The main goal of the project is to compute the gluon, ghost and quark propagators in Landau gauge, including the effects of the dynamical fermions, at finite temperature via lattice QCD simulations with non-perturbative improved Clover fermions. At high temperatures and densities, hadronic matter undergoes a phase transition towards strong interacting quark-gluon plasma, where quarks and gluons behave as almost free particles. This phenomenon is called deconfinement. Furthermore, at sufficient high temperatures, chiral symmetry is restored. Our goal is to compute the two-point correlation functions (gluon, ghost and quark propagators) at finite temperature accessing in particular their infrared properties and looking for signs of the deconfinement transition, chiral symmetry restoration and on the behavior of the spectral representation associated to each of the propagators.
Status: Concluded
Starting date: 1/Oct/2019
End date: 1/Oct/2020
Financing: 7560000 corehours Euros
Financing entity: PRACE
Project ID: DECI-15 15DECI0396
Person*month: 0
Group person*month: 0