exchange-Correlation Functionals for Accurate Densities of Solids'', A. Aouina, P. Borlido, MAL Marques, S. Botti, J. Chem. Theory Comput. {\bf 20(24)}, 10852-10860 (2024). \item[31] ``Mapping the exo-Neptunian landscape: A ridge between the desert and savanna'', A. Castro-González, V. Bonnier, J. Lillo-Box, JB Delisle, DJ Armstrong, D. Barrado, ACM Correia, , Astron. Astrophys. {\bf 689}, A250 (2024). \item[32] ``Constraining neutron star matter from the slope of the mass-radius curves'', M. Ferreira, C. Providência, Phys. Rev. D {\bf 110(6)}, 063018 (2024). \item[33] ``Detecting hyperons in neutron stars: A machine learning approach'', V.\,M. Carvalho, M. Ferreira, C. Providência, Phys. Rev. D {\bf 110 (12)}, 123016 (2024). \item[34] ``Super heavy dark matter from inflationary Schwinger production'', M. Bastero-Gil, P.\,B. Ferraz, L. Ubaldi, R. Vega-Morales, Phys. Rev. D {\bf 110 (9)}, 095019 (2024). \item[35] ``The CHEOPS view of the climate of WASP-3 b'', G. Scandariato, L. Carone, PE Cubillos, PFL Maxted, T. Zingales, MN Günther, A. Heitzmann, M. Lendl, TG Wilson, ACM Correia, et al., Astron. Astrophys. {\bf 692}, A129 (2024). \item[36] ``Dielectric Response of Yttria-Zirconia Ordered Solids Within Density-Functional Theory in the Random-Phase Approximation'', Marinopoulos, A.\,G., Condens. Matter {\bf 9(4)}, 54 (2024). \item[37] ``Constraining a relativistic mean field model using neutron star mass-radius measurements II: Hyperonic models'', Huang C., L. Tolos, C. Providência, A. Watts, Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. {\bf 536(4)}, 3262-3275 (2024). \item[38] ``In-situ observations of resident space objects with the CHEOPS space telescope'', N. Billot, S. Hellmich, W. Benz, A. Fortier, D. Ehrenreich, C. Broeg, A. Heitzmann, A. Bekkelien, A. Brandeker, Y. Alibert, R. Alonso, T. Bárczy, DB Navascues, SCC Barros, W Baumjohann, F. Biondi, L. Borsato, ACM Correia, et al., J. Space Saf. Eng. {\bf 11(3)}, 498-506 (2024). \item[39] ``Occurrence of Gravitational Collapse in the Accreting Neutron Stars of Binary-driven Hypernovae'', LM Becerra, F. Cipolletta, CL. Fryer, DP Menezes, C. Providência, JA Rueda, R. Ruffini, Astrophys. J. {\bf 976(1)}, 80 (2024). \item[40] ``RheoVolution: An N-body simulator for tidally evolving bodies with complex rheological models'', VM Oliveira, C. Ragazzo, ACM Correia, Astron. Astrophys. {\bf 693}, A5 (2024). \item[41] ``TOI-757 b: an eccentric transiting mini-Neptune on a 17.5-d orbit'', A. Alqasim, N. Grieves, ACM Correia, et al., Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. {\bf 533(1)}, 1-26 (2024). \item[42] ``Evaporating Primordial Black Holes, the String Axiverse, and Hot Dark Radiation'', M. Calzà, J. March-Russell, JG Rosa, Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 133(26)}, 261003 (2024). \item[43] ``Optical and electric properties of the organic-inorganic hybrid bis (2-amino-5-picolinium) Tetrachlorocobaltate(II) [(C6H9N2)2CoCl4]'', A. Ghoudi, I. Chaabane, Raja Naouari, A. Aydi, A. Oueslati, E. Dhahri, B.\,F.\,O. Costa, T. Nikitin, J.\,A. Paixão, R. Fausto, Inorg. Chem. Commun. {\bf 168}, 112925 (2024). \item[44] ``Exploring the structural and optical properties of lithium-chromium phosphate Li3Cr2(PO3)4'', H Souissi, S Kammoun, E Dhahri, E López-Lago, BFO Costa, Helyon {\bf 10(16)}, e36188 (2024). \item[45] ``Sampling the Materials Space for Conventional Superconducting Compounds'', Tiago F.