2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008
2011 [LaTeX]
1 - Sócios Portugueses da Royal Society / Portuguese Fellows of the Royal Society
C. Fiolhais
Coimbra: Universidade de Coimbra (2011)
2 - Darwin aos tiros e outras histórias de ciência
C. Fiolhais and D. Marçal
Lisbon: Gradiva
(seven editions so far) (2011)
3 - Física Divertida
C. Fiolhais
Lisbon: Gradiva, 1ª edition, 1991
8 edition (2011)
4 - A Ciência em Portugal
C. Fiolhais
Lisbon: Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos
(more than 8000 copies sold) (2011)
Chapters of Books
5 - Membros portugueses da Royal Society : Portuguese fellows of the Royal Society
Fiolhais, C. (org.)
Coimbra: Universidade de Coimbra, 128 (2011)
6 - Políticas e Políticos da Educação, Contributos para a História do Sistema Educativo em Portugal (2008-2010)
C. Fiolhais, Entrevista, J. Ruivo and J. Carrega
Castelo Branco: RJV Editores, 201-208 (2011)
7 - Coimbra e o Futuro, C-Zero
C. Fiolhais
Cimento 12x 12 x 12, Coimbra (2011)
8 - The Mechanics of Blood Vessel Growth
Rui D. M. Travasso
Vasculogenesis and Angiogenesis from Embrionic Development to Regenerative Medicine, eds. Dan T. Simionescu and Agneta Simionescu, InTech, 187-204 (2011)
9 - Structural Studies in Perovskite Ferroelectric Crystals Based on Synchrotron Radiation Analysis Techniques
Jingzhong Xiao
Ferroelectrics - Characterization and modeling, edited by Mickael Lallart, Croatia, part 1, 3-22 (2011)
10 - Membros portugueses da Royal Society : Portuguese fellows of the Royal Society
C. Fiolhais, Leonor Gambini, Décio R Martins
Coimbra: Universidade de Coimbra
ISBN: 9789726162261 1 (2011)
11 - Positron Physics
A. Pedroso de Lima and P.M. Gordo
Nuclear Medicine Physics
CRC Press, Taylor & Francis group (2011)
12 - O que eu sei sobre as mulheres
C. Fiolhais, Entrevista, A. Sousa Dias
Lisbon: Objectiva (2011)
13 - Dar e Receber em Frankfurt
C. Fiolhais
Instituto Universitário Justiça e Paz, O que ganhas quando dás, Coimbra (2011)
14 - Vivemos uma época difícil nas escolas
C. Fiolhais
in Conferência Internacional Matemática Ensino: Questões e Soluções, N. Crato (org.), Lisbon: Gulbenkian Foundation, Lisbon (2011)
15 - Bartolomeu de Gusmão e o seu balão
C. Fiolhais
in “Bartolomeu Lourença de Gusmão. O Padre Voador”, Brasiliana da Biblioteca Joanina da Universidade de Coimbra, vol. I, Rio de Janeiro: Universidade Estadual do Rio de Janeiro and Andrea Jakobson Estúdios, (Luxury coffee table book). (2011)
16 - Amorim da Costa O Historiador de Química
Martins, Décio R.
In Sementes de Ciência - Livro de Homenagem António Marinho Amorim da Costa, ed. Sebastião J. Formosinho; Hugh D. Burrows 11 - 50, Coimbra: Imprensa da Universidade., ISBN: 978-989-26-0114-4 (2011)
17 - Congresso Luso-Brasileiro de História das Ciências - Livro de Actas ed. 1
C. Fiolhais, Carlota Simões, Décio R. (eds.) Martins
Coimbra: Imprensa da Universidade
ISBN: 978-989-26-0122-9 1 (2011)
International Journals
18 - Mössbauer studies of Haltern 70 Amphorae from Castro do Vieito, North of Portugal, and of Amphora sherds from kilns in the Roman Provinces Hispania Baetica and Lusitania
.F.O. Costa, A.J.M. Silva, F.E. Wagner, U. Wagner
Hyperfine Interact 202, 81-87 (2011)
19 - Regularization Independent Analysis of the Origin of Two Loop Contributions to N=1 Super Yang-Mills Beta Function.
H.G. Fargnoli, B. Hiller, A.P.Baeta Scarpelli, Marcos Sampaio, M.C. Nemes
Eur.Phys.J. C71 (2011) 1633 C71, 1633 (2011)
20 - Ultraviolet and Infrared Divergences in Implicit Regularization: A Consistent Approach.
H.G. Fargnoli, A.P. Baeta Scarpelli, L.C.T. Brito, B. Hiller, Marcos Sampaio, M.C. Nemes, A.A. Osipov
Mod.Phys.Lett. A26 (2011) 289-302 A 26, 289-302 (2011)
21 - Density-based mixing parameter for hybrid functionals
M.A.L. Marques, J. Vidal, M.J.T. Oliveira, L. Reining, S. Botti
Phys. Rev. B 83, 035119 (2011)
22 - Hadron-quark phase transition in asymmetric matter with boson
Rafael Cavagnoli, Constança Providência, and Debora P. Menezes
Physical Review C 83, 045201 (2011)
23 - Estimation of the effect of hyperonic three-body forces on the maximum mass of neutron stars
I. Vidaña, D. Logoteta, C. Providência, A. Polls and I. Bombaci
EPL 94, 11002 (2011)
24 - Electronic properties of interfaces and defects from many-body perturbation theory: Recent developments and applications.
