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Heavy Quarkonia from Classical SU(3) Yang-Mills Configurations

Authors: R. A. Coimbra, O. Oliveira

Ref.: EPJA 31, 718 (2007)

Abstract: A generalized Cho-Faddeev-Niemi ansatz for SU(3) Yang-Mills is investigated. The corresponding classical field equations are solved for its simplest parametrization. From these solutions it is possible to define a confining central non-relativistic potential used to study heavy quarkonia. The associated spectra reproduces the experimental spectra with an error of less than 3% for charmonium and 1% for bottomonium. Moreover, the recently discovered new charmonium states can be accomodate in the spectra, keeping the same level of precision. The leptonic width show good agreement with the recent measurements. The charmonium and bottomonium E1 electromagnetic transitions widths are computed and compared with the experimental values.

URL: www.edpsciences.org