\,T. Cerqueira, Antonio Sanna, Miguel A.\,L. Marques, Adv. Mater. {\bf 36(1)}, 2307085 (2024). \item[46] ``Theoretical and experimental constraints for the equation of state of dense and hot matter'', Kumar L, Providencia C, et al., Living Rev. Relativ. {\bf 27(1)}, 3 (2024). \item[47] ``Tension On and Off in Atwood´s Machine: The Advantage of Video Analysis'', N. Campos, S. Domingos, PSP. Silva, M. Silva, Phys. Teach. {\bf 62 (1)}, 32-36 (2024). \item[48] ``High-refractive-index materials screening from machine learning and ab initio methods'', Pedro J.\,M.\,A. Carriço, Márcio Ferreira, Tiago F.\,T. Cerqueira, Fernando Nogueira, Pedro Borlido, Phys. Rev. Mater. {\bf 8}, 015201 (2024). \item[49] ``Tuning the AIE Properties of Di-tert-Butyl-diphenyldibenzofulvene Derivatives'', Carla Cunha, Mariana Peixoto, José A. Paixão, Marta Pineiro, J. Sérgio Seixas de Melo, J. Phys. Chem. C {\bf 128(3)}, 1156-1164 (2024). \item[50] ``Topology in soft and biological matter'', L Tubina, R. Travasso et al., Phys. Rep. {\bf 1075}, 1-137 (2024). \item[51] ``HIP 41378 observed by CHEOPS: Where is planet d?'', S Sullis, ACM Correia, et al, Astron. Astrophys. {\bf 686}, L18 (2024). \item[52] ``On the mechanochemical synthesis of C-scorpionates with an oxime moiety and their application in the copper-catalyzed azide-alkyne cycloaddition (CuAAC) reaction'', C Gomes, M Costa, SMM Lopes, BA Nogueira, R Fausto, JA Paixao, TMVDE Melo, LMDRS Martins, M Pineiro, New J. Chem. {\bf 48}, 874-886 (2024). \item[53] ``Towards Uncovering Dark Matter Effects on Neutron Star Properties: A Machine Learning Approach'', Prashant Thakur, Tuhin Malik, T.\,K. Jha, Particles {\bf 7}, 80-95 (2024). \item[54] ``A new approach to the 3-momentum regularization of the in-medium one and two fermion line integrals with applications to cross sections in the Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model'', Renan Câmara Pereira, Pedro Costa, Constança Providência, João Moreira, Phys. Rev. C {\bf 109}, 025206-57 (2024). \item[55] ``Building models of quarks and gluons with an arbitrary number of colors using Cartan-Polyakov loops'', Renan Câmara Pereira and Pedro Costa,, Nucl. Phys. B {\bf 998}, 116415-24 (2024). \item[56] ``Synthesis of Highly Luminescent Silica-Coated Upconversion Nanoparticles from Lanthanide Oxides or Nitrates Using Co-Precipitation and Sol-Gel Methods'', A Iglesias-Mejuto, A Lamy-Mendes, J Pina, BFO Costa, C Garcia-Gonzalez, L Duraes, V Paun, Gels {\bf 10 (1)}, 13 (2024). \item[57] ``Sunspots Identification Through Mathematical Morphology'', S Bourgeois, T Barata, R Erdélyi, R Gafeira, O Oliveira, Sol. Phys. {\bf 299(2)}, 10 (2024). \item[58] ``Theory of Functional Connections and Nelder-Mead optimization methods in satellite characterization'', A. de Almeida Junior, S Aljbaae, T. Vaillant, J. Piñeros, B. Coelho, D. Barbosa, M. Bergano, J. Pandeirada, F. Carvalho, L. Santos, A. Prado, A. Guerman, A.\,C.