Conferences, Schools, and Workshops organized by members of CFisUC
- Encontro CFisUC 2016
- NewCompStar School 2016, Coimbra
- CM1402 Crystallize COST meeting
- 2016 Summer School in Computational Biology
- 2015 Summer School in Computational Biology
- The Tenth International Workshop on Lattice QFT and Numerical Analysis (QCDNA X)
- 1º Encontro Nacional da Associação de Física de Interacções Fortes
- Património Cultural e Museus em Portugal e no Brasil: democracia, desenvolvimento e conhecimento
- THOR meets THOR: exploring the interface of fundamental and effective approaches to extreme matter COST THOR Working Group I & II & GDRI Meeting (COST Action CA15213)
- 4th IDPASC Students Workshop
- FÍSICA 2018
- Neutron stars: the equation of state, superconductivity/superfluidity and transport coefficients (PHAROS WG1+WG2 meeting)
- Café com Física
- Parallel and Distributed Computing with MATLAB
- GROMACS Workshop: a collaboration between BioExcel and national EuroHPC competence center
- IberiCOS 2021 - 15th Iberian Cosmology Meeting
- Modeling and Experimental Characterization of Advanced Materials and Systems for Energy Applications within the 4th International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Green Energy, “CEEGE 2021”, Co-Organizer by Salah Elmoselhy
- 19th International Conference on QCD in Extreme Conditions (XQCD 2023) and accompanying PhD School
- DFT@PT 2023
- Nonperturbative QFT in the complex momentum space
- 2024 Summer School in Computational Biology
- Iberian Biophysics Congress, 20th – 21st Jun 2022, Bilbao, Spain.
- BioInformatics Mini-symposium – 56th Annual Scientific Meeting of European Society for Clinical Investigation, 8th – 10th Jun 2022, Bari, Italy.
- 11th School of Astrophysics and Gravitation (SAG11), 2023
- XXXIII National Meeting of Astronomy and Astrophysics (ENAA), 2023
- Dark Matter and Stars: Multi-Messenger Probes of Dark Matter and Modified Gravity, 2023
- Spanish and Portuguese Relativity Meeting (EREP), 2024
- PARTICLEFACE 2019: Working Group Meeting and Management Committee Meeting
- Fala do Homem Nascido: Diálogos (2024)
- Swedish Muon Meeting (KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden) (2016)
- Time dependent Density-Functional Theory: Prospects and Applications VII (2016)
- EEF70 (2014)
- JEEP 2015 41st Conference on Phase Equilibria XLIèmes Journées d’Étude des Équilibres entre Phases
Other interesting Conferences, Schools, and Workshops
- APS March Meeting 2016 (Baltimore, MD, USA)
- Annual NewCompStar Conference 2016
- Curvobio2024
- Accelerate and Parallelize MATLAB Code - September 5, 2024
- IX Ciclo de Conferências da Faculdade de Ciências da UBI: "Avaliação no Ensino: Os novos paradigmas. Organizador CFisUC: Telma Esperança
- BioExcel / EuroCC workshop
Upcoming Seminars
Past Seminars
Christmas Seminar : Machine Learning in the Physics Department (13/Dec/2024)
Travasso, RDM; Carvalho, V.
MWGaia-DN introductory school (13/Sep/2024)
Sónia Antón
Evidence for NanoHertz Gravitational Waves at Pulsar Timing Arrays: the case for new physics and possible connections with QCD (5/Mar/2024)
Ferreira, RZ.
Café com Física (31/Jul/2019)
Magnetogenesis in cyclical cosmology (21/Mar/2018)
Natacha Leite
Current status of laser-based research at Vilnius University Laser Research Center (14/Mar/2018)
Ona Balachninaite
Simulating Vessel Growth with ECM Remodeling (7/Mar/2018)
Marcos Gouveia
A eficiência relativa das casas de câmbio de Bitcoins (The relative efficiency of Bitcoin exchanges) (28/Feb/2018)
Helder Sebastião
Ondas Gravitacionais e Estrelas de Neutrões (14/Feb/2018)
Renan Pereira
Modelação de Incêndios Florestais usando o Supercomputador da UC (13/Dec/2017)
Dr. Luis Ribeiro, Dr. Koyo Satoh, Abdelrahman Abouali
Instituto Pedro Nunes - de Coimbra para o mundo, como? (29/Nov/2017)
Ana Seguro
Mott Insulator to High-Tc Superconductor (10/Nov/2017)
Prof. Sanjoy Sarker
A meteorologia Espacial (12/Jul/2017)
Fernando J. G. Pinheiro
GPU Computing to the Exascale and Beyond (28/Jun/2017)
Dr. Kate Clark
Lattice Quantum Field Theory: Numerical Integration in an Infinite Number of Dimensions (27/Jun/2017)
Professor Anthony David Kennedy
Da Teoria Quântica de Campo às Supercordas (21/Jun/2017)
Filipe Moura
O Mercado Ibérico de Energia: dinâmica de preço e prémio de risco (31/May/2017)
Márcio Ferreira
Infrared spectroscopy of intracellular fluid - new tool for identification of cancerous tissue areas during the surgery (24/May/2017)
Vidita Urbonienė
Constraining the equation of state of dense matter through compact stars thermal emission (28/Apr/2017)
Nicolas Baillot
Polyakov-loop–extended chiral models – improvements and challenges (26/Apr/2017)
Rainer Stiele
If you would like to receive information about all the events taking place or organized by the Center for Physics of the University of Coimbra please subscribe to the CFisUC-EVENTS mailing list