Giantomassi, M., Stankovski, M., Shaltaf, R., Grüning, M., Bruneval, F., Rinke, P. and Rignanese, G.-M.
physica status solidi (b) 248, 275-289 (2011)
25 - Implementation and testing of Lanczos-based algorithms for Random-Phase Approximation eigenproblems
M. Grüning, A. Marini, X. Gonze
Computational Materials Science 50, 2148-2156 (2011)
26 - Electronic structure modification of Si nanocrystals with F4-TCNQ
A. Carvalho, J. Coutinho, E. L. Silva M. Barroso
Physical Review B 84, 125437 (2011)
27 - On Symmetry and Anisotropy of Earth-core Flows
N. Schaeffer and M. A. Pais
Geophys. Res. Lett. 38, L10309, (2011)
28 - Synthesis, Crystal Structure and ab Initio Studies of 5-Phenylamino-3-phenylimino-3H[1,2]dithiole-4-carboxylic acid ethyl ester
Raza Murad Ghalib, Rokiah Hashim, P. S. Pereira Silva, Othman Sulaiman
Journal of Chemical Crystallography 41, 1889 (2011)
29 - Accurate Color Tuning of Firefly Chromophore by Modulation of Local Polarization Electrostatic Fields
Duanjun Cai, Miguel A. L. Marques, Fernando Nogueira
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 115, 329-332 (2011)
30 - Running Gluon Mass from Landau Gauge Lattice QCD Propagator
O. Oliveira, P. Bicudo
J Phys G38, 045003 (2011)
31 - Modeling van der Waals interactions between proteins and inorganic surfaces from time-dependent density functional theory calculations
M.J.T. Oliveira, S. Botti, and M.A.L. Marques
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 13, 15055-15061 (2011)
32 - Synthesis, crystal structure, ab initio studies and fingerprint plots of 2-chloro-1,3-dioxo-2,3-dihydro-1H-inden-2-yl acetate
Raza Murad Ghalib, Rokiah Hashim, P. S. Pereira Silva, Sayed Hasan Mehdi, Othman Sulaiman, Manuela Ramos Silva
Journal of Chemical Crystallography 41, 1688 (2011)
33 - Costa Lobo and the Study of the Sun in Coimbra in the first half of the Twentieth century
A. J. Leonardo, Décio R. Martins, C. Fiolhais
Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage 14, 41-56 (2011)
34 - Neutron star properties and the symmetry energy
Rafael Cavagnoli, Debora P. Menezes, Constança Providência
Phys. Rev. C 84, 065810 (2011)
35 - Real-time approach to the optical properties of solids and nanostructures: Time-dependent Bethe-Salpeter equation
C. Attaccalite, M. Grüning and A. Marini
Phys. Rev. B 84, 245110 (2011)
36 - A halogenated coumarin from Ficus krishnae
Mehtab Parveen, Akhtar Ali, Ali Mohammed Malla, Pedro Sidónio Pereira Silva, Manuela Ramos Silva
Chemical Papers 65(5), 735-738 (2011)
37 - Role of fourth-order phase-space moments in collective modes of
trapped Fermi gases
S. Chiacchiera, T. Lepers, D. Davesne, and M. Urban
Phys. Rev. A 84, 043634 (2011)
38 - The universal red-giant oscillation pattern. An automated determination with CoRoT data
B. Mosser, K. Belkacem, M. J. Goupil, E. Michel, Y. Elsworth, C. Barban, T. Kallinger, S. Hekker, J. De Ridder, R. Samadi, F. Baudin, Pinheiro F.J.G., M. Auvergne, A. Baglin, C. Catala
A&A 525, 9 (2011)
39 - Crystal structure, ab initio calculations and Hirshfeld surfaces of a new polymorph of N,N,N-triphenylbiuret
Pedro S. Pereira Silva, Raza Murad Ghalib, Sayed Hasan Mehdi, Rokiah Hashim, Othman Sulaiman, M. Ramos Silva
Journal of Molecular Structure 995, 66-71 (2011)
40 - 8-Iodo-5,7-dimethoxy-4-methyl-2H-chromen-2-one
P. S. Pereira Silva, Mehtab Parveen, Akhtar Ali, M. Ramos Silva
Acta Crystallographica E67, o776 (2011)
41 - Monoclinic polymorph of 2-(pyrimidin-2-ylsulfanyl)acetic acid
Manuela Ramos Silva, Pedro S. Pereira Silva, Consuelo Yuste, José A. Paixão
Acta Crystallographica E67, o340 (2011)
42 - 7,7-Dihydroxy-4,4-dimethyl-3,4-dihydro-2H,2H-4,6-bichromene-2,2-dione
P. S. Pereira Silva, Mehtab Parveen, Akhtar Ali, Ali Mohammed Malla, M. Ramos Silva
Acta Crystallographica E67, 0201 (2011)
43 - Applying complex network theory to the understanding of high aspect ratio carbon filled composites
Jaime Silva, R. Simoes, S. Lanceros-Mendez, R. Vaia
Europhys. Lett. 93, 37005 (2011)
44 - Relativistic particle in a three-dimensional box
P. Alberto, S. Das, E. C. Vagenas
Phys. Lett. A 375, 1436-1440 (2011)
45 - Landau parameters for asymmetric nuclear matter with a strong magnetic field
M. Ángeles Pérez-García, C. Providência, and A. Rabhi
Phys. Rev. C 84, 045803 (2011)
46 - Finite temperature quark matter under strong magnetic fields
S. S. Avancini, D. P. Menezes, and C. Providência
Phys. Rev. C 83, 065805 (2011)
47 - Warm and dense stellar matter under strong magnetic fields
A. Rabhi, P. K. Panda, and C. Providência
Phys. Rev. C 84, 035803 (2011)
48 - Electronic Structure of Zn, Cu and Ni impurities in Germanium
E. L. Silva, J. Coutinho, A. Carvalho, V. J. B. Torres, M. Barroso, R. Jones, P. R. Briddon
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 23, 065802 (2011)
49 - The influence of the dispersion method on the electrical properties of vapor-grown carbon nanofiber / epoxy composites
P. Cardoso, Jaime Silva, D. Klosterman, J. A. Covas, F. W. J. Van Hattum, R. Simoes, S. Lanceros-Mendez
Nanoscale Res. Lett. 6, 370 (2011)
50 - Plasmons in Strong Superconductors
M. Baldo, C. Ducoin
PHYSICS OF ATOMIC NUCLEI 74, 1508-1517 (2011)
51 - Extended Nambu-Jona-Lasinio Model with covariant regularization.
J. Moreira, B. Hiller, A.A. Osipov, A.H. Blin
Nucl.Phys. A 862-863, 344 (2011)
52 - The influence of matrix mediated hopping conductivity, filler concentration, aspect ratio and orientation on the electrical response of carbon nanotube/polymer nanocomposites.
