Aluno de doutoramento (interrompido) A fenomenologia da interacção forte, nomeadamente o papel da quebra dinâmica e explícita da simetria quiral na descrição da matéria de quarks e dos hadrões mais leves. Supervisora: Brigitte Hiller. Co-Supervisor: Alexander Osipov
Research Highlights
- Strange quark matter in the presence of explicit symmetry breaking interactions
J. Moreira, J. Morais, B. Hiller, A.A. Osipov, A.H. Blin
Phys. Rev. D, 0336 (2015) -
Publications [LaTeX]
International Journals
1 - Thermodynamical properties of strongly interacting matter in a model with explicit chiral symmetry breaking interactions
J. Moreira, J. Morais, B. Hiller, A.A. Osipov, A.H. Blin
Phys.Rev. D98 (2018) no.7, 074010 98 (2018)
2 - Spin 1 low lying meson spectra and the subtle link to the spin 0 mesons
Jorge Morais, B. Hiller, Alexander A. Osipov
arXiv:1707.04359 [hep-ph], Acta Phys.Polon. Supp. 10, 951 (2017)
3 - Masses of the lowest spin-0 and spin-1 meson nonets: explicit symmetry breaking effects
Jorge Morais, Brigitte Hiller (Coimbra U.), Alexander A. Osipov
Dubna, JINR - Feb 22
Phys.Rev. D95 (2017) no.7, 074033 (2017)
4 - A general framework to diagonalize vector-scalar and axial-vector-pseudoscalar transitions in the effective meson Lagrangian
Jorge Morais, Brigitte Hiller, Alexander A. Osipov
Phys.Lett. B 773, 277-282 (2017)
5 - The T-\mu phase diagram of the Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model in presence of explicit symmetry-breaking Interactions
J. Morais, J. Moreira, B. Hiller, A.A. Osipov, A.H. Blin
Acta Phys. Pol. B Proc. Supp. 8, 199 (2015)
6 - Strange quark matter in the presence of explicit symmetry breaking interactions
J. Moreira, J. Morais, B. Hiller, A.A. Osipov, A.H. Blin
Phys. Rev. D, 0336 (2015)
International Conferences
7 - Quark mass effects in the thermodynamical properties of an extended (P)NJL model
J. Moreira, J. Morais, B. Hiller, A. H. Blin, A. A. Osipov
JPS Conf.Proc. 26 (2019) 024024,
Contribution to: "8th International Conference on Quarks and Nuclear Physics (QNP2018)" (2019)
8 - Strongly Interacting Matter Phase Diagram in the presence of Magnetic Fields in an Extended Effective Lagrangian Approach with Explicit Chiral Simmetry Breaking Interactions
J. Moreira, J. Morais, B. Hiller, A.A. Osipov, A.H. Blin
PoS Hadron2017 (2018) 163 (2018)
9 - The effects of explicit chiral symmetry breaking multiquark interactions on the spin 0 and 1 meson nonets: the ruling of the vector mesons
Jorge Morais, Brigitte Hiller, Alexander A. Osipov
PoS Hadron2017 (2018) 046 (2018)
10 - "The effects of explicit chiral symmetry breaking multiquark interactions on the spin 0 and 1 meson nonets: the ruling of the vector mesons",
J. Morais, B. Hiller, A. A. Osipov,
17th International Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy and Structure (Hadron 2017), 25-29 Sep. 2017, Salamanca, Spain. (2017)
11 - Spin 1 low lying meson spectra and the subtle link to the spin 0 mesons
Jorge Morais, B. Hiller, A. A. Osipov
9th Workshop "Excited QCD" 2017,
07-13 May 2017. Sintra, Portugal. (2017)
12 - Quark mass effects in the thermodynamical properties of an extended (P)NJL model
J. Moreira, J. Morais, B. Hiller, A. H. Blin, A. A. Osipov
Talk at the "8th International Conference on Quarks and Nuclear Physics (QNP2018)", 12-17 November 2018, Tshukuba, Japan (2018)
13 - QCD phase diagram in an extended effective Lagrangian approach
J. Moreira, J. Morais, B. Hiller, A. H. Blin, A. A. Osipov
Talk at SEWM 2018, Strong and ElectroWeak Matter Conference, Barcelona, June 25-29, 2018 (2018)
14 - Quark mass effects in the thermodynamical properties of an extended (P)NJL model
J. Moreira, J. Morais, B. Hiller, A.H. Blin, A.A. Osipov
8th International Conference on Quarks and Nuclear Physics, Tsukuba, Japan 2018 (2018)
15 - "Strongly Interacting Matter Phase Diagram in the presence of Magnetic Fields in an Extended Effective Lagrangian Approach with Explicit Chiral Symmetry Breaking Interactions",
J. Moreira, J. Morais, B. Hiller, A. A. Osipov, A. H. Blin
17th International Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy and Structure (Hadron 2017), 25-29 Sep. 2017, Salamanca, Spain. (2017)
16 - A Study of Chiral Symmetry Breaking Patterns and Mechanisms in an Effective QCD Lagrangian
J. Morais
Projecto de Tese de Doutoramento (2016)
17 - Symmetry restoration in accelerated frames
J. Morais
Seminário I do terceiro ciclo (2016)
18 - An Effective Model for Low Energy QCD and its Extension to Include the Vector Mesons
J. Morais
Seminário II (terceiro ciclo) (2016)
19 - The T-mu phase diagram of the Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model in presence of explicit symmetry-breaking Interactions
J. Morais, J. Moreira, B. Hiller, A.A. Osipov, A.H. Blin (2014)
20 - The T-mu phase diagram of the NJL model in presence of explicit symmetry-breaking Interactions
J. Morais, J. Moreira, B. Hiller, A.A. Osipov, A.H. Blin
Workshop on Unquenched Hadron Spectroscopy, Coimbra, Portugal 2014
Abstracts, (2014)
MSc thesis
21 - Chiral dynamics with explicit symmetry breaking interactions
Jorge Miguel Rodrigues Morais
Tese de Mestrado (2014)