Publications [LaTeX]
1 - Aos ombros de gigantes - As grandes obras da Física e Astronomia
Décio R Martins, C. Fiolhais, Orlando Oliveira
Philadelphia - London: Running Press. (2010)
International Journals
2 - Lattice determination of the Batalin-Vilkovisky function and the strong running interaction
AC Aguilar, N Brito, MN Ferreira, J Papavassiliou, O Oliveira, PJ Silva
Phys. Lett. B 858, 139054 (2024)
3 - Sunspots Identification Through Mathematical Morphology
S Bourgeois, T Barata, R Erdélyi, R Gafeira, O Oliveira
Sol. Phys. 299(2), 10 (2024)
4 - Four Gluon Vertex from Lattice QCD
M. Colaço, O. Oliveira, Paulo J. Silva
Phys. Rev. D 109 (7), 074502 (2024)
5 - Deconfinement, center symmetry and the ghost propagator in Landau gauge pure SU(3) Yang-Mills theory
V. Paiva, P.J. Silva, O. Oliveira
J. High Energy Phys. 5, 164 (2024)
6 - The Automatic Identification and Tracking of Coronal Flux Ropes -- Part II: New Mathematical Morphology-based Flux Rope Extraction Method and Deflection Analysis
A. Wagner, S. Bourgeois, E. Kilpua, R. Sarkar, D. Price, A. Kumari, J. Pomoell, S. Poedts, T. Barata, R. Erdélyi, O. Oliveira, R. Gafeira
Astron. Astrophys. (2024)
7 - The automatic identification and tracking of coronal flux ropes II. New mathematical morphology-based flux rope extraction method and deflection analysis
A. Wagner, S. Bourgeois, EKJ Kilpua, R. Sarkar, D.J. Price, A. Kumari, J. Pomoell, S. Poedts, T. Barata, R. Erdélyi, O. Oliveira, R. Gafeira
Astron. Astrophys. 683, A39 (2024)
8 - Gauge dependence of the quark gap equation: An exploratory study
JR Lessa, FE Serna, B El-Bennich, A Bashir, O Oliveira
Phys. Rev. D 107(7), 074017 (2023)
9 - Looking at QED with Dyson-Schwinger Equations: Basic Equations, Ward-Takahashi Identities and the Two-Photon-Two-Fermion Irreducible Vertex
O Oliveira, HL Macedo, RC Terin
Few-Body Syst. 64(3), 67 (2023)
10 - Kallen-Lehmann spectral representation of the scalar SU(2) glueball
D Dudal, O Oliveira, M Roelfs
Eur. Phys. J. C 82(3) (2022)
11 - Analytic structure of the Landau gauge quark propagator from Pade acute accent analysis
AF Falcao, O Oliveira
Phys. Rev. D 106(11), 114022 (2022)
12 - Schwinger function, confinement, and positivity violation in pure gauge QED
LC Loveridge, O Oliveira, PJ Silva
Phys. Rev. D 106(1), L011502 (2022)
13 - Quark-gluon vertex from $N_f = 2$ lattice QCD
Ayse Kızılersu, Orlando Oliveira, Paulo J. Silva, Jon-Ivar Skullerud, Andre Sternbeck
Phys. Rev. D 103, 114515 (2021)
14 - $H(4)$ tensor representations for the lattice Landau gauge gluon propagator and the estimation of lattice artefacts
G. T. R. Catumba, O. Oliveira, P. J. Silva
Phys. Rev. D 103, 074501 (2021)
15 - Lattice pure gauge compact QED in the Landau gauge: The photon propagator, the phase structure, and the presence of Dirac strings
Lee C. Loveridge, Orlando Oliveira, Paulo J. Silva
Phys. Rev. D 104, 114511 (2021)
16 - The lattice Landau gauge photon propagator for 4D compact QED
Lee C. Loveridge, Orlando Oliveira, Paulo J. Silva
Phys. Rev. D 103, 094519 (2021)
17 - Non-perturbative BRST symmetry and the spectral structure of the ghost propagator
Shirley Weishi Li, Peter Lowdon, Orlando Oliveira, Paulo J. Silva
Phys. Lett. B 823, 136753 (2021)
18 - The analytic structure of the lattice Landau gauge gluon and ghost propagators
Alexandre F. Falcão, O. Oliveira, Paulo J. Silva
Phys. Rev. D 102, 114518 (2020)
19 - Spectral representation of lattice gluon and ghost propagators at zero temperature
D. Dudal, O. Oliveira, M. Roelfs, P. J. Silva
Nucl. Phys. B 952, 114912 (2020)
20 - The soft-gluon limit and the infrared enhancement of the quark-gluon vertex
O Oliveira, T Frederico, W de Paula
Eur. Phys. J. C 80, 484 (2020)
21 - The generalised infrared structure of the gluon propagator
Shirley Weishi Li, Peter Lowdon, Orlando Oliveira, Paulo J. Silva
Phys. Lett. B 803, 135329 (2020)
22 - Creating oscillons and oscillating kinks in two scalar field theories
R. A. C. Correa, A. de Souza Dutra, T. Frederico, Boris A. Malomed, O. Oliveira, N. Sawado
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 29(10), 103124 (2019)
23 - The quark-gluon vertex and the QCD infrared dynamics
O Oliveira, W de Paula, T Frederico, JPBC de Melo
Eur. Phys. J. C 79(2), 116 (2019)
24 - Exploring the quark-gluon vertex with Slavnov–Taylor identities and lattice simulations
Orlando Oliveira, T. Frederico, W. de Paula, J. P. B. C. de Melo
Eur. Phys. J. C 79(2), 116 (2019)
25 - Finite temperature Landau gauge lattice quark propagator
Orlando Oliveira, Paulo J. Silva
Eur. Phys. J. C 79(9), 793 (2019)
26 - Quark propagator with two flavors of $\mathcal{O}(a)$-improved Wilson fermions
Orlando Oliveira, Paulo J. Silva, Jon-Ivar Skullerud, Andre Sternbeck
Phys. Rev. D 99, 094506 (2019)
27 - Faddeev-Popov matrix in linear covariant gauge: First results
Attilio Cucchieri, David Dudal, Tereza Mendes, Orlando Oliveira, Martin Roelfs, Paulo J. Silva
Phys.Rev. D 98, 091504 (R) (2018)
28 - High precision statistical Landau gauge lattice gluon propagator computation vs. the Gribov–Zwanziger approach
D. Dudal, O. Oliveira, P. J. Silva
Annals Phys. 397 397, 351 (2018)
29 - Approximate Dual Representation for Pure Yang-Mills SU(2) Gauge Theory
R. Leme, O. Oliveira, G Krein
Eur.Phys.J. C78 78, 656 (2018)
30 - Reply to Comment on Lattice Gluon and Ghost Propagators, and the Strong Coupling in Pure SU(3) Yang-Mills Theory: Finite Lattice Spacing and Volume Effects
Anthony G Duarte, Orlando Oliveira, Paulo J. Silva
Phys. Rev. D 96, 098502 (2017)
31 - Gluon and Ghost Dynamics from Lattice QCD
O. Oliveira, A. G. Duarte, D. Dudal, P. J. Silva
Few B Syst 58, 99 (2017)
32 - Signature of curved QFT effects on the optical properties of deformed graphene: Curved QFT effects on the optical properties of deformed graphene