\,M. Correia, Acta Astronaut. {\bf 215}, 548-559 (2024). \item[59] ``Rapid neutron star cooling triggered by dark matter'', A. Ávila, E. Giangrandi, V. Sagun, O. Ivanytskyi, C. Providência, Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. (2024). \item[60] ``The Automatic Identification and Tracking of Coronal Flux Ropes -- Part II: New Mathematical Morphology-based Flux Rope Extraction Method and Deflection Analysis'', A. Wagner, S. Bourgeois, E. Kilpua, R. Sarkar, D. Price, A. Kumari, J. Pomoell, S. Poedts, T. Barata, R. Erdélyi, O. Oliveira, R. Gafeira, Astron. Astrophys. (2024). \item[61] ``Stress Evaluation Through the Layers of a Fibre-Metal Hybrid Composite by IHD: An Experimental Study'', J.\,P. Nobre, T.\,C. Smit, R. Reid, Q. Qhola, T. Wu, T. Niendorf, Experimental Mechanics (accepted for publication) (2024). \item[62] ``Biochar ageing effects on soil respiration, biochar wettability and gaseous CO2 adsorption'', G. Ojeda, J.\,M. Gil, S Mattana, J. Bachmann, K. Quenea, AJFN Sobral, Mitig. Adapt. Strateg. Glob. Change. {\bf 29 (2)}, 11 (2024). \item[63] ``Unveiling the red and brownish-green polymorphs of a novel ROY derivative: 2-(4-((3-cyanothiophen-2-yl)amino)-3-nitrophenyl)acetic acid'', Bernardo Nogueira, Susana Lopes, Ana Clara Beltran Rodrigues, M. Ermelinda Eusébio, Vânia André, M. Teresa Duarte, José Paixão, Teresa Pinho e Melo, Rui Fausto, Cryst. Growth Des. {\bf 24(3)}, 947-962 (2024). \item[64] ``Particle Size Effect on Optical and Gas-Sensing Properties of La0.67Ca0.2Ba0.13Fe0.97M0.03O3 (M = Ti4+, Mn3+, and Cr3+) Compounds'', A. Dhahri, H. Saoudi, S. Gavinho, A. Benali, N. Abdelmoula, R. Dhahri, L. Peng, J. Wu, J. Pina, B.\,F.\,O. Costa, Crystals {\bf 14 (2)}, 173 (2024). \item[65] ``Structural, morphological, optical, magnetic and impedance spectroscopic properties of Ni0.5Fe2.5O4 nanoparticles synthesized by the self-combustion method'', I. El Heda, J. Massoudi, R. Dhahri, F. Bahri, E. Dhahri, K. Khirouni, B.\,F.\,O. Costa, O.\,M. Lemine, Physica E. {\bf 158}, 115904 (2024). \item[66] ``Evolution of the ionisation energy with the stepwise growth of chiral clusters of [4]helicene'', Sérgio R. Domingos, Denis S. Tikhonov, Amanda L. Steber, Patrick Eschenbach, Sebastien Gruet, Helgi R. Hrodmarsson, Kévin Martin, Gustavo A. Garcia, Laurent Nahon, Johannes Neugebauer, Narcis Avarvari, Melanie Schnell, Nature Communications {\bf 11}, Article number: 4928 (2024). \item[67] ``E-cadherin variants associated with oral facial clefts trigger aberrant cell motility in a REG1A-dependent manner'', J. Pereira, S. Melo, R.\,M. Ferreira, P. Carneiro, V.\,T. Yang, A.\,F. Maia, J. Carvalho, C. Figueiredo, J.\,C. Machado, E. Morais-de-Sá, R. Seruca, J. Figueiredo, Cell Commun. Signal. {\bf 22 (1)}, 152 (2024). \item[68] ``TOI-4860 b, a short-period giant planet transiting an M3.5 dwarf'', J.M Almenara, X. Bonfils, E.\,M. Bryant, A. Jordán, G. Hébrard, E. Martioli, A.\,C.\,M. Correia, N. Astudillo-Defru, C. Cadieux, L. Arnold, E. Artigau, G.