Running projects

Accessing the low energy quark-gluon interaction through lattice QCD simulations
COST Action CA21136 - CosmoVerse: Addressing observational tensions in cosmology with systematics and fundamental physics
Cost Action CA-22153: European Curvature and Biology Network (EuroCurvoBioNet)
Dark complexity: exploring dark matter scenarios with multiple components
Dynamical lattice QCD simulations at finite temperature II
Exploring confinement, deconfinement and other QCD features using lattice simulations
High statistical lattice computation of propagators and vertices in Landau gauge
MWGaiaDN: Revealing the Milky Way with Gaia
MiCRoARTiS - Microwave Fingerprinting Artificial Molecular Motors in Virtual Isolation
Topological defects as a probe of new physics: from CMB birefringenceto gravitational waves
Towards High statistical lattice computation of QCD Green functions in Landau gauge

Submitted projects

Coimbra Laser Lab (Laser Lab Europe)

Previous projects

150 years of the scientific activity of the Geophysical Institute of the University of Coimbra: history and heritage of the Earth and Environment sciences in Portugal
2D Molecular Metals and Superconductors; Coherence and anisotropy in bilayer systems
Ab-initio search for practical superconducting materials
Accessing the low energy quark-gluon interaction through lattice QCD simulations (benchmarks)
Acesso benchmarking
Acesso à fase de pré-produção - Projeto POR010PRE
An imprint of dark matter on neutron stars and their mergers
Angiogenesis in diabetic retinopathy – Integrating experiments and modeling
Armazenamento de hidrogénio em compostos metálicos de elevada capacidade de absorção
Armazenamento de hidrogénio em hidretos para sistemas seguros de energia
COST Action CA15213: Theory of hot matter and relativistic heavy-ion collisions (THOR)
COST Action CA16201: Unraveling new physics at the LHC through the precision frontier (PARTICLEFACE)
COST Action CA16214 - PHAROS: The multi-messenger physics and astrophysics of neutron stars
COST Action MP1304 - Exploring fundamental physics with compact stars ( NewCompStar)
COST Action: CA15214 - An integrative action for multidisciplinary studies on cellular structural networks
COST Action: CA18104 - Revealing the Milky Way with Gaia (MW-GAIA)
Chasing deconfinement with lattice QCD simulations
Compact Stars: Laboratories for nuclear and particle physics
Cost Action: CA17139 - European Topology Interdisciplinary Action
DOPPLER - DevelOpment of PaloP knowLEdge in Radioastronomy
Delfos e Quark!-escolas de Matemática e de Física para jovens
Determination of Meteorites Composition - ID:11100/PGAA
Dynamical lattice QCD simulations at finite temperature
ENgAGE SKA - ENAbling Green E­science for SKA ­ Capacitation and Sustainability of Portuguese participation in the SKA with radioastronomy as an Innovation Open Living Lab
Estudo da dinâmica do crómio por espectroscopia de Mössbauer do 119Sn” projecto bilateral de Cooperação Científica e Tecnológica entre a FCT e o Ministério da Ciência e Ensino Superior da Polónia
First principles and x-ray studies of the charge density and optical properties of octupolar molecules
GRAVITY - Gravity at the Galactic Centre
Haltern 70 Amphorae Composition Determination - ID:11521/PGAA
High precision effective modelling of the QCD phase diagram
High statistical lattice computation of quark and ghost propagators
Hydrogen Storage in Hydrides for safe Energy Systems- HYSTORY
Hydrogen and Muons in Chalcopyrite Solar Cell Materials - PRAXIS PCEX/P/FIS/16/96
Influence of composition and microstructure in the Debye temperature in Fe-Cr alloys” Projecto bilateral de Cooperação Científica e Tecnológica entre o GRICES e o Ministério da Ciência e Ensino Superior da Polónia
Influence of composition and size of grains on the Debye temperature in Fe-Cr alloys” - projecto bilateral de Cooperação Científica e Tecnológica entre a FCT e o Ministério da Ciência e Ensino Superior da Polónia
MAMTool - Machinability of Additive Manufactured Parts for Tooling Industry
MagNStar: Magnetized neutron star matter: equation of state, properties, and structure of magnetars
MagStarMatter: Exploring matter under extreme conditions: neutron stars in the multi-messenger era
Magnetic-induced ferroelectricity unravelled through spin-phonon coupling
Mecanosíntese de ligas Fe-Si”, Programa de Cooperação Científica e Técnica ICCTI/Embaixada de França
Mecanosíntese de ligas FeCoSn, suas propriedades magnéticas e hiperfinas magnéticas, e suas transformações ordem-desordem - Projecto bilateral entre a FCT e o CNRS
Modeling Angiogenesis in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus - integrating experimental and theoretical approaches
Multi-gluon vertices in Lattice QCD
Multiferroic materials: fundamental and practical aspects
NA7-Hf-QGP: Quark-Gluon Plasma characterisation with heavy flavour probes
Need4Speed - Um espectrómetro de amostragem esparsa para diagnóstico de melanoma
Neutron Stars: matter under extreme conditions
Non-linear optical properties of organic materials
Novel topological insulator and superconducting materials
Novos cristais ferroelétricos com uma temperatura de Curie elevada e respostas ferro/piezo-elétricas ultra-elevadas: Crescimento e estudo estrutural através de cristalografia de raios-X - PTDC/FIS/116146/2009
Oficina mecânica avançada para apoio a actividades de investigação e desenvolvimento (LIP- Coimbra).
Order-disorder transformations under ball-milling of B2 FeCo alloys with near equiatomic compositions, doped with tin - Projecto bilateral PESSOA entre a FCT e o EGIDE
PHOBOS - Origin, composition, evolution and exploration of Phobos
Physical Modelling of Tumours - Understanding the metastasis mechanism
Probing structural dynamics of artificial molecular machinery using microwave spectroscopy
Projecto Bilateral - Polymorphism - From molecular crystals to mesomorphic phases
Quark!-Ecola de Física para Jovens da UC
Reviewing the structural dynamics of molecular motors in virtual isolation: a rotational strategy
Rotational dynamics of close-in bodies under tidal evolution
STRESSCLAD – Influência do tratamento térmico no campo de tensões residuais e no comportamento à corrosão de revestimentos por soldadura
Structural and magnetic study of low-dimensional coordination compounds
Study and development of new molecular magnets
Supramoléculas Organo-Metálicas para Sequestramento e Conversão Química, in situ, de CO2 e CH4 Atmosféricos, PTDC/AAC-CLI/098308/2008
Testing fundamental physics with astrophysical and cosmological observations
The nature of the protein folding process
The structure of multiquarks
Transformação da fase sigma em ligas FeCr por moagem a alta energia - Programa PESSOA no. 14617RE entre o GRICES (Portugal) e o EGIDE (França)
Transformação da fase sigma nos sitemas FeCr e FeV por moagem a alta energia, sob argon e vácuo - Programa PESSOA no. 14617RE entre o GRICES (Portugal) e o EGIDE (França)
Transformações de fase no sistema FeCrSn por moagem a alta energia - Programa PESSOA entre o ICCTI (Portugal) e o EGIDE (França)