O. Oliveira, A. J. Chaves, W. de Paula, T. Frederico
Europhys Lett. 117, 27003 (2017)
33 - Lattice QCD static potentials of the meson-meson and tetraquark systems computed with both quenched and full QCD
P. Bicudo, M. Cardoso, O. Oliveira, P. J. Silva
Phys Rev D 96, 074508 (2017)
34 - Gluons at finite temperature
P. J. Silva, O. Oliveira, D. Dudal, P. Bicudo, N. Cardoso
Few Body Syst. 58, 127 (2017)
35 - New Genetic Algorithm Approach for the Min-Degree Constrained Minimum Spanning Tree
R. Salgueiro, A. de Almeida, O. Oliveira
European Journal of Operational Research 258, 877 (2017)
36 - Two Dimensional Honeycomb Materials: random fields, dissipation and fluctuations
T. Frederico, O. Oliveira, W. de Paula, M. S. Hussein, T. R. Cardoso
Braz. J. Phys. 47, 9 (2017)
37 - Further Evidence For Zero Crossing On The Three Gluon Vertex
Anthony G. Duarte, Orlando Oliveira, Paulo J. Silva
Pays. Rev. D94, 074502 (2016)
38 - Lattice Gluon and Ghost Propagators, and the Strong Coupling in Pure SU(3) Yang-Mills Theory: Finite Lattice Spacing and Volume Effects
Anthony G. Duarte, Orlando Oliveira, Paulo J. Silva
Phys. Rev. D 94, 014502 (2016)
39 - Cosmological and Particle Physics Constraints on a New Non-Abelian SU(3) Gauge Model for Ordinary/Dark Matter Interaction
O. Oliveira, C. A. Bertulani, M. S. Hussein, W. de Paula, T. Frederico
Braz. J. Phys., 1-9 (2016)
40 - Quantum Dynamics in Noisy Backgrounds: from sampling to dissipation and fluctuations
O. Oliveira, W. de Paula, T. Frederico, M. S. Hussein
Braz. J. Physics 46, 384 (2016)
41 - Gluon Dynamics, Center Symmetry and the deconfinement phase transition in SU(3) pure Yang-Mills theory
P. J. Silva, O. Oliveira
Phys. Rev. D 93, 114509 (2016)
42 - The lattice gluon propagator in renormalizable ξ gauges
P. Bicudo, D. Binosi, N. Cardoso, O. Oliveira, P. J. Silva
Phys. Rev. D 92, 114514 (2015)
43 - Quantum Field Theory Approach to the Optical Conductivity of Strained and Deformed Graphene
W. de Paula, A. J Chaves, O. Oliveira, T. Frederico
Few Body Systems 56, 915 (2015)
44 - Optical conductivity of curved graphene
A. J. Chaves, T. Frederico, O. Oliveira, W. de Paula, M. C. Santos
J Physics: Condensed Matter 26, 185301 (2014)
45 - Källén-Lehmann spectroscopy for (un)physical degrees of freedom
D. Dudal, O. Oliveira, P. J. Silva
Phys Rev. D 89, 014010 (2014)
46 - Gluon screening mass at finite temperature from Landau gauge gluon propagator in lattice QCD
P. J. Silva, O. Oliveira, P. Bicudo, N. Cardoso
Phys Rev D 89, 074503 (2014)
47 - Hypoxia in Vascular Networks: A Complex System Approach to Unravel the Diabetic Paradox
Y. Gandica, T. Schwarz, O. Oliveira, Rui D. M. Travasso
PLoS ONE 9(11), e113165 (2014)
48 - Optical dichroism by nonlinear excitations in graphene nanoribbons
C. E. Cordeiro, A. Delfino, T. Frederico, O. Oliveira, W. de Paula
Phys. Rev. B 87, 045429 (2013)
49 - On the Quark-Gluon Vertex and Quark-Ghost Kernel: combining Lattice Simulations with Dyson-Schwinger equations
E. Rojas, J.P.B.C. de Melo, B. El-Bennich, O. Oliveira, T. Frederico
JHEP 10, 193 (2013)
50 - Landau Gauge Fixing on GPUs
N. Cardoso, P. J. Silva, P. Bicudo, O. Oliveira
Comp. Phys. Comm. 184, 124 (2013)
51 - Charge confinement and Klein tunneling from doping graphene
C. Popovici, O. Oliveira, W. de Paula, T. Frederico
Phys. Rev. B85, 235424 (2012)
52 - Nontrivial ghost-gluon vertex and the match of RGZ, DSE and lattice Yang-Mills propagators
D. Dudal, O. Oliveira, J. Rodríguez-Quintero
Phys. Rev. D 86, 105005 (2012)
53 - Lattice Landau gauge gluon propagator: lattice spacing and volume dependence
O. Oliveira, P. J. Silva
Phys. Rev. D 86, 114513 (2012)
54 - Dynamical Gap Generation for Graphene Nanoribbons
A. J. Chaves, G. D. Lima, W. de Paula, C. E. Cordeiro, A. Delfino, T. Frederico, O. Oliveira
Phys. Rev. B 83, 153405 (2011)
55 - Search for single top quark production via contact interactions at LEP2
J. Abdallah, O. Oliveira, et al (DELPHI Coll.)
EPJ C71, 1555 (2011)
56 - Sol-Gel Synthesis of Iron(III) Oxyhydroxide Nanostructured Monoliths Using Fe(NO3)3∙9H2O/CH3CH2OH/NH4OH Ternary System
L. Durães, O. Oliveira, L.Benedini, B.F.O. Costa, A. Matos Beja, A. Portugal
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 72-6, 678-684 (2011)
57 - Vortex and gap generation in gauge models of graphene
O. Oliveira, C. E. Cordeiro, A. Delfino, W. de Paula, T. Frederico
Phys. Rev. B 83, 155419 (2011)
58 - Running Gluon Mass from Landau Gauge Lattice QCD Propagator
O. Oliveira, P. Bicudo
J Phys G38, 045003 (2011)
59 - What Does Low Energy Physics Tell Us About The Zero Momentum Gluon Propagator
Pedro Costa, O. Oliveira, P. J. Silva
Phys. Lett. B 695, 454-458 (2011)
60 - Indirect lattice evidence for the Refined Gribov-Zwanziger formalism and the gluon condensate $raket{A^2}$ in the Landau gauge
D. Dudal, O. Oliveira, N. Vandersickel
Phys. Rev. D81, 074505 (2010)
61 - Does The Lattice Zero Momentum Gluon Propagator for Pure Gauge SU(3) Yang-Mills Theory Vanish in the Infinite Volume Limit?
O. Oliveira, P. J. Silva
Phys. Rev. D 79, 031501(R) (2009)
62 - Infrared Gluon and Ghost Propagators Exponents From Lattice QCD
O. Oliveira, P. J. Silva
EPJC 62, 525-534 (2009)
63 - Dimension six FCNC operators and top production at the LHC
R.A. Coimbra, P.M. Ferreira, R.B. Guedes, O. Oliveira, A. Onofre, R. Santos, Miguel Won
Phys. Rev. D 79, 014006 (2009)
64 - First study of the gluon-quark-quark-antiquark static potential in SU(3) Lattice QCD
P. Bicudo, M. Cardoso, O. Oliveira
Phys. Rev. D77, 091504 (2008)
65 - Just how different are SU(2) and SU(3) Landau propagators in the IR regime?
A. Cucchieri, T. Mendes, O. Oliveira, P. J. Silva
Phys. Rev. D 76, 114507 (2007)
66 - Just how different are SU(2) and SU(3) Landau propagators in the IR regime?