\,A. Bakos, et al., Astron. Astrophys. {\bf 683 (March)}, A166 (2024). \item[69] ``Bound states of relativistic spinless particles in a mix of circularly symmetric vector and scalar harmonic oscillators'', V B Mendrot, A S de Castro, P Alberto, Physica Scripta {\bf 99}, 055209 (2024). \item[70] ``The Impact of Asymmetric Dark Matter on the Thermal Evolution of Nucleonic and Hyperonic Compact Stars'', E. Giangrandi, A. Avila, V. Sagun, O. Ivanytskyi, C. Providencia, Particles {\bf 7 (1)}, 179-200 (2024). \item[71] ``Chitosan-silica composite aerogel for the adsorption of cupric ions'', João P. Vareda, Pedro M. C. Matias, José A. Paixão, Dina Murtinho, Artur J. M. Valente, Luisa Durães, Gels {\bf 10(3)}, 192(1)-16 (2024). \item[72] ``Exploring robust correlations between fermionic dark matter model parameters and neutron star properties: A two-fluid perspective'', P. Thakur, T. Malik, A. Das, T.\,K. Jha, C. Providência, Phys. Rev. D {\bf 109 (4)}, 043030 (2024). \item[73] ``Bound states of relativistic spinless particles in a mix of circularly symmetric vector and scalar harmonic oscillators'', V.\,B. Mendrot, A.\,S. de Castro, P. Alberto, Physica Scripta {\bf 99 (5)}, 055209 (2024). \item[74] ``Prediction of ambient pressure conventional superconductivity above 80 K in hydride compounds'', Antonio Sanna, Tiago F.\,T. Cerqueira, Yue-Wen Fang, Ion Errea, Alfred Ludwig, Miguel A.\,L. Marques, npj Comput. Mater. {\bf 10}, 44 (2024). \item[75] ``Synthesis, characterization, and sensitivity tests of La0.8Ba0.1Bi0.1FeO3 nanoparticles towards a few parts-per-billion of acetone gas'', E.\,M. Benali, L. Saher, A. Benali, M. Bejar, E. Dhahri, J.\,T. Wu, L. Peng, P.\,M. Gordo, J. Pina, BFO Costa, Heliyon {\bf 10 (5)}, e26778 (2024). \item[76] ``Comprehensive characterization and optoelectronic significance of Ho3+ and Cr3+ Co-doped ZnAl2O4 spinels'', I. Elhamdi, H. Souissi, S. Kammoun, E. Dhahri, J. Pina, BFO Costa, E. López-Lago, Dalton Trans. {\bf 53 (18)}, 7721-7733 (2024). \item[77] ``ATLAS: Latest Advancements and First Observations'', J. Pandeirada, M. Bergano, P. Marques, B. Coelho, D. Barbosa, M. Figueiredo, Remote Sens. {\bf 16 (4)}, 704 (2024). \item[78] ``The automatic identification and tracking of coronal flux ropes II. New mathematical morphology-based flux rope extraction method and deflection analysis'', A. Wagner, S. Bourgeois, EKJ Kilpua, R. Sarkar, D.\,J. Price, A. Kumari, J. Pomoell, S. Poedts, T. Barata, R. Erdélyi, O. Oliveira, R. Gafeira, Astron. Astrophys. {\bf 683}, A39 (2024). \item[79] ``Signs of magnetic star-planet interactions in HD 118203 TESS detects stellar variability that matches the orbital period of a close-in eccentric Jupiter-sized companion'', A. Castro-González, J. Lillo-Box, ACM Correia, NC Santos, D. Barrado, M. Morales-Calderón, EL Shkolnik, Astron. Astrophys. {\bf 684}, A160 (2024). \item[80] ``The Power of Relativistic Jets: A Comparative Study'', L. Foschini, B. Dalla Barba, M. Tornikoski, H. Andernach, P. Marziani, AP Marscher, SG Jorstad, E Järvelä, S. Antón, E. Dalla Bontà, Universe {\bf 10 (4)}, 156 (2024). \item[81] ``Summerfield scaling model and conduction processes for the determination of the transport properties of the Ba0.25Sr0.25Fe0.25O4 ceramic'', B. Abdelaoui, J. Massoudi, A. Benali, A. Oueslati, M. Bejar, E. Dhahri, MP Graca, MA Valente, M. Jemmali, , Physica B {\bf 681}, 415854 (2024). \item[82] ``Deconfinement, center symmetry and the ghost propagator in Landau gauge pure SU(3) Yang-Mills theory'', V. Paiva, P.