Jaime Silva, S. Ribeiro, S. Lanceros-Mendez, R. Simoes
Compos. Sci. Technol. 71, 643-646 (2011)
53 - Preliminary Positron Lifetime Results on Free Volumes in Cyclodextrins
M.F. Ferreira Marques, A.M.G. Moreira da Silva, P.M. Gordo, Zs. Kajcsos
Mater. Sci. Forum 666 (2011)
54 - Quantifying the Drilling Effect during the Application of Incremental Hole-Drilling Technique in Laminate Composites
J.P. Nobre, J.-H. Stiffel, W. Van Paepegem, A. Nau, A.C. Batista, M.J. Marques, B. Scholtes
Materials Science Forum 681, 510-515 (2011)
55 - Impurity effects in quasiparticle spectrum of high-Tc superconductors
Yu. G. Pogorelov, M. C. Santos, V. M. Loktev
Low Temp. Phys. 37, 803 (2011)
56 - Quasi-bound states in the continuum: a dynamical coupled-channel calculation of axial-vector charmed mesons
S. Coito, G. Rupp, E. van Beveren
Phys.Rev. D 84, 094020 (2011)
57 - Drawbacks of applying perturbative schemes to meson spectroscopy
K.P. Khemchandani, E. van Beveren, G. Rupp
Prog.Theor.Phys. 125, 581-602 (2011)
58 - Cluster size entropy in the Axelrod model of social influence: Complex networks and mass media.
Yérali Gandica, A. Charmell, J. Villegas-Febres and I. Bonalde
Physical Review E 84, 046109 (2011)
59 - Quark matter under strong magnetic fields in chiral models
Aziz Rabhi and Constança Providência
Phys. Rev. C 83, 055801 (2011)
60 - Core-crust transition in neutron stars: Predictivity of densitydevelopment
Camille Ducoin, Jérôme Margueron, Constança Providência, Isaac Vidaña
Phys. Rev. C 83, 045810 (2011)
61 - Pion correlations in Nuclear Matter
P.K. Panda, S. Sarangi, J. da Providencia
Int.J.Mod.Phys. E 20, 63 (2011)
62 - An inverse eigenvalue problem for periodic Jacobi matrices in Minkowski spaces
N. Bebiano, C.M. da Fonseca, J. da Providencia
Linear Algebra and its Applications 435, 2033-2045 (2011)
63 - Non-Hermitian Hamiltonians with Real Spectrum in Quantum Mechanics
J. da Providencia, N. Bebiano, J.P. da Providencia
Braz.J.Phys. 41, 78-85 (2011)
64 - Residual Stress Fields after Heat Treatment in Cladded Steel of Process Vessels
M.J. Marques, A.C. Batista, J.R. Kornmeier, M. Hofmann, J.P. Nobre, A. Loureiro
Materials Science Forum 681, 364-369 (2011)
65 - Improving dynamical lattice QCD simulations through integrator tuning using Poisson brackets and a force-gradient integrator
M. A. Clark, Bálint Joó, A. D. Kennedy, P. J. Silva
Phys. Rev. D 84, 071502(R) (2011)
66 - The phase-field model in tumor growth
Rui D. M. Travasso, Mario Castro, and Joana C. R. E. Oliveira
Philosophical Magazine 91, 183-206 (2011)
67 - Tumor Angiogenesis and Vascular Patterning: A Mathematical Model
Rui D. M. Travasso, Eugenia Corvera Poiré, Mario Castro, Juan Carlos Rodríguez-Manzaneque, A. Hernández-Machado
PLoS ONE 6, e19989 (2011)
68 - Pion Electro-Production in the Region of Low-Lying P11 and S11 Resonances
S Sirca, B Golli, M Fiolhais, LA Ruso
FEW-BODY SYSTEMS 50, 335-358 (2011)
69 - Modeling nearby FGK Population I stars: A new form of estimating stellar parameters using an optimization approach
JM Fernandes, AIF Vaz, LN Vicente
70 - Delicate interplay between the D0-D*0, rho0-J/psi, and omega-J/psi channels in the X(3872) resonance
S. Coito, G. Rupp, E. van Beveren
Eur.Phys.J. C 71, 1762 (2011)
71 - Evidence for further charmonium vector resonances
E. van Beveren and G. Rupp
Chin.Phys. C 35, 319-324 (2011)
72 - Torqued fireballs in relativistic heavy-ion collisions
P. Bozek, W. Broniowski and J. Moreira
Phys.Rev. C 83, 034911 (2011)
73 - On the Color-Singlet States in Many-Quark Model with the su(4)-Algebraic Structure. II - Determination of Ground-State Energies
Y Tsue, C Providencia, J. da Providencia, M Yamamura
74 - On the Color-Singlet States in Many-Quark Model with the su(4)-Algebraic Structure. I - Color-Symmetric Form
Y Tsue, C Providencia, J. da Providencia, M Yamamura
75 - On the Color-Singlet States in Many-Quark Model with the su(4)-Algebraic Structure. III
Y. Tsue, C. Providencia, J. da Providencia, M. Yamamura
Prog.Theor.Phys. 126, 313-330 (2011)
76 - The numerical range of linear operators on the 2-dimensional Krein space
H. Nakazato, N. Bebiano, J. da Providencia
Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra 22, 430-442 (2011)
77 - Isothermal structural transitions, magnetization and large piezoelectric response in Bi1-xLaxFeO3 perovskites
I. O. Troyanchuk, D. V. Karpinsky, M. V. Bushinsky, V. A. Khomchenko, G. N. Kakazei, J. P. Araujo, M. Tovar, V. Sikolenko, V. Efimov, A. L. Kholkin
Phys. Rev. B 83(5), 054109 (2011)
78 - Structural stability and
magnetic properties of Bi1-xLa(Pr)(x)FeO3 solid solutions
D. V. Karpinsky, I. O. Troyanchuk, O. S. Mantytskaya, V. A. Khomchenko, A. L. Kholkin
Solid State Commun. 151(22), 1686-1689 (2011)
79 - Production of polar β-glycine nanofibers with enhanced nonlinear optical and piezoelectric properties
Isakov, D., Gomes, E. D. M., Bdikin, I., Almeida, B., Belsley, M., Costa, M., . . . Heredia, A.