A. Cucchieri, T. Mendes, O. Oliveira, P. J. Silva
Phys. Rev. D76, 114507 (2007)
67 - Comparing Pure Yang-Mills SU(2) and SU(3) Propagators
A. Cucchieri, T. Mendes. O. Oliveira, P. J. Silva
Int. Jour. Mod. Phys E 16, 2931 (2007)
68 - Search for a fourth generation b-quark at LEP-II at sqrt(s)=196-209 GeV
J. Abdallah, O. Oliveira, et al.
EPJ C50, 507 (2007)
69 - Exploring the infrared gluon and ghost propagators using large asymmetric lattices
O. Oliveira, P. J. Silva
Braz. J. Physics 37, 201-207 (2007)
70 - Infrared Gluon and Ghost Propagators from Lattice QCD. Results from large asymmetric lattices
O. Oliveira, P. J. Silva
EPJA 31, 790 (2007)
71 - Heavy Quarkonia from Classical SU(3) Yang-Mills Configurations
R. A. Coimbra, O. Oliveira
EPJA 31, 718 (2007)
72 - Infrared Gluon Propagator: Results from large asymmetric lattices
P. J. Silva, O. Oliveira
Phys. Rev. D 74, 034513 (2006)
73 - Flavour changing strong interaction effects on top quark physics at the LHC
P.M. Ferreira, O. Oliveira, R. Santos
Phys. Rev. D 73, 034011 (2006)
74 - Nonuniqueness of inverted core-mantle boundary flows and deviations from tangential geostrophy
M. A. Pais, O. Oliveira, F. Nogueira
J. Geophys. Res. 109, B08105-1-B08105-20 (2004)
75 - A global optimization method for Landau gauge fixing in Lattice QCD
O. Oliveira, P. J. Silva
Comp. Phys. Comm. 158, 73-88 (2004)
76 - On the non-uniqueness of main geomagnetic field determined by surface intensity measurements - the Backus problem
P. Alberto, O. Oliveira, M. A. Pais
Geophys. J. Int. 159, 548-554 (2004)
77 - Gribov copies, Lattice QCD and the gluon propagator
P. J. Silva, O. Oliveira
Nucl. Phys. B 690, 177-198 (2004)
78 - Gribov copies and gauge fixing in lattice gauge theories
O. Oliveira, P. J. Silva
Nuclear Physics B Proceedings Supplements 106, 1088-1090 (2002)
79 - First lattice study of semileptonic decays of and baryons
K. C. Bowler, R. D. Kenway, L. Lellouch, J. Nieves, O. Oliveira, D. G. Richards, C. T. Sachrajola, N. Stella, and P. Ueberholz
Physical Review D 57, 6948 (1998)
80 - A preliminary study of the gauge dependence of the gluon propagator
D. S. Henty, O. Oliveira, C. Parrinello, and S. M. Ryan
Nuclear Physics B 53, 831-833 (1997)
81 - Soft covariant gauges on the lattice
D.S. Henty, O. Oliveira, C. Parrinello and S. Ryan
Physical Review D 54, 6923-6927 (1996)
82 - Heavy baryon spectroscopy from the lattice
K.C. Bowler, R.D. Kenway, O. Oliveira, D.G. Richards, P. Ueberholz, L. Lellouch, J. Nieves, C.T. Sachrajda, N. Stella and H. Wittig
Physical Review D 54, 3619-3633 (1996)
International Conferences
83 - Computation of the Kugo-Ojima function from lattice simulations
N. Brito, O. Oliveira, P.J. Silva, J. Papavassiliou, Ferreira M.N., A.C. Aguilar
PoS LATTICE2023 (2023)
84 - The four-gluon vertex in Landau gauge
M. Colaço, O. Oliveira, Paulo J. Silva
PoS LATTICE2023, 151 (2023)
85 - The quark propagator and quark-gluon vertex from lattice QCD at finite temperature
J. Marques Leal Junior, G. Kalusche, T. Mendes, J.I. Skullerud, O. Oliveira, P. J. Silva
PoS LATTICE 2022, 280 (2023)
86 - Another look at the three-gluon vertex in the minimal Landau gauge
G. T. R. Catumba, O. Oliveira, P. J. Silva
PoS LATTICE2021, 467 (2022)
87 - Another look at the Landau gauge three-gluon vertex
G. T. R. Catumba, O. Oliveira, P. J. Silva
EPJ Web Conf 258 (2022)
88 - Confinement/Deconfinement in 4D compact QED on the lattice
L. C. Loveridge, O. Oliveira, P. J. Silva
PoS LATTICE2021, 351 (2022)
89 - Looking at the analytic structure of Landau gauge propagators
O. Oliveira, A. F. Falcão, P. J.Silva
PoS LATTICE2021, 457 (2022)
90 - Compact QED: the photon propagator, confinement and positivity violation for the pure gauge theory
Orlando Oliveira, Lee C. Loveridge, Paulo J. Silva
EPJ Web Conf. 274, 02004 (2022)
91 - Deconfinement in pure gauge SU(3) Yang-Mills theory: the ghost propagator
Orlando Oliveira, Vítor Paiva, Paulo Silva
EPJ Web Conf. 274, 05008 (2022)
92 - Quark-gluon vertex with 2 flavours of O(a) improved Wilson fermions
Ayse Kızılersü, Orlando Oliveira, Paulo Silva, Jon-Ivar Skullerud, André Sternbeck
arXiv:2111.13455 [hep-lat] (2021)
93 - Mass estimates of the SU(2) $0^{++}$ glueball from spectral methods
David Dudal, Orlando Oliveira, Martin Roelfs
PoS LATTICE2021, 393 (2021)
94 - Lattice artefacts on the Landau gauge gluon propagator from hypercubic tensor representations
Guilherme Catumba, Orlando Oliveira, Paulo J. Silva
arXiv:2111.15022 [hep-lat] (2021)
95 - Another look at the Landau gauge three-gluon vertex
Guilherme Catumba, Orlando Oliveira, Paulo J. Silva
arXiv: 2111.10312 [hep-lat] (2021)
96 - Another look at the three-gluon vertex in the minimal Landau gauge
Guilherme T. R. Catumba, Orlando Oliveira, Paulo J. Silva
arXiv:2111.06375 [hep-lat] (2021)
97 - Confinement/Deconfinement in 4D compact QED on the lattice
Lee C. Loveridge, Orlando Oliveira, Paulo J. Silva
arXiv:2111.08143 [hep-lat] (2021)
98 - Looking at the analytic structure of Landau gauge propagators
Orlando Oliveira, Alexandre Falcão, Paulo J. Silva
arXiv:2111.04320 [hep-lat] (2021)
99 - Lattice computation of the quark propagator in
Landau gauge at finite temperature
Paulo J. Silva, Orlando Oliveira
PoS LATTICE2019, 047 (2020)
100 - Ghost Sector in Minimal Linear Covariant Gauge
Attilio Cucchieri, David Dudal, Tereza Mendes, Orlando Oliveira, Martin Roelfs, Paulo J. Silva