\,J. Silva, O. Oliveira, J. High Energy Phys. {\bf 5}, 164 (2024). \item[83] ``Four Gluon Vertex from Lattice QCD'', M. Colaço, O. Oliveira, Paulo J. Silva, Phys. Rev. D {\bf 109 (7)}, 074502 (2024). \item[84] ``Prediction study of structural, thermal, and optical characterization of Co0.6Zn0.4Fe2O4 cubic spinel synthesized via sol-gel method for energy storage'', A. Messaoudi, A. Omri, A. Benali, MA Ghebouli, A. Djemli, M. Fatmi, A. Habila, A. Alothman, N. Hamdaoui, R. Ajjel, BFO Costa, MFP Graca, K. Khirouni, J. Korean Phys. Soc. {\bf 84 (12)}, 958-968 (2024). \item[85] ``Dielectric and structural properties of Co0.6Zn0.4Fe2O4 nanoferrites: sol-gel synthesis'', A. Messaoudi, A. Omri, A. Benali, MA Ghebouli, A. Djemli, M. Fatmi, N. Hamdaoui, R. Ajjel, M. Habila, A. Alothman, J. Sol-Gel Sci. Technol. {\bf Early Access} (2024). \item[86] ``Structural, Dielectric, Electrical, and Magnetic Characteristics of Bi0.8Ba0.1Er0.1Fe0.96Cr0.02Mn0.02O3 Nanoparticles'', A. Bougoffa, E.\,M. Benali, A. Benali, A. Tozri, E. Dhahri, M. Graça, M. Valente, BFO Costa, Crystals {\bf 14 (5)}, 445 (2024). \item[87] ``SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein-Derived Cyclic Peptides as Modulators of Spike Interaction with GRP78'', N. Johnson, C. Pattinson, K. Burgoyne, K. Hijazi, W. Houssen, B.\,F. Milne, ChemBioChem {\bf 25 (12)} (2024). \item[88] ``Implications of comprehensive nuclear and astrophysics data on the equations of state of neutron star matter'', SMA Imam, T. Malik, C. Providencia, B. Agrawal, Phys. Rev. D {\bf 109 (10)}, 103025 (2024). \item[89] ``Avoiding pits on the energy landscape - alternative strategies for stabilizing nateglinide co-amorphous systems'', J. Silva, M. Jasiurkowska-Delaporte, PSP Silva, M.\,R. Silva, M. Eusébio, M. Rosado, CrystEngComm {\bf Early Access} (2024). \item[90] ``General predictions of neutron star properties using unified relativistic mean-field equations of state'', L. Scurto, H. Pais, F. Gulminelli, Phys. Rev. D {\bf 109 (10)}, 103015 (2024). \item[91] ``Collapsing domain wall networks: impact on pulsar timing arrays and primordial black holes'', R. Ferreira, A. Notari, O. Pujolàs, F. Rompineve, J. Cosmol. Astropart. Phys. {\bf 6}, 020 (2024). \item[92] ``Temperature evolution in the Early Universe and freeze-in at stronger coupling'', C. Cosme, F. Costa, O. Lebedev, J. Cosmol. Astropart. Phys. {\bf 6} (2024). \item[93] ``Freeze-in at stronger coupling'', C. Cosme, F. Costa, O. Lebedev, Phys. Rev. D {\bf 109 (7)}, 075038 (2024). \item[94] ``A baryons in neutron stars'', K.\,D. Marquez, D.\,P. Menezes, H. Pais, C. Providência, Phys. Rev. C {\bf 106 (5)}, 055801 (2024). \item[95] ``Reentrant Spin Glass and Magnetic Skyrmions in the Co7Zn7Mn6−xFex β-Mn-Type Alloys'', José F. Malta, Marta S. C. Henriques, José A. Paixão, António P. Gonçalves, Magnetochemistry {\bf 10(61)}, 1-19 (2024). \item[96] ``Developments and applications of the OPTIMADE API for materials discovery, design, and data exchange'', M.\,L. Evans, J. Bergsma, A. Merkys, C.\,W. Andersen, O.\,B. Andersson, D. Beltran, E. Blokhin, T.\,M. Boland, R.\,C. Balderas, K. 