Crystal Growth and Design 11(10), 4288-4291 (2011)
80 - The Meteorological Observations in Coimbra and The Portuguese Participation in Weather Forecast In Europe
A. J. Leonardo, Décio R. Martins, C. Fiolhais
Earth Sciences History Journal 30, 135-162 (2011)
81 - Infrared Independence of Two Loop N=1 Super Yang-Mills Beta Function
H.G. Fargnoli, B. Hiller, A.P.Baeta Scarpelli, Marcos Sampaio, M.C. Nemes
Eur.Phys.J. C 71, 1633 (2011)
82 - Study on the evolution of surface morphology of MBE hetero-epitaxy growth of ZnO thin film
Jingzhong Xiao, Quanjie Jia
Materials Science Forum 663-665, 1205-1208 (2011)
83 - Growth and annealing effect of Co-doped BaFe2As2 single crystals
Journal of Crystal Growth 321, 55-59 (2011)
84 - A halogenated coumarin from
Ficus krishnae
Mehtab Parveen, Akhtar Ali, Ali Mohammed Malla, Pedro Sidonio Pereira Silva, Manuela Ramos Silva
CHEMICAL PAPERS 65(5), 735-738 (2011)
85 - Order-disorder phenomena from X-ray diffraction in FeCo alloys annealed and ground at high energy
J.M. Loureiro, A.C. Batista, V.A. Khomchenko, B.F.O. Costa, G. Le Caër
Powder Diffr. 26(3), 267-272 (2011)
86 - Absorption Spectrum of the Firefly Luciferin Anion Isolated in Vacuo
Kristian Støchkel, Bruce F. Milne, and Steen Brøndsted Nielsen
Journal of Physical Chemistry A 115 (11), 2155-2159 (2011)
87 - Growth and radiation resistant properties of 2.7–2.8 mm Yb,Er:GSGG laser crystal
Journal of Crystal Growth
318, 669-673 (2011)
88 - Giant and negative dielectric tunability induced by interfacial polarization in Pb(Fe1/2Nb1/2)1-xTixO3 single crystals
Kui Liu, Xinyi Zhang and Jingzhong Xiao
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 50, 101502 (2011)
89 - Comparison of disorder induced by annealing and quench and by ball-milling in B2 FeCo
J. M. Loureiro, B. Malaman, B. F. O. Costa, G. Le Caër, V. A. Khomchenko, S. Das, V. S. Amaral
Phys. Status Solidi C 8 (11-12), 3087-3090 (2011)
90 - Sol-Gel Synthesis of Iron(III) Oxyhydroxide Nanostructured Monoliths Using Fe(NO3)3∙9H2O/CH3CH2OH/NH4OH Ternary System
L. Durães, O. Oliveira, L.Benedini, B.F.O. Costa, A. Matos Beja, A. Portugal
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 72-6, 678-684 (2011)
91 - Hydrogen impurity in paratellurite (alpha-TeO2): Muon-spin rotation and ab-initio study
R. C. Vilão, A. G. Marinopoulos, R. B. L. Vieira, A. Weidinger, H. V. Alberto, J. Piroto Duarte, J. M. Gil, J. S. Lord and S. F. J. Cox
Phys. Rev. B 84(4), 045201 (2011)
92 - C16 and C17-heterocylce bearing androstanes. CYP17 inhibition studies and multiple effects on prostate cancer cells
V. M. Moreira, J. A. R. Salvador, A. Matos Beja, J. A. Paixao, T. S. Vasaitis, V. C. O. Njar
Eur. J. Pharm. Sci. 44(1), 43-44 (2011)
93 - Structural investigation of nitrogen-linked saccharinate-tetrazole
A. Gomez-Zavaglia, A. Ismael, L. I. L. Cabral, A. Kaczor, J. A Paixao, R. Fausto, M. L. S. Cristiano
1003, 103-110 (2011)
94 - Naproxen Cocrystals with Pyridinecarboxamide
Ricardo A. E. Castro, Joao D. B. Ribeiro, Teresa M. R. Maria, M. Ramos Silva, Consuelo Yuste-Vivas, Joao Canotilho, M. Ermelinda S. Eusebio
CRYSTAL GROWTH & DESIGN 11(12), 5396-5404 (2011)
95 - Characterization of Iron(III) Oxide/Hydroxide Nanostructured Materials Produced by Sol-Gel Technology Based on the Fe(NO3)3∙9H2O-C2H5OH-CH3CHCH2O System
L. Durães, A. Moutinho, I. Seabra, B.F.O. Costa, H. Sousa, A. Portugal
Materials Chemistry and Physics 130, 548-560 (2011)
96 - Production of Polar beta-Glycine Nanofibers
with Enhanced Nonlinear Optical and Piezoelectric Properties
Dmitry Isakov, Etelvina de Matos Gomes, Igor Bdikin, Bernardo Almeida, Michael Belsley, Margarida Costa, Vítor Rodrigues, Alejandro Heredia
CRYSTAL GROWTH & DESIGN, 11(10), 4288-4291 (2011)
97 - Pyrazinamide-Diflunisal: A New
Dual-Drug Co-Crystal
Antonio O. L. Evora, Ricardo A. E. Castro, Teresa M. R. Maria, Mario T. S. Rosado, M. Ramos Silva, A. Matos Beja, Joao Canotilho, M. Ermelinda S. Eusebio
CRYSTAL GROWTH & DESIGN 11(11), 4780-4788 (2011)
98 - 3 beta,5 alpha,6 beta-Trihydroxyandrostan-17-one
L. C. R. Andrade, M. J. B. M. de Almeida, J. A. Paixao, J. F. S. Carvalho, M. L. Sa e Melo
Acta Crystallogr. Section E 67(5), O1056-U1618 (2011)
99 - First principles study of segregation to the
Sigma 5(310) grain boundary of cubic zirconia
Marinopoulos, A. G.
PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER 23(8), 085005 (2011)
100 - Study of hydrogen in Hf7Ni10 combined with TiV0.8Cr1.2 by PAC
J.M. Gil, B. Costa , P. de Rango, D. Fruchart , S. Miraglia , N. Skryabina
Solid State Phenomena 170, 293-297 (2011)
101 - BiFeO3 Ceramic Matrix Added with Bi2O3 or PbO: Mössbauer, Raman and Dielectric Spectroscopy Studies
H.O. Rodrigues, G.F.M. Pires Junior, A.J.M. Sales, P.M.O. Silva, B.F.O. Costa , P. Alcantara Jr , S.G.C. Moreira and A.S.B. Sombra
Physica B 406, 2532-2539 (2011)
102 - Mössbauer studies of Haltern 70 Amphorae from Castro do Vieito, North of Portugal, and of Amphora sherds from kilns in the Roman Provinces Hispania Baetica and Lusitania
F.O. Costa, A.J.M. Silva, F.E. Wagner, U. Wagner
Hyperfine Interactions 202, 81-87 (2011)
103 - The effect of composition and temperature on the amount and type of nanoferrite particles inserted in Fe2O3-ZnO-MgO- SiO2 glass-ceramics
M.G. Ferreira da Silva and B.F.O. Costa
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 357, 3722-3725 (2011)
104 - Synthesis, Crystal Structure and ab Initio
Studies of 5-Phenylamino-3 phenylimino-3H[1,2]dithiole-4-
carboxylic acid ethyl Ester
Raza Murad Ghalib, Rokiah Hashim, P. S. Pereira Silva, Othman Sulaiman
105 - Surface Integrity in Dry and Cryogenic Machining of AZ31B Mg Alloy with Varying Cutting Edge Radius Tools
Z. Pu, J.C. Outeiro, A.C. Batista, O.W. Dillon Jr., D.A. Puleo, I.S. Jawahir
Procedia Engineering 19, 282-287 (2011)
106 - 2,2 ´-Bis(methoxymethoxy)-3-methyl-1,1 ´-
Rui M. B. Carrilho, Artur R. Abreu, Mariette M. Pereira, V. H. Rodrigues
ONLINE 67, o2379 (2011)
107 - Specifics of impurity effects in ferropnictide superconductors
Y. G. Pogorelov, M. C. Santos, and V. M. Loktev
Phys. Rev. B 84, 144510 (2011)
108 - Conductivity investigations of
Aurivillius-type Bi2.5Gd1.5Ti3O12 ceramics
E. Masiukaite, J. Banys, R. Sobiestianskas, T. Ramoska, V. A. Khomchenko, D. A. Kiselev
Solid State Ionics 188(1), 50-52 (2011)
109 - Application of
the hole drilling method for residual stress analysis in
components made of polycarbonate, Zeitschrift Kunststofftecnik
A. Nau, Scholtes B., M. Rohleder, J.P. Nobre
Journal of Plastic Technology 7(3), 66-85 (2011)
110 - Study of N-alpha-benzoyl-
L-argininate ethyl ester chloride, a model compound for
poly(ester amide) precursors: X-ray diffraction, infrared and
Raman spectroscopies, and quantum chemistry calculations
A. C. Fonseca, S. Jarmelo, M. Ramos Silva, A. M. Matos Beja, R. Fausto, M. H. Gil, P. N. Simoes
OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS 134(12), 124505 (2011)
111 - Growth and annealing effect of Codoped
BaFe2As2 single crystals
DL Sun, JZ Xiao, CT Lin
JOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH 321(1), 55-59 (2011)
112 - Seeing inside materials by aberration-corrected electron
S. J. Pennycook, K. van Benthem, A. G. Marinopoulos, S-H. Oh, S. I. Molina, A. Y. Borisevich, W. Luo, S. T. Pantelides
113 - Eight-quark interactions as a chiral thermometer
J. Moreira, A.A. Osipov, B. Hiller, A.H. Blin, J. Providência
Ind. J. Phys. 85, 813 (2011)
114 - Search for single top quark production via contact interactions at LEP2
J. Abdallah, O. Oliveira, et al (DELPHI Coll.)
EPJ C71, 1555 (2011)
115 - Surface
integrity in material removal processes: Recent advances
I. S. Jawahir, E. Brinksmeier, R. M´Saoubi, D. K. Aspinwall, J. C. Outeiro, D. Meyer, D. Umbrello, A. D. Jayal
116 - What Does Low Energy Physics Tell Us About The Zero Momentum Gluon Propagator
Pedro Costa, O. Oliveira, P. J. Silva
Phys. Lett. B 695, 454-458 (2011)
117 - 7,7 ´-Dihydroxy-4,4 ´-dimethyl-3,4-
dihydro-2H,2 ´ H-4,6 ´-bichromene-2,2´-dione
118 - Diaqua(6-
bromopicolinato-kappa N-2,O)(nitrato-kappa O-2,O)copper(II)
Joana A. Silva, Ana Pereira Magalhaes, Manuela Ramos Silva, Abilio J. F. N. Sobral, Laura C. J. Pereira
119 - 8-Iodo-5,7-dimethoxy-4-methyl-2H-chromen-2-one
P. S. Pereira Silva, Mehtab Parveen, Akhtar Ali, M. Ramos Silva
120 - Local-field and excitonic effects in the optical response of α-alumina
A.G. Marinopoulos, M. Grüning
Phys. Rev. B 83, 195129 (2011)
121 - Crystal
structure, ab initio calculations and fingerprint plots of a new
polymorph of N ´,N ´´,N ´´´-triphenylbiuret
Pedro S. Pereira Silva, Raza Murad Ghalib, Sayed Hasan Mehdi, Rokiah Hashim, Othman Sulaiman, Manuela Ramos Silva
STRUCTURE 995(1-3), 66-71 (2011)
122 - Resonant x-ray scattering investigation of magnetic ordering in NpAs1-xSex (x=0.05, 0.10)
V. H. Rodrigues, J. A. Paixao, M. M. R. Costa, D. Mannix, A. Bombardi, J. Rebizant, G. H. Lander
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 23(2), 026002 (2011)
123 - The reaction of azoles with 17-chloro-16-formylandrosta-5, 16-dien-3 beta-yl-acetate: Synthesis and structural elucidation of novel 16-azolylmethylene-17-oxoandrostanes