PoS Confinement2018, 043 (2018)
101 - Lattice Computation of the Ghost Propagator in Linear Covariant Gauges
Attilio Cucchieri, David Dudal, Tereza Mendes, Orlando Oliveira, Martin Roelfs, Paulo J. Silva
PoS LATTICE2018, 252 (2018)
102 - High Precision Statistical Landau Gauge Lattice Gluon Propagator Computation
David Dudal, Orlando Oliveira, Paulo J. Silva
PoS LATTICE2018, 321 (2018)
103 - Lattice Landau gauge quark propagator at finite temperature
Paulo J. Silva, Orlando Oliveira
PoS Confinement2018, 163 (2018)
104 - Triple-gluon and quark-gluon vertex from lattice QCD in Landau gauge
A. Sternbeck, P.-H. Balduf, A. Kızılersü, O. Oliveira, P. J. Silva, J. Skullerud, A. G. Williams
PoS LATTICE2016, 349 (2017)
105 - Finite temperature gluon propagator in Landau gauge: non-zero Matsubara frequencies and spectral densities
Paulo J. Silva, Orlando Oliveira, David Dudal, Martin Roelfs
EPJ Web of Conferences 175, 07038 (2017)
106 - Lattice Landau gauge gluon propagator at finite temperature: non-zero Matsubara frequencies and spectral densities
Paulo J. Silva, Orlando Oliveira, David Dudal, Martin Roelfs
Acta Phys. Polon. Supp. 10, 995 (2017)
107 - Landau gauge gluon vertices from Lattice QCD
A. G. Duarte, O. Oliveira, P. J. Silva
Proceedings of Science LATTICE2016, 351 (2016)
108 - Lattice Landau gauge quark propagator and the quark-gluon vertex
Orlando Oliveira, Ayse Kızılersu, Paulo J. Silva, Jon-Ivar Skullerud, Andre Sternbeck, Anthony G. Williams
Acta Phys.Polon.Supp. 9, 363-368 (2016)
109 - Z(N) dependence of the pure Yang-Mills gluon propagator in the Landau gauge near Tc
O. Oliveira, P. J. Silva
PoS LATTICE2014, 355 (2015)
110 - Gauge fixing and the gluon propagator in renormalizable xi gauges
P. Bicudo, D. Binosi, N. Cardoso, O. Oliveira, P. J. Silva
PoS LATTICE2015, 317 (2015)
111 - Aspects of gluon propagation in Landau gauge: spectral densities, and mass scales at finite temperature
Paulo J. Silva, O. Oliveira, D. Dudal, P. Bicudo, N. Cardoso
Acta Physica Polonica B Proceedings Supplement 8, 119-124 (2015)
112 - Gluon mass at finite temperature in Landau gauge
P. Bicudo, O. Oliveira, P. J. Silva, N. Cardoso
PoS LATTICE 2013, 368 (2014)
113 - Many faces of the Landau gauge gluon propagator at zero and finite temperature: positivity violation, spectral density and mass scales
P. J. Silva, O. Oliveira, D. Dudal, P. Bicudo, N. Cardoso
PoS QCD-TNT-III, 040 (2014)
114 - (Lattice) Propagators and Extraction of Spectral Densities
D. Dudal, O. Oliveira, P. J. Silva
PoS Confinement X, 033 (2013)
115 - Landau gauge fixing on the lattice using GPUs
N. Cardoso, P. J. Silva. O. Oliveira, P. Bicudo
PoS Confinement X, 336 (2013)
116 - The lattice gluon propagator in Landau gauge at zero and finite temperature
P. J. Silva, O. Oliveira
PoS Confinement X, 045 (2013)
117 - Spectral densities from the lattice
Paulo J. Silva, D. Dudal, O. Oliveira
PoS Lattice 2013, 366 (2013)
118 - Gluon mass at finite temperature in Landau gauge
Pedro Bicudo, Orlando Oliveira, Paulo Silva, Nuno Cardoso
PoS Lattice 2013, 368 (2013)
119 - Min-Degree Constrained MST Problem: an evolutionary approach
A. M. de Almeida, R. Salgueiro, O. Oliveira
Proc. of the 5th International Conference on Bioinspired Optimization Methods and their Applications, 121 (2012)
120 - Dark/Visible Parallel Universes and Big Bang Nucleosynthesis
C. A. Bertulani, T. Frederico, J. Fuqua, M. S. Hussein, O. Oliveira, W. de Paula
arxiv 1210.0235 (2012)
121 - Landau Gauge Fixing on GPUs and String Tension
N. Cardoso, P. Bicudo, P. J. Silva, O. Oliveira
Acta Physica Polonica B Proceedings Supplement 5, 1135-1141 (2012)
122 - GPU implementation of a Landau gauge fixing algorithm
Nuno Cardoso, Paulo J. Silva, Orlando Oliveira, Pedro Bicudo
PoS Lattice2012, 245 (2012)
123 - Glueball spectral densities from the lattice
O. Oliveira, D. Dudal, P. J. Silva
PoS Lattice 2012, 214 (2012)
124 - The Landau gauge gluon propagator at zero and finite temperature: accounting for the combined finite lattice spacing and finite volume effects
O. Oliveira, P. J. Silva
PoS Lattice 2012, 216 (2012)
125 - The lattice Landau gauge gluon propagator at zero and finite temperature
O. Oliveira, P. J. Silva
Acta Physica Polonica B Proceedings Supplement 5, 1039-1044 (2012)
126 - Some properties of two Nambu-Jona-Lasinio -type models with inputs from lattice QCD
P. Costa, C. A. de Sousa, M. C. Ruivo, O. Oliveira, P. J. Silva, and H. Hansen
Acta Physica Polonica B Proceedings Supplement 5 no.4, 1083-1088 (2012)
127 - From Running Gluon Mass to Chiral Symmetry Breaking
O. Oliveira, P. Bicudo, D. Dudal, T. Frederico, W. de Paula, N. Vandersickel
arXiv 1109.3439 (2011)
128 - Towards the continuum limit of the lattice Landau gauge gluon propagator
O. Oliveira, P. J. Silva
AIP Conf. Proc. 1343, 194 (2011)
129 - What Lattice QCD tell us about the Landau Gauge Infrared Propagators
O. Oliveira, P. J. Silva, P. Bicudo
PoS (FacesQCD), 009 (2011)
130 - String Tension at Finite Temperature Lattice QCD
P. Bicudo, N. Cardoso, O. Oliveira, P. J. Silva
PoS (Lattice 2011), 300 (2011)
131 - What does low energy physics tell us about the zero momentum gluon propagator?
P. Costa, O. Oliveira, P. J. Silva
AIP Conf. Proc. 1343, 617 (2011)
132 - From unphysical gluon and ghost propagators to physical glueball propagators (in the Gribov-Zwanziger picture): a not so trivial task?