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B {\bf 858}, 139054 (2024). \item[118] ``Optical characterization and defect-induced behavior in ZnAl 1.999 Ho 0.001 O 4 spinel: Unraveling novel insights into structure, morphology, and spectroscopic features'', I Souissi Elhamdi, O Taktak, S Kammoun, E Dhahri, J Pina, BFO Costa, E López-Lago, Helyon {\bf 10(8)}, e29241 (2024). \item[119] ``Photo-dynamical characterisation of the TOI-178 resonant chain Exploring the robustness of transit-timing variations and radial velocity mass characterisations'', Leleu A., ACM et al Correia, Astron. Astrophys. {\bf 688}, A211 (2024). \item[120] ``Unveiling the internal structure and formation history of the three planets transiting HIP 29442 (TOI-469) with CHEOPS'', JA Egger, Correia ACM, et al., Astron. Astrophys {\bf 688}, A223 (2024). \item[121] ``Unveiling the impact of Fe-doping concentration on the local structure and morphological evolution of Cr2O3 nanoparticles'', JM Attah-Baah, C Santos, RS Silva, JL Oliveira, R Jucá, BFO Costa, RS Matos, MT Escote, RS Silva, MVS Rezende, NS Ferreira, Ceram. Int. {\bf 50(19)}, 35714-35724 (2024). \item[122] ``Radial oscillations of hybrid stars and neutron stars including delta baryons: the effect of a slow quark phase transition'', IA Rather, KD Marquez, BC Backes, G Panotopoulos, I Lopes, J. Cosmol. Astropart. Phys. {\bf 5}, 130 (2024). \subsection*{Portuguese Journals} \item[123] ``50 anos da Sociedade Portuguesa de Física'', J.\,A. Paixão, Gazeta de Física {\bf 47(2)}, 4 (2024). \item[124] ``Os pêndulos comunicadores!'', Constança Providência, Rita Wolters, Gazeta de Física - Vamos Experimentar! {\bf 46 -3}, 21-22 (2024). \item[125] ``Quarenta anos de Olimpíadas de Física'', F. Nogueira, Gazeta de Física {\bf 47(2)}, 34 (2024). \item[126] ``Manuel Valadares e Jean Perrin'', J.\,A. Paixão, Gazeta de Física {\bf 47(1)}, 5-6 (2024). \section*{Proceedings} \subsection*{International Conferences} \item[127] ``A fold catastrophe potential illustrated with a pure mechanical apparatus'', Fiolhais, M., J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. {\bf 2701}, 012069 (2024). \item[128] ``Higgs Boson decay into gluons: IR cancellation in the decay rate at NLO using implicit regularisation'', AI Pereira, B Hiller, A Cherchiglia, M Sampaio, Acta Physica Polonica B Proceeding Supplement {\bf 16(8)}, 8A13 (2024). \section*{Communications} \subsection*{Invited} \item[129] ``The Complexity of Neutron Star Matter: from the Liquid-Gas Phase Transition to Chiral Symmetry Breaking and Restoration Lecture 1 | Lecture 2 | Tutorial'', Providência, C., at the The 60th Karpacz Winter School on Theoretical Physics and WE-Heraeus Physics School, Institute of Theoretical Physics, University of Wroclaw / Hotel “Artus”, Karpacz, Poland, 16 - 25 May, 2024. (2024). \item[130] ``Spanning the neutron star properties within microscopic descriptions: what do we learn?'', Providência, C., Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brazil, 6 December, 2024 (2024). \item[131] ``Spanning the neutron star properties within microscopic descriptions: what do we learn?'', Providência, C., at The International Conference on Neutron Star Equation of State and Gravitational Waves (NEOSGrav2024), Goa, India, 1 - 4 October, 2024. (2024). \subsection*{Oral} \item[132] ``O Instituto do Rádio da Universidade de Coimbra: um projecto não concretizado'', Gilberto Pereira, Semana da Ciência e da Tecnologia 2024. Rómulo de Carvalho, Centro