V.M. Moreira, J.A.R. Salvador, A.M. Beja, J.A. Paixao
Steroids 76(6), 582-587 (2011)
124 - Effects of quark matter nucleation on the evolution of
proto-neutron stars
Ignazio Bombaci, Domenico Logoteta, Constança Providência, e Isaac Vidaña
Astronomy and Astrophysics 528, A71 (2011)
125 - Latent heat of nuclear matter
A. Carbone, A. Polls, A. Rios & I. Vidaña
Phys. Rev. C 83, 024308 (2011)
126 - Open-charm mesons in nuclear matter at finite temperature beyond the zero-range approximation
C. E. Jimenez-Tejero, A. Ramos, L. Tolos, and I. Vidaña
Physical Review C 84, 015208 (2011)
127 - Nuclear symmetry energy and the role of the tensor force
I. Vidaña, A. Polls, and C. Providencia
Physical Review C 84, 062801 (2011)
128 - Inverse problems for pseudo-Jacobi matrices: existence and uniqueness results
Bebiano N, da Providencia J
INVERSE PROBLEMS 27, 025005 (2011)
129 - Dynamical Gap Generation for Graphene Nanoribbons
A. J. Chaves, G. D. Lima, W. de Paula, C. E. Cordeiro, A. Delfino, T. Frederico, O. Oliveira
Phys. Rev. B 83, 153405 (2011)
130 - Vortex and gap generation in gauge models of graphene
O. Oliveira, C. E. Cordeiro, A. Delfino, W. de Paula, T. Frederico
Phys. Rev. B 83, 155419 (2011)
131 - Substitution-driven structural and magnetic phase transitions in Bi-0.86(La, Sm)(0.14)FeO3 system
V. A. Khomchenko, L. C. J. Pereira, J. A. Paixao
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 44(18), 185406 (2011)
132 - Synthesis,
Crystal Structure, Ab Initio Studies and Fingerprint Plots of 2-
Chloro-1,3-dioxo-2,3-dihydro-1H-inden-2-yl acetate
Raza Murad Ghalib, Rokiah Hashim, P. S. Pereira Silva, Sayed Hasan Mehdi, Othman Sulaiman, Manuela Ramos Silva
CHEMICAL CRYSTALLOGRAPHY 41(11), 1688-1693 (2011)
133 - Monoclinic polymorph of 2-(pyrimidin-2- ylsulfanyl)acetic acid
Manuela Ramos Silva, Pedro S. Pereira Silva, Consuelo Yuste, Jose A. Paixao
Acta Crystallogr. Section E 67(2), O340-U395 (2011)
134 - Structural phase evolution in Bi(7/8)Ln(1/8)FeO(3) (Ln = La-Dy) series
V. A. Khomchenko, I. O. Troyanchuk, M. V. Bushinsky, O. S. Mantytskaya, V. Sikolenko, J. A. Paixao
Matter. Lett. 65(12), 1970-1972 (2011)
135 - Structural, ferroelectric and magnetic properties of Bi0.85Sm0.15FeO3 perovskite
V. A. Khomchenko, J. A. Paixao, B. F. O. Costa, D. V. Karpinsky, A. L. Kholkin, I. O. Troyanchuk, V. V. Shvartsman, P. Borisov, W. Kleemann
Cryst. Res. Technol. 46(3), 238-242 (2011)
136 - Androstane-3 beta,5 alpha,6 beta,17 beta-tetrol trihydrate
L. C. R. Andrade, M. J. B. M. de Almeida, J. A. Paixao, J. F. S. Carvalho, M. L. Sa e Melo
Acta Crystallogr. Sect. E 67(7), O1643-U311 (2011)
Portuguese Journals
137 - O Instituto de Coimbra e a Análise Química de Águas Minerais em Portugal no século XIX
A. J. Leonardo, Décio R. Martins, C Fiolhais
Química Nova 34, 1094-1105 (2011)
138 - Bernardino Machado e o ensino experimental das ciências
A. J. Leonardo, Décio R. Martins, C. Fiolhais
Revista Portuguesa de Pedagogia n. Extra-série, 269-281 (2011)
139 - A Física na Universidade de Coimbra de 1900 a 1960
A. J. Leonardo, Décio R. Martins, C. Fiolhais
Gazeta de Física 34, n2, 9-15 (2011)
140 - Porque é que se espalha o corante?
Constança Providência
Gazeta de Física 34, 37 (2011)
141 - Dinamica do crescimento tumoral: um olhar fisico
Rui D. M. Travasso
Gazeta de Fisica 33, 3/4, 18 (2011)
142 - Porque é que se espalha o corante?
Constança Providência
Gazeta de Física 34, vol 3/4, 37-39 (2011)
143 - Ensino das Ciências Físico-Químicas. O papel do professor face à diversidade cultural dos alunos
F. Oliveira, M. A. Nascimento, J. Formosinho
Revista Portuguesa de Pedagogia. Número em Homenagem ao Professor Doutor João José Matos Boavida. Extra-série, 337-343 (2011)
144 - Como funciona uma balança?
Constança Providência
Gazeta de Física 34, vol 1, 55-56 (2011)
International Conferences
145 - Light and heavy at the end of the funnel
E. van Beveren and G. Rupp
12th International Conference on Meson-Nucleon Physics and the Structure of the Nucleon (MENU 2010), 31 May - 4 Jun 2010 (Williamsburg, Virginia), AIP Conf.Proc. 1374, 421-424 (2011)
146 - Phase Diagram and Critical Properties in the PNJL Model
Célia A. de Sousa, P. Costa, M. C. Ruivo and H. Hansen
Procceedings of the International Conference on Quark Confinement IX, Madrid 2010, AIP Conf. Proc (Eds. F. J. Llanes-Estrada and J. R. Peláez) 1343, 592 (2011)
147 - Extended Nambu-Jona-Lasinio Model with covariant regularization.
J. Moreira, B. Hiller, A.A. Osipov, A.H. Blin
arXiv:1101.3668v1 [hep-ph], 6th International Conference on Physics and Astrophysics of Quark Gluon Plasma (ICPAQGP 2010) (2011)
148 - String Tension at Finite Temperature Lattice QCD
P. Bicudo, N. Cardoso, O. Oliveira, P. J. Silva
PoS (Lattice 2011), 300 (2011)
149 - What does low energy physics tell us about the zero momentum gluon propagator?