D. Dudal, N. Vandersickel, L. Baulieu, S.P. Sorella, M.S. Guimaraes, M.Q. Huber, O. Oliveira, D. Zwanziger
1009.5846 (2010)
133 - From propagators to glueballs in the Gribov-Zwanziger framework
N. Vandersickel, D. Dudal, O. Oliveira, S.P. Sorella
arXiv 1010.4448 (2010)
134 - Gluon Mass in Landau Gauge QCD
P. Bicudo, O. Oliveira
PoS Lattice 2010, 269 (2010)
135 - Unquenching the Landau Gauge Lattice Propagators and the Gribov Problem
P. J. Silva, O. Oliveira
PoS Lattice 2010, 287 (2010)
136 - Lattice QCD and Three-Body Exotic Systems in the static limit
M. Cardoso, P. Bicudo, O. Oliveira
Acta Phys. Polon. B Proc. Supp. 2, 269 2, 269 (2009)
137 - The lattice infrared Landau gauge gluon propagator: the infinite volume limit
O. Oliveira, P. J. Silva
PoS LAT2009, 226 (2009)
138 - The lattice infrared Landau gauge gluon propagator: from finite volume to the infinite volume
O. Oliveira, P. J. Silva
Pos QCD-TNT09, 33 (2009)
139 - Schwinger-Dyson equations and the quark-antiquark static potential
P. Bicudo, M. Cardoso, N. Cardoso, O. Oliveira
PoS (QCD-TNT09), 3 (2009)
140 - Exotic Static 3-body Potentials
P. Bicudo, M. Cardoso, O. Oliveira
PoS LAT2008, 151 (2008)
141 - SU(2) meets SU(3) in lattice-Landau-gauge gluon and ghost propagators
A. Cucchieri, T. Mendes, O. Oliveira, P. J. Silva
PoS LATTICE2007, 322 (2007)
142 - Static potential for the quark-anitquark-gluon hybrid system in lattice QCD
M. Cardoso, P. Bicudo, O. Oliveira
PoS LATTICE 2007, 293 (2007)
143 - Infrared exponents of gluon and ghost propagators from Lattice QCD
O. Oliveira, P. J. Silva
PoS LATTICE 2007, 332 (2007)
144 - The gluon propagator from large asymmetric lattices
O. Oliveira, P. J. Silva, E.-M. Ilgenfritz, A. Sternbeck
PoS LATTICE2007, 323 (2007)
145 - Fitting the lattice gluon propagator and the question of positivity violation
P. J. Silva, O. Oliveira
AIP Conf. Proc. 892, 529 (2007)
146 - Gauge fixing methods and Gribov copies effects in lattice QCD
P. J. Silva, O. Oliveira
PoS LATTICE 2007, 333 (2007)
147 - Studying the infrared behaviour of gluon and ghost propagators using large asymmetric lattices
P. J. Silva, O. Oliveira
AIP Conf. Proc. 892, 220 (2007)
148 - Charmonium and Bottomonium from Classical $SU(3)$ Gauge Configurations
R. A. Coimbra, O. Oliveira
AIP Conf. Proc. 892, 337 (2007)
149 - Exploring the infrared Landau gauge propagators using large asymmetric lattices
P. J. Silva, O. Oliveira
PoS LAT2006, 075 (2006)
150 - The Infrared Landau Gauge Gluon Propagator from Lattice QCD
O. Oliveira, P. J. Silva
AIP Conf. Proc. 756, 290 (2005)
151 - Finite volume effects in the gluon propagator
O. Oliveira, P. J. Silva
PoS LAT2005, 287 (2005)
152 - The IR gluon propagator from lattice QCD
P. J. Silva, O. Oliveira
PoS LAT2005, 286 (2005)
153 - The non-uniqueness of external vector fields determined from their magnitude on a spherical surface - application to the geomagnetic field
P. Alberto, O. Oliveira, M. A. Pais, R. Guedes Jr
Proceedings of the XII Fall Workshop on Geometry and Physics, eds H. Albuquerque, J. Clemente-Gallardo, J.M. Nunes da Costa, J. Teles, Publicaciones de la Real Sociedad Matemática Española (RSME) 7, 127-132 (2004)
154 - The non-uniqueness of external vector fields determined from their magnitude on a spherical surface - apllication to the geomagnetic field
P. Alberto, O. Oliveira, M.A.Pais, R. Guedes Jr.
XII Fall Workshop on Geometry and Physics, September, Coimbra (2003)
155 - Search for a fourth generation b'-quark at LEP-II at $\sqrt{s}$ = 196-209 GeV
S. Andringa, N. Castro, M. Espírito-Santo, P. Gonçalves, O. Oliveira, S. M. Oliveira, A. Onofre, M. Pimenta, R. Santos, B. Tomé, F. Veloso
DELPHI 2003-048 CONF 668 (2003)
156 - Search for a fourth generation b'-quark at LEP-II at $\sqrt{s}$ = 200 - 209 GeV
S Andringa, N. Castro, M. Espirito-Santo, P Gonçalves, O. Oliveira, A. Onofre, M. Pimenta, B. Tomé, F. Veloso
DELPHI 2002-063 CONF 597 (2002)
157 - Search for Single Top Production at LEP via Four-Fermion
Contact Interactions at $\sqrt{s}$=189-208GeV
S. Andringa, N. Castro, P. Gonçalves, O. Oliveira, A. Onofre, L. Peralta, M. Pimenta, B. Tomé, F. Veloso
Delphi 2001-087 CONF 515 (2001)
158 - Multigluon correlation functions from lattice QCD
Oliveira, O.
From first-principles QCD to experiments, Trento, Italy, 26 May (2023)
159 - Multigluon correlation functions from lattice QCD
Oliveira, O.
Light Cone, Rio de Janeiro, 22 September (2023)
160 - Looking at the analytic structure of the lattice Landau gauge gluon and ghost propagators
Orlando Oliveira
FunQCD: from first principles to effective theories, 29 Março - 1 Abril, Valencia, Spain, 2021. (2021)
161 - Lattice propagators and their analytical structure: an analysis using Pad\e approximants
Orlando Oliveira
QCD and Hadron Workshop, 10-14 May, Morellia, México (2021)
162 - Non-Perturbative Information from QCD Greem Functions
Orlando Oliveira
XV International Workshop on Hadron Physics, 13 Setembro - 17 Setembro, São José dos Campos, Brasil (2021)
163 - Looking at the non-perturbative quark-gluon vertex
Orlando Oliveira
International Institute of Physics, Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil, 17 July (2020)
164 - The non-perturbative quark-gluon vertex
Orlando Oliveira
WONPAQCD 2019, 2-4 Dezembro, Montevideo, Uruguai, 2019 (2019)
165 - Revisiting the Lattice Pure Gauge Landau Gauge Gluon Propagator at Zero and Finite Temperature
Orlando Oliveira
Infrared QCD, 8-10 Novembro, Paris, França, 2017 (2017)
166 - Lattice Landau gauge quark propagator and quark-gluon vertex
O. Oliveira, A. Kizilersu, M. Mueller-Preussker, P. J. Silva, J. Skullerud, A. Sternbeck, A. G. Williams
Many manifestations of nonperturbative QCD, Ilha Bela, Brazil (2016)
167 - \textit{Lattice Landau Gauge Quark Propagator and the Quark-Gluon Vertex
Orlando Oliveira
Excited QCD 2016, 6-12 Março, Costa da Caparica, Portugal, 2016 (2016)
168 - Gluon and Ghost Dynamics From Lattice QCD
Orlando Oliveira, Anthony G. Duarte, David Dudal, Paulo J. Silva
Light Cone 2016, Lisbon, Portugal 2016 (2016)
169 - Delivering nutrients to a tissue: blood flow and growing capillaries
Rui DM Travasso, Aurora Hernández-Machado, Mario Castro, Eugenia Corvera Poiré, Joaquin Flores, Orlando Oliveira, Joana Oliveira, Tobias Schwartz
University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal, 16th Feb (2011)
170 - What Lattice QCD tell us about the Landau Gauge Infrared Propagators
O. Oliveira
The Many Faces of QCD, 1-5 November, Ghent, Belgium (2010)
171 - The lattice infrared Landau gauge gluon propagator: from finite volume to the infinite volume
O. Oliveira
Pathways to Confinement, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 27-31 Julho (2009)
172 - Landau Gauge Gluon Function from Lattice QCD
O. Oliveira, P. J. Silva
T(r)opical QCD, Port Douglas, Queensland, Australia, 27 Julho - 2 Agosto 2008 (2008)