de Ciência da UC (2024). \item[133] ``Quantum tunnelling in an locked molecular rotor'', Nuno Campos, Rita Roque, Sérgio Domingos, Elisa M. Brás, Física 2024 - 24 Conferência Nacional de Física (2024). \item[134] ``Atividades experimentais com supercondensadores'', José António Paixão, Fernando Nogueira, 5ª Conferência de Física de Países de Língua Portuguesa (2024). \item[135] ``Neutron and resonant X-ray scattering study of the modulated magnetic structures of ErFe4Al8 and NdFe4Al8'', José António Paixão, Manuela Ramos Silva, António Pereira Gonçalves, Carsten Detlefs, CMD31-General Conference of the Condensed Matter Division of the European Physical Society (2024). \item[136] ``A Colecção de Instrumentos de Acústica de Rudolph Koenig'', Gilberto Pereira, (2024). \item[137] ``A Aprendizagem baseada em Projetos como estratégia didática no ensino e aprendizagem do Coletor Solar na disciplina de Física e Química A.'', Esperança, T., XX Encontro Nacional de Educação em Ciências - VI International Seminar on Science Education - Universidade da Beira Interior (Covilhã, Portugal) (2024). \item[138] ``Rear Passivation for Improved Performance in ACIGS Ultrathin Solar Cells with Mo and ITO Rear Contacts'', A. F. Violas, A. J. N. Oliveira, H. Alberto, P. A. Fernades, J. P. Teixeira, P. M. P. Salomé, CMD31-General Conference of the Condensed Matter Division of the European Physical Society (2024). \item[139] ``Advanced Characterization to Access End-of-Life Li-ion Batteries Black Mass'', C. O. Fernandes, X. Pinheiro, A. J. N. Oliveira, K. Oliveira, J. P. Teixeira, M. J. Regufe, V. Sousa, R. C. Vilão, A. Pinto, P. M. P. Salomé, CMD31-General Conference of the Condensed Matter Division of the European Physical Society (2024). \item[140] ``Electric field induced reversal of spin alignment in graphone/hexagonal boron nitride on Ni(111)'', Silva, Jaime, Spring Meeting of the Condensed Matter Section and Annual Conference of the DPG (2024). \item[141] ``Muonium Reaction in MgO: a case study for the doorway model'', Rui C. Vilão, Ali Roonkiani, Apostolos G. Marinopoulos, Helena V. Alberto, João M. Gil, Ricardo B L Vieira, Robert Scheuermann, Alois Weidinger, Física 2024 - 24 Conferência Nacional de Física (2024). \item[142] ``How a simple oxime-based molecular switch breaks theory'', Rita J. C. Roque, Nuno M. Campos, Elisa M. Brás, Sérgio R. Domingos, Física 2024 - 24 Conferência Nacional de Física (2024). \item[143] ``Symmetry Breaking of Nuclear Quadrupole Couplings during Tetrel Bond Formation in Supramolecular Synthons'', Nuno M. Campos, Rita J. C. Roque, Elisa M. Brás, Tiddo J. Mooibroek, Melanie Schnell, Sérgio R. Domingos, Física 2024 - 24 Conferência Nacional de Física (2024). \item[144] ``Recursos computacionais para o ensino de Física da Matéria Condensada'', José António Paixão, Fernando Nogueira, 5ª Conferência de Física de Países de Língua Portuguesa (2024). \item[145] ``As pioneiras: Mulheres no Laboratório de Física da Universidade de Coimbra (1911-1972)'', Gilberto Pereira, Décio Martins e Carlos Fiolhais, 5ª Conferência de Física dos Países de Língua Portuguesa - A Física para um desenvolvimento inclusivo e sustentável. Universidade de Coimbra. 9 Setembro 2024 (2024). \item[146] ``Unlocking the potential of nanomaterials for gas sensing applications through a computer-guided discovery'', Silva, Jaime, CMD31-General Conference of the Condensed Matter Division of the European Physical Society (2024). \subsection*{Poster} \item[147] ``Investigating temperature dependent changes in octupolar molecules: conformation, aromaticity and hyperpolarizability'', Pedro S. Pereira Silva, Mauro A. Pereira Gonçalves, Nuno M. F. Campos, José A. Paixão, Manuela Ramos Silva, Física 2024 - 24 Conferência Nacional de Física (2024). \item[148] ``X-ray compositional microanalysis and X-ray diffraction of halter 70 amphorae sherds'', Daniel Pinheiro, Mauro Guerra, António J.\,M. Silva, Benilde F.\,O. Costa, Física 2024 - 24 Conferência Nacional de Física (2024). \item[149] ``High-throughput search of B-C-X superconductors'', Pedro Borlido, Tiago F.\,T. Cerqueira, Fernando Nogueira, CMD31-General Conference of the Condensed Matter Division of the European Physical Society (2024). \item[150] ``Numeric local pseudopotentials through evolutionary optimisation'', Fernando Nogueira, Tiago Cerqueira, CMD31-General Conference of the Condensed Matter Division of the European Physical Society (2024). \item[151] ``Effect of Mn substitution on the crystal structure and magnetic properties of Sr doped bismuth ferrite'', M.Das, J.\,A. Paixão, V.\,A. Khomchenko, CMD31-General Conference of the Condensed Matter Division of the European Physical Society (2024). \item[152] ``Unusual Magnetic Transformations Induced by Mn Doping in Sr- substituted BiFeO3'', M.Das, J.\,A. Paixão, V.\,A. Khomchenko, Física 2024 - 24ª Conferência Nacional de Física (2024). \item[153] ``Avaliação Crítica das Atividades Práticas e de Laboratório no Ensino de Física: Um Estudo Longitudinal do 3º Ciclo do Ensino Básico ao Ensino Secundário, considerando o Impacto da Pandemia de COVID-19 e das Escolhas Opcionais'', O. Simões, J.\,C.\,S. Manaia, T. Esperança, XX Encontro Nacional de Educação em Ciências VI International Seminar on Science Education (2024). \item[154] ``Avaliação Crítica das Atividades Práticas e de Laboratório no Ensino de Física: Um Estudo Longitudinal do 3º Ciclo do Ensino Básico ao Ensino Secundário, considerando o Impacto da Pandemia de COVID-19 e das Escolhas Opcionais'', J.\,C.\,S. Simões, M.\,N. Manaia, Esperança T., Trabalho apresentado em XX Encontro Nacional de Educação em Ciências VI International Seminar on Science Education (2024). \item[155] ``Magnetic ordering in the Cu(Fe1-xNix)2Ge2 system'', Phinifolo Cambalame, J. A. Paixao, 5ª Conferência de Física de Países de Língua Portuguesa (2024). \section*{Thesis} \subsection*{PhD thesis} \item[156] ``Dynamics of the Uranian system'', Sérgio Rafael Alves Gomes, PhD in Physics (2024). \subsection*{MSc thesis} \item[157] ``Modelo Computacional para a Adesão entre Glóbulos Vermelhos e sua Deformação'', Ângela Marina das Neves Calhau, (2024). \section*{Other} \item[158] ``Exposição: 50 anos de Ciência no Feminino: a Voz das Mulheres na UC'', Lucília Brito, Constança Providência, Rita Wolters, Rómulo Centro de Ciência da UC (2024). \item[159] ``FeZnSb2: A possible NiAs-type hexagonal superconductor'', Cambalame, P.\,L.\,S., arXiv {\bf 2405.04037} (2024). \end{itemize} \end{document}