P. Costa, O. Oliveira, P. J. Silva
AIP Conf. Proc. 1343, 617 (2011)
150 - Towards the continuum limit of the lattice Landau gauge gluon propagator
O. Oliveira, P. J. Silva
AIP Conf. Proc. 1343, 194 (2011)
151 - Damping of collective modes in ultracold trapped Fermi gases with in-medium cross section
M. Urban, S. Chiacchiera, D. Davesne and T. Lepers
J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 321, 012026 (2011)
152 - What Lattice QCD tell us about the Landau Gauge Infrared Propagators
O. Oliveira, P. J. Silva, P. Bicudo
PoS (FacesQCD), 009 (2011)
153 - Finite temperature matter subject to strong magnetic fields
D.P. Menezes, S.S. Avancini and C. Providência
International Journal of Modern Physics E 20, 93-99 (2011)
154 - Phase transitions in center-stabilized lattice gauge theories
Hélvio Vairinhos
PoS (Lattice 2011) 252 (2011)
155 - From Running Gluon Mass to Chiral Symmetry Breaking
O. Oliveira, P. Bicudo, D. Dudal, T. Frederico, W. de Paula, N. Vandersickel
arXiv 1109.3439 (2011)
156 - Pion scattering and electro-production on nucleons in
the resonance region in chiral quark models
S. irca, B. Golli, M. Fiolhais, P. Alberto
Electronic Conference Proceedings Archive (eConf) at http://www.slac.stanford.edu/econf/C110613/., 520-524 (2011)
157 - Story Telling With a Mathematical Flavour
Hall, A.
Bridges Coimbra, Proceedings 2011.In Reza Sarhargi e Carlo Sequin, editors, Tessellations Publishing, 475-478. (ISSN: 1099-6702). 2011. (2011)
158 - Liquid-gas phase transition in nuclear matter in the mean-field approximation
A. Rios, A. Carbone, A. Polls, and I. Vidaña
Journal of Physics Conference Series 321, 012058 (2011)
159 - Charm Hadrons in Dense Matter
C. E. Jimenez-Tejero, A. Ramos, L. Tolos, and I. Vidaña
FEW-BODY SYSTEMS 50, 351 (2011)
160 - Symmetry energy, neutron star crust and neutron skin thickness
I. Vidaña, C. Providência, A. Polls & A. Rios
Few-Body Systems 50, 327 (2011)
161 - The Polyakov-Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model with six and eight quark interactions
J. Moreira, B. Hiller, A.A. Osipov, A. H. Blin
Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum IX, Madrid, Spain 2010, AIP Conf. Proc 1343 355, 355-357 (2011)
162 - Local structure study on Pb(Fe1/2Nb1/2)O3-PbTiO3
Jingzhong Xiao
Proc. of the VI International Materials Symposium MATERIAIS 2011, Guimarães, Portugal
18-20 April, 22 (2011)
163 - TEM observation on the early stage of crysallization in BSPT ferroelectric thin films
Jingzhong Xiao
2nd Joint congress of the portuguese and Spanish Miocroscopy Societies
18-21 Oct. Aveiro, Portugal (2011)
164 - Conservation of the seismological heritage of the Geophysical Institute of the University of Coimbra
S. Custódio, Fábio Antunes, J. Batlló, F. C Lopes, P. Ribeiro, Décio R Martins, C. R. Gomes
Congresso Luso-Brasileiro de História das Ciências, In Congresso Luso-Brasileiro de História das Ciências - Livro de Resumos, Coimbra (2011)
165 - Seismographs and seismograms at the Geophysical Institute of the University of Coimbra. Its importance f or present research
Susana Custódio, João Narciso, Josep Batlló, Fernando C Lopes, Décio R Martins, Paulo Ribeiro, Celeste R. Gomes
Congresso Luso-Brasileiro de História da Ciências, In Congresso Luso-Brasileiro de História da Ciências, Coimbra (2011)
166 - Digital Hyperspectral Imaging Applied to the Characterization of Coatings and Finishes in Historic Buildings
Luís Freire, Francisco Brardo, Francisco Gil, Paulo Fiadeiro
Proceedings of 5th International Congress on: “Science and technology for the Safeguard of Cultural Heritage in the Mediterranean Basin”, Vol.II Diagnostics and Restoration (1st Part), 22nd– 25th November, Istanbul, Turkey,, 63-67 (2011)
Pedro Providência, Luís Freire, Francisco Brardo, Lídia Catarino, José Aguiar, Paulo Fiadeiro, Francisco Gil
Proceedings of 5th International Congress on: “Science and technology for the Safeguard of Cultural Heritage in the Mediterranean Basin”, Vol.II Diagnostics and Restoration (1st Part), 22nd– 25th November, Istanbul, Turkey, 113-118 (2011)
168 - Poly(vinylidene fluoride-trifluoroethylene) (72/28) interconnected porous membranes obtained by crystallization from solution
A. Ferreira, Jaime Silva, V. Sencadas, J. L. G. Ribelles, S. Lanceros-Mendez
Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 1312, 125-130 (2011)
Portuguese Conferences
169 - Jacinto de Sousa e a criação do Observatório Meteorológico e Magnético da Universidade de Coimbra
P. Ribeiro, Décio R. Martins, J. Batlló, J. Narciso, S. Custódio, F. C. Lopes, C. R. Gomes
In: CONGRESSO LUSO-BRASILEIRO DE HISTÓRIA DAS CIÊNCIAS, 2011. Coimbra. Congresso Luso-Brasileiro de História das Ciências - Livro de Actas. Coimbra: Imprensa da Universidade, 1259-1273 (2011)
170 - Conceito de cor resultante e sua aplicação: o caso de estudo do centro histórico de Coimbra
Pedro Providência, Paulo Providência, Constança Providência, Paulo Fiadeiro, Francisco Gil, José Aguiar
Simpósio Património em Construção: Contextos para a sua preservação, Lisboa • LNEC • 25 e 26 de Novembro (2011)
171 - A Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Coimbra: O Antes e o depois da República.
Décio R. Martins, Susana Boloto
In: CONGRESSO LUSO-BRASILEIRO DE HISTÓRIA DAS CIÊNCIAS, 2011. Coimbra. Congresso Luso-Brasileiro de História das Ciências - Livro de Actas. Coimbra: Imprensa da Universidade, 1385-1398 (2011)
172 - Historical seismology at the Geophysical Institute of the University of Coimbra
S. Custódio, Fábio Antunes, Décio R. Martins, J. Batlló, F. C. Lopes, P. Ribeiro, C. R. Gomes
In: CONGRESSO LUSO-BRASILEIRO DE HISTÓRIA DAS CIÊNCIAS, 2011. Coimbra. Congresso Luso-Brasileiro de História das Ciências - Livro de Actas. Coimbra: Imprensa da Universidade, 1172-1184 (2011)
173 - O Instituto, a Sismologia em Coimbra e o intercâmbio Luso-Espanhol.