173 - Lattice computation of the Kugo-Ojima function
N. Brito, O. Oliveira, P.J. Silva, J. Papavassiliou, Ferreira M.N., A.C. Aguilar
From first-principles QCD to experiments, Trento, Italy, 24 May (2023)
174 - Compact QED: the photon propagator, confinement and positivity violation for the pure gauge theory
Lee Loveridge, Orlando Oliveira, Paulo Silva
The XVth Quark confinement and the Hadron spectrum conference, Stavanger, Norway, August 1-6 2022 (2022)
175 - Confinement in QED
Orlando Oliveira
TQCBR, Brasil, 5 October (2022)
176 - Looking at the analytic structure of Landau gauge propagators
Alexandre F. Falcão, Orlando Oliveira, Paulo J. Silva
The 38th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, 26-30 July (LATTICE 2021) (2021)
177 - Quark Gluon Vertex from N_F=2 Lattice QCD
Ayse Kisilersu, Jonivar Skullerud, Orlando Oliveira, Andre Sternbeck, Paulo Silva
A Virtual Tribute to Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum, 02-06 August (2021)
178 - Another look at the three-gluon vertex in the minimal Landau gauge
Guilherme Catumba, Orlando Oliveira, Paulo J. Silva
The 38th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, 26-30 July (LATTICE2021) (2021)
179 - Another look at the Landau gauge three-gluon vertex
Guilherme Catumba, Orlando Oliveira, Paulo J. Silva
A Virtual Tribute to Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum, 02-06 Aug (2021)
180 - Quark-gluon vertex with 2 flavours of O(a) improved Wilson fermions
Jonivar Skullerud, Ayse Kizilersu, Orlando Oliveira, Paulo Silva. Andre Sternbeck
The 38th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, 26-30 July (LATTICE 2021) (2021)
181 - Manifestations of Confinement/Deconfinement in 4D compact QED on the lattice
Lee C. Loveridge, Orlando Oliveira, Paulo J. Silva
The 38th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, 26-30 July (LATTICE 2021) (2021)
182 - Lattice Propagators, Padé Approximants and Analytic Structure
Orlando Oliveira
Asia-Pacific Symposium for Lattice QCD (APLAT 2020), August (2020)
183 - Lattice computation of the quark propagator in Landau gauge at finite temperature
Paulo J. Silva, Orlando Oliveira
The 37th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (LATTICE2019) (2019)
184 - Lattice Computation of the Ghost Propagator in Linear Covariant Gauges
A. Cucchieri, D. Dudal, T. Mendes, O. Oliveira, M. Roelfs, P. J. Silva
The 36th Annual International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (Lattice 2018), East Lansing, Michigan, EUA, 22-28 July 2018 (2018)
185 - Lattice Ghost Propagator in Linear Covariant Gauges
A. Cucchieri, D. Dudal, T. Mendes, O. Oliveira, M. Roelfs, P. J. Silva
666. WE-Heraeus-Seminar: From correlation functions to QCD phenomenology (FunQCD2018), Physikzentrum Bad Honnef, Germany,
03-06 April 2018 (2018)
186 - Ghost Sector in Minimal Linear Covariant Gauge
A. Cucchieri, D. Dudal, T. Mendes, O. Oliveira, M. Roelfs, P. J. Silva
XIIIth Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum, Maynooth, Ireland, 31 July - 6 August 2018 (2018)
187 - Spectral representation of lattice gluon and ghost
M. Roelfs, P. J. Silva, D. Dudal, O. Oliveira
666. WE-Heraeus-Seminar: From correlation functions to QCD phenomenology (FunQCD2018), Physikzentrum Bad Honnef, Germany, 03-06 April 2018 (2018)
188 - Spectral representation of lattice gluon and ghost propagators
Martin Roelfs, Paulo Silva, David Dudal, Orlando Oliveira
4th IDPASC Students Workshop, Departamento de Física, Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal, 28-29 June 2018. (2018)
189 - Lattice Landau gauge quark propagator at finite temperature
P. J. Silva, O. Oliveira
XIIIth Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum, Maynooth, Ireland, 31 July - 6 August 2018 (2018)
190 - Cromodinâmica Quântica na rede
P. J. Silva, O. Oliveira
21ª Conferência Nacional de Física e 28º Encontro Ibérico para o Ensino da Física (FÍSICA 2018), Universidade da Beira Interior, Covilhã, 29 August - 1 September 2018 (2018)
191 - Gluon propagation at finite temperature
P. J. Silva, O. Oliveira, D. Dudal, M. Roelfs, P. Bicudo, N. Cardoso
THOR meets THOR - exploring the interface of fundamental and effective approaches to extreme matter - COST THOR Working Group I & II & GDRI Meeting, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, 11-14 June 2018 (2018)
192 - Lattice Landau gauge gluon propagator at finite temperature: non-zero Matsubara frequencies and spectral densities
D. Dudal, O. Oliveira, M. Roelfs, P. J. Silva
Excited QCD 2017, Sintra, Portugal, 7-13 May 2017 (2017)
193 - Finite temperature gluon propagator in Landau gauge: non-zero Matsubara frequencies and spectral densities
D. Dudal, O. Oliveira, M. Roelfs, P. J. Silva
35th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (Lattice 2017),
Granada, Spain, 18-24 June 2017. (2017)
194 - Revisiting the lattice pure gauge Landau gauge gluon propagator at zero and finite temperature
O. Oliveira, P. J. Silva, D. Dudal, M. Roelfs
Infrared QCD Workshop,
APC Paris Diderot University, Paris, France, 8-10 November 2017. (2017)
195 - Hot gluons on the lattice: how do gluons propagate in a hot and non-dense medium?
P. J. Silva, O. Oliveira, D. Dudal, M. Roelfs, P. Bicudo, N. Cardoso
1º Encontro Nacional da Associação de Física de Interacções Fortes, Universidade de Coimbra, 14 July 2017 (2017)
196 - Landau gauge gluon vertices from Lattice QCD
A. G. Duarte, O. Oliveira, P. J. Silva
34th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (Lattice 2016), Southampton, UK (2016)
197 - Lattice Landau Gauge Quark Propagator and Quark-Gluon Vertex
O. Oliveira, A. Kizilersu, M. Mueller-Preussker, Paulo J. Silva, Jon-Ivar Skullerud, Andre Sternbeck, Anthony G. Williams
Excited QCD 2016, Caparica, Portugal, 6-12 March 2016 (2016)
198 - Gluons at finite temperature
P. J. Silva, O. Oliveira, D. Dudal, P. Bicudo, N. Cardoso
Light Cone 2016, Lisbon, Portugal (2016)
199 - On the lattice Landau gauge quark propagator; Gluon propagator in linear covariant gauges
O. Oliveira, A. Kizilersu, M. Mueller-Preussker, P. J. Silva, J. Skullerud, A. Sternbeck, A. G. Williams, P. Bicudo, D. Binosi, N. Cardoso
QCD-TNT 4 - Unraveling the organization of the QCD tapestry, Ilha Bela, São Paulo, Brazil, 31 August -- 4 September 2015 (2015)
200 - Gauge Fixing and the Gluon Propagator in Renormalizable Xi Gauges
P. Bicudo, D. Binosi, N. Cardoso, O. Oliveira, P. J. Silva
PoS LATTICE2015, 317 (2016)
Palestra apresentada na Lattice 2015, Kobe, Japão 2015 (2015)
201 - Gluon spectral densities from the lattice
D. Dudal, O. Oliveira, P. J. Silva
The Eighth International Workshop on Numerical Analysis and Lattice QFT (QCDNA8), Yale University, New Haven, USA, 19-21 June 2014 (2014)
202 - Z(N) dependence of the pure Yang-Mills gluon propagator in the Landau gauge near T
O. Oliveira, P. J. Silva
PoS LATTICE2014, 355 (2015)
Palestra apresentada na Lattice 2014, New York, USA 2014 (2014)
203 - Aspects of gluon propagation in Landau gauge: spectral densities, and mass scales at finite temperature
O. Oliveira, P. J. Silva, D. Dudal, P. Bicudo, N. Cardoso
Workshop on Unquenched Hadron Spectroscopy: Non-perturbative Models and Methods of QCD vs. Experiment (EEF70), Coimbra, 1-5 September 2014 (2014)
204 - Regulation of Blood Vessel Growth
Patrícia Oliveira, Rui DM Travasso, João Carvalho, Orlando Oliveira
Presentation of Projects in Biomedical Engineering, Coimbra, Portugal, 30th May (2014)
205 - Spectral densities from the lattice
David Dudal, Orlando Oliveira, Paulo J. Silva
31st International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (LATTICE 2013), Mainz, Germany (2013)
206 - Gluon mass at finite temperature in Landau gauge
Orlando Oliveira, Paulo Silva, Nuno Cardoso, Pedro Bicudo
31st International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (LATTICE 2013), Mainz, Germany (2013)
207 - Many faces of the Landau gauge gluon propagator at zero and finite temperature: positivity violation, spectral density and mass scales
Pedro Bicudo, Nuno Cardoso, David Dudal, Orlando Oliveira, Paulo Silva
QCD-TNT-III From quarks and gluons to hadronic matter: A bridge too far?, Trento, Italy (2013)
208 - Glueball spectral densities from the lattice
D. Dudal, O. Oliveira, P. J. Silva
The 30th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (Lattice 2012), Cairns, Australia (2012)
209 - Landau Gauge Fixing on GPUs
N. Cardoso , P. Bicudo , P. J. Silva and O. Oliveira
Excited QCD 2012, 6-12 May, Peniche Portugal (2012)
210 - The Landau gauge gluon propagator at zero and finite temperature: accounting for the combined finite lattice spacing and finite volume effects
O. Oliveira, P. J. Silva
The 30th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (Lattice 2012), Cairns, Australia (2012)
211 - The lattice Landau gauge gluon propagator at zero and finite temperature
O. Oliveira, P. J. Silva
Excited QCD 2012, 6-12 May, Peniche Portugal (2012)
212 - Bosonic propagators for pure Yang-Mills theories from lattice simulations
O. Oliveira, P. J. Silva, D. Dudal
Many Manifestations of Nonperturbative QCD, International workshop on nonperturbative phenomena in hadron and particle physics, April 30 to May 5, Caraguatatuba, São Paulo, Brasil (2012)
213 - The QCD Critical End Point in the Context Context of the PolyakovNambuJona-Lasinio Model
P. Costa, C.A. de Sousa, M.C. Ruivo, O. Oliveira, P. J. Silva and H. Hansen
Talk given at the Exited QCD 2012, 6-12 May, Peniche Portugal (2012)
214 - The lattice Landau gauge gluon propagator at zero and finite temperature
P. J. Silva, O. Oliveira
X Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum, Munich, Germany (2012)
215 - Delivering nutrients to a tissue: blood flow and growing capillaries
Rui D.M. Travasso, Aurora Hernandez-Machado, Mario Castro, Eugenia Corvera, Juan Carlos Rodriguez-Manzaneque, Joaquin Flores, Orlando Oliveira, Joana Oliveira, Tobias Schwartz
SINAL 2011, Coimbra, Portugal, 28th-30th April (2011)
216 - LIBOR Convexity Adjustments for the Vasicek and CIR models
R. Gaspar, B. Gaminha, O. Oliveira
6th Portuguese Finance Network Conference, 1-3 July, Ponta Delgada, Portugal (2010)
217 - LIBOR Convexity Adjustments
O. Oliveira, R. Gaspar, B. Gaminha
3rd Conference on Numerical Methods in Finance, Paris 15-17th April (2009)
218 - Deconfinement in pure gauge SU(3) Yang-Mills theory: the ghost propagator
O. Oliveira, V. Paiva, P.J. Silva
19th International Conference on QCD in Extreme Conditions (XQCD 2023), 26 July (2023)
219 - Graph theory approach to wildfire supression
João Aveiro, Daniel Neves, Paulo Silva, Orlando Oliveira, Fernando Nogueira, Jaime Oliveira da Silva
Física2022, 23ª Conferência Nacional de Física, 7-10/9 (2022)
220 - Deconfinement in pure gauge SU(3) Yang-Mills theory: the ghost propagator
Orlando Oliveira, Vítor Paiva, Paulo Silva
The XVth Quark confinement and the Hadron spectrum conference, Stavanger, Norway, August 1-6 (2022)
221 - Lattice artefacts on the Landau gauge gluon propagator from hypercubic tensor representations
Guilherme Catumba, Orlando Oliveira, Paulo J. Silva
The 38th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (LATTICE 2021), 26-30 July (2021)
222 - Lattice computation of the Landau gauge quark propagator at finite
P. J. Silva , O. Oliveira
Non-Perturbative QCD in Euclidean and Minkowski, Coimbra, Portugal, 10-12 September 2019 (2019)
223 - High Precision Statistical Landau Gauge Lattice Gluon Propagator Computation
D. Dudal, O. Oliveira, P. J. Silva
XIIIth Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum, Maynooth, Ireland, 31 July - 6 August 2018 (2018)
224 - High Precision Statistical Landau Gauge Lattice Gluon Propagator Computation
D. Dudal, O. Oliveira, P. J. Silva
The 36th Annual International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (Lattice 2018), East Lansing, Michigan, USA, 22 - 28 July 2018 (2018)
225 - High Precision Statistical Landau Gauge Lattice Gluon Propagator Computation vs. the Gribov-Zwanziger approach
D. Dudal, O. Oliveira, P. J. Silva
IV Hadron Physics 2018, Florianópolis, Brasil, 18 - 23 March 2018 (2018)
226 - Regulation of Blood Vessel Growth
Patrícia Oliveira, Rui DM Travasso, João Carvalho, Orlando Oliveira
Presentation of Projects in Biomedical Engineering, Coimbra, Portugal, 12th-14th Feb (2014)
227 - Hypoxia in vascular networks: a complex system approach to unraveling the Diabetes paradox.
Yerali Gandica, Tobias Schwartz, Orlando Oliveira and Rui Travasso
European Conference in Complex Networks (ECCS ́2013), Barcelona. 16-20 September (2013)
228 - Landau gauge fixing on GPUs
N. Cardoso , P. Bicudo , P. J. Silva and O. Oliveira
The 30th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (Lattice 2012), Cairns, Australia (2012)
229 - String Tension at Finite Temperature Lattice QCD
P. Bicudo, N. Cardoso, O. Oliveira, P. J. Silva
The XXIX International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (Lattice 2011), Squaw Valley, California, USA (2011)
230 - Delivering nutrients to a tissue: blood flow and capillary growth
Rui D.M. Travasso, Tobias Schwartz, Eugenia Corvera, Mario Castro, Juan Carlos Rodriguez-Manzaneque, Orlando Oliveira, Joana Oliveira, Aurora Hernandez- Machado
FisEs 2011, Barcelona, Spain, 2nd-4th June (2011)
231 - Delivering nutrients to a tissue: blood flow and capillary growth
Rui D.M. Travasso, Tobias Schwartz, Eugenia Corvera, Mario Castro, Juan Carlos Rodriguez-Manzaneque, Orlando Oliveira, Joana Oliveira, Aurora Hernandez- Machado
1st PF2MUC Symposium, Coimbra, Portugal, 17th October (2011)
232 - What does low energy physics tell us about the zero momentum gluon propagator?
P. Costa, O. Oliveira, P. J. Silva
Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum IX, Madrid Spain (2010)
233 - Exploring the non-unicity of inverted CMB flows
A. Pais, O. Oliveira, F. Nogueira
Geophysical Research Abstracts 5, 11694 (2003)
234 - On the non-uniqueness of main geomagnetic field determined by surface intensity measurements - the Backus problem
P. Alberto, R. B. Guedes Jr, O. Oliveira, A. Pais
Geophysical Research Abstracts 5, 11053 (2003)
235 - Different methods to compute flows at the core-mantle boundary
from geomagnetic data
F. Nogueira, O. Oliveira, M. A. Pais, G. Hulot, J.-L. Le Mouël
26th General Assembly of European Geophysical Society (2001)
236 - Graph-Based Strategies for Optimizing Wildfire Supression
J. Aveiro, D. Neves, Paulo J. Silva, O. Oliveira, F. Nogueira, Jaime Oliveira da Silva,
237 - On the Photon-Fermion Vertex
Oliveira, O.
arXiv:2312.02886 [hep-ph] (2023)
238 - Kallén-Lehmann Spectral Representation of the Scalar SU(2) Glueball
David Dudal, Orlando Oliveira, Martin Roelfs
arXiv:2103.11846. [hep-ph] (2021)
239 - Spectral representation of lattice gluon and ghost propagators at zero temperature
David Dudal, Orlando Oliveira, Martin Roelfs, Paulo Silva
arXiv 1901.05348 [hep-lat] (2019)
240 - Finite Temperature Landau Gauge Lattice Quark Propagator
Orlando Oliveira, Paulo J. Silva
arXiv 1903.00263 [hep-lat] (2019)
241 - The Quark-Gluon Vertex and the QCD Infrared Dynamics
O. Oliveira, W. de Paula, T. Frederico, J.P.B.C. de Melo
arXiv, 1807.10348 (2018)
242 - Oscillons in $\phi^6$-theories: Possible occurrence in MHD
R.A.C. Correa, W. de Paula, T. Frederico, O. Oliveira, F.E.M. Silveira
arXiv, 1806.04412 (2018)
243 - A Democratic Gauge Model for Dark/Visible Matter Symmetry
O. Oliveira, C. A. Bertulani, M. S. Hussein, W. de Paula, T. Frederico
arXiv: 1108.2723 (2011)
244 - Linking Dynamical Gluon Mass to Chiral Symmetry Breaking via a QCD Low Energy Effective Field Theory
O. Oliveira, W. de Paula, T. frederico
arXiv 1105.4899 (2011)
245 - Revisiting the Wu-Yang Monopole: classical solutions and conformal invariance
J. A. O. Marinho, O. Oliveira, B. V. Carlson, T. Frederico
arXiv:0912.3274 (2009)
246 - Charmonium, Bottomonium, $B_c$ Mesons from Classical Pure SU(3) Yang-Mills Configurations
O. Oliveira, R. A. Coimbra
hep-ph 0603046 (2006)
247 - Classical Solutions of SU(3) Yang-Mills Theory and Heavy Quark Phenomenology
O. Oliveira
hep-ph/0411237 (2004)
248 - Classical Solutions of SU(2) and SU(3) Pure Yang-Mills Theories and Heavy Quark Spectrum
O. Oliveira, R. A. Coimbra
hep-ph/0305305 (2003)
249 - Classical Solutions of SU(3) Pure Yang-Mills Theory
O. Oliveira, R. A. Coimbra
hep-th, 210186 (2002)
250 - On SU(2) Yang-Mills Theory and the Maximal Abelian Gauge
O. Oliveira
hep/th 0105222 (2001)
251 - Membro da comissão directiva do Programa doutoral IDPASC
O. Oliveira
Thesis supervised
- Spectroscopic and Geometric Algebra Methods for Lattice QCD
Martin Roelfs
PhD thesis, (2021) - Exploring the Dyson-Schwinger equations in QED
Helena Lessa Macedo
MSc thesis, MSc in Physics (2023) - The Four Gluon Vertex from Lattice Quantum Chromodynamics
Manuel Francisco Silvério Carrilho Colaço
MSc thesis, MSc in Physics (2023) - Lattice Computation of the Kugo-Ojima Correlation Function
Nuno Miguel Rebelo Brito
MSc thesis, MSc in Physics (2023) - Quantum space-time Leaps: Higher dimensional causal sets
João Vasco Gil Fortes Maio Gomes
MSc thesis, MSc. Thesis in Physics (2022) - Renormalization Group Flows of Matrix Models of 2D Quantum Gravity
Vitor André Clímaco Vieira Borralho Paiva
MSc thesis, (2022) - Padé Approximants and the analytic structure of the gluon and ghost propagators
Alexandre F. Falcão
MSc thesis, (2020) - Estrutura Analítica do Propagador de Gluões
Alexandre da Fonseca Falcão
MSc thesis, (2020) - Gluon correlation functions from lattice quantum chromodynamics
Guilherme Telo Rodigues Catumba
MSc thesis, arXiv:2101.06074 (2020) - Simulação e Optimização de Modelos Estocásticos em Engenharia com uma Aplicação a Modelos Financeiros
Manuel Gomes Cipriano Nabais Conde
MSc thesis, Tese de Mestrado em Engenharia Física, Universidade de Coimbra (2018) - Correlation Functions in Pure Yang-Mills Theories: propagators and vertices from lattice QCD
Anthony Gomes Duarte
MSc thesis, (2016) - Regulation of Blood Vessel Growth
Patrícia Santos Oliveira
MSc thesis, Universidade de Coimbra (2014) - Um algoritmo para a Escolha de Gauge em Cromodinâmica Quântica na Rede
P. J. Silva
MSc thesis, Master Thesis, School of Sciences and Tecnology, University of Coimbra (2002)
Knowledge Transfer
- Assessing non-unicity in geomagnetic problems using stochastic methods
- Chasing deconfinement with lattice QCD simulations
- Core-flow modelling using stochastic and evolutionary methods
- Dynamical lattice QCD simulations at finite temperature
- Finite temperature effets within a QCD inspired model and lattice calculations
- High statistical lattice computation of quark and ghost propagators
- Lattice QCD, the strong coupling constant and heavy quark potentials
- Low-energy effective models and lattice QCD approaches to the investigation of chiral phase transitions and hadronic properties at finite temperature and density
- Multi-gluon vertices in Lattice QCD
- Optimization in Physics
- Portuguese Lattice QCD Collaboration - Confinement Scenarios, Exotic Potentials, Algorithms for Dynamical Fermions, Effective Theories
- Stochastic Analysis and Numerical Approximations in Mathematical Finance
- The quantum chromodynamics phase diagram and mesonic behavior in the context of effective models and lattice QCD
- The structure of multiquarks
- Understanding QCD phase diagram and phase transitions from the interplay between lattice techniques and low-energy effective models
- Coordenador do Programa Estágios de Verão dos Alunos da Licenciatura em Física 2016 (10 estágios divididos entre alunos de Fís. e Eng. Fís.) (14/Oct/2016)
- Organização da Física@UC 2016 (27/Sep/2016)
- Coordenador das visitas ao Departamento de Física nos anos lectivos de 2014/2015 (26/Mar/2015)
- Organização da Física@UC 2015 (03/Feb/2015)
- Coordenador do Programa Estágios de Verão dos Alunos da Licenciatura em Física 2015 (12 estágios devidos por alunos de Fís. e Eng. Fis.) (18/Jan/2015)
- Coordenador das visitas ao Departamento de Física nos anos lectivos de 2011/2012 (06/Apr/2012)