A. J. Leonardo, Décio R. Martins, S. Custódio, J. Batlló, C. Fiolhais
In: CONGRESSO LUSO-BRASILEIRO DE HISTÓRIA DAS CIÊNCIAS- Livro de Actas. Coimbra: Imprensa da Universidade, 424-444 (2011)
174 - Outreach and education at the Geophysical Institute of the University of Coimbra
Fábio Antunes, J. Narciso, F. C. Lopes, S. Custódio, J. Batlló, Décio R. Martins, P. Ribeiro, C. Gomes
In: 7º SIMPÓSIO DE METEOROLOGIA E GEOFÍSICA DA APMG. 12º ENCONTRO LUSO-ESPANHOL DE METEOROLOGIA. XIV CONGRESSO LATINO-AMERICANO E IBÉRICO DE METEOROLOGIA, 2011. Setúbal. 7.º Simpósio de Meteorologia e Geofísica da APMG. 12º Encontro Luso-Espanhol de Meteorologia. XIV Congresso Latino-Americano e Ibérico de Meteorologia. (2011)
175 - Dark energy emerging from fluctuations of the spacetime metric
A.H. Blin
XXI Encontro Nacional de Astronomia e Astrofísica, Coimbra, Portugal (2011)
176 - Excitonic and local field effects in the optical response of Alumina
Myrta Grüning
Lab. de Physique de la Matière Condensée et Nanostructures, Université Lyon 1, France (2011)
177 - Advances in Libxc
Micael Oliveira
5th International ABINIT Developer Workshop
Han-sur-Lesse, Belgium, April 11-14 (2011)
178 - Static and dynamical properties of asymmetric matter
Constança Providência
Intersections Between Structure and Reactions: Pushing the Frontiers of Nuclear Science,
Gordon Research Conferences June 12-17 (2011)
179 - Synchrotron radiation X-ray study in ferroelectrics
Jingzhong Xiao
Workshop in Luminescence and synchrotron radiation applications,
Hefei, China, December 15-17 (2011)
180 - XRD
and XRF techniques applied to the study of stone artworks
Luís C.G.N.Freire, J.E.G.Oliveira, T.M.S.C.Guerreiro, André F.V.Cortez, M.Fernanda P.Silva, Vítor M.F.Gaspar, M.Ramos Silva, A.Matos Beja, Francisco B rardo, Francisco J.P.P.Macedo, Paulo T.Fiadeiro, Francisco P.S.C.Gil
Workshop “Physica l and Chemical Analytical Techniques in Cultural Heritage” FCUL – Lisbon, 2 Junho (2011)
181 - A LUZ E A COR
Francisco P.S.C.Gil
3º Colóquio “Física, Arte e Património”, Instituto Politécnico de Tomar, 9 de Novembro (2011)
182 - Dark energy emerging from fluctuations of the spacetime metric
A.H. Blin
XXI Encontro Nacional de Astronomia e Astrofísica, Observatório Astronómico, Coimbra, Portugal (2011)
183 - Symmetry energy within the Brueckner-Hartree-Fock approximation
I. Vidaña
International Symposium on Nuclear Symmetry Energy, Smith College, Northampton, Massachussets (USA), June 17th–20th (2011)
184 - Why do protein folding rates correlate with metrics of native topology
Patrícia F.N. Faísca, Rui DM Travasso, Andrea Parisi, Antonio Rey
University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal, 4th Oct (2011)
185 - Why do protein folding rates correlate with metrics of native topology
Patrícia F.N. Faísca, Rui DM Travasso, Andrea Parisi, Antonio Rey
University of Porto, Porto, Portugal, 30th Sep (2011)
186 - Delivering nutrients to a tissue: blood flow and growing capillaries
Rui DM Travasso, Aurora Hernández-Machado, Mario Castro, Eugenia Corvera Poiré, Joaquin Flores, Orlando Oliveira, Joana Oliveira, Tobias Schwartz
University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal, 16th Feb (2011)
187 - Colour tuning and efficiency improvements in firefly bioluminescence
Fernando Nogueira
11th Iberian Joint Meeting on Atomic and Molecular Physics, 19-22 June, Coimbra, Portugal (2011)
188 - Hydrogen impurity in paratellurite (alpha-TeO2): muSR and ab-initio study
R.C. Vilão*, A.G. Marinopoulos, R.B.L. Vieira, A. Weidinger, J.M. Gil, H.V. Alberto, J. Piroto Duarte, J.S. Lord and S. F. J. Cox
189 - TEM observation on the early stage of crysallization in BSPT ferroelectric thin films
Jingzhong Xiao
2nd Joint congress of the portuguese and Spanish Miocroscopy Societies, 18-21 Oct.
Aveiro, Portugal (2011)
190 - Local structure study on Pb(Fe1/2Nb1/2)O3-PbTiO3
Jingzhong Xiao
Proc. of the VI International Materials Symposium MATERIAIS 2011
Guimarães, Portugal, 18-20 April, 22 (2011)
191 - 3D EoS for supernovae and neutron stars simulations: the transition between uniform and non-uniform matter
Helena Pais
Talk given at the CompStar2011 School and Workshop, Gravitational Waves and Electromagnetic Radiation from Compact Stars, Catania, Italy, 3-12 May (2011)
192 - Effects of hyperonic three-body forces on the maximum mass of neutron stars.
Isaac Vidaña
XXI Encontro Nacional de Astronomia e Astrofísica, Coimbra (Portugal), September 7th-10th (2011)
193 - Symmetry energy within the Brueckner-Hartree-Fock approximation.
Isaac Vidaña
II Iberian Nuclear Astrophysics meeting, Salamana (Spain), September 22nd- 23rd (2011)
194 - Effects of hyperonic three-body forces on the maximum mass of neutron stars.
Isaac Vidaña
COMPSTAR 2011: School & Workshop Gravitational Wave & Electromagnetic Radiation from Compact Stars, Catania (Italy), May 3rd-12th (2011)
195 - Amplifying the effects of molecular chirality
Sérgio R. Domingos
LaserLab Symposium (Free University Amsterdam, Netherlands) (2011)
196 - Amplifying VCD by manipulation of the electronic manifold
Sérgio R. Domingos
Ibero-American Meeting on Atomic and Molecular Physics (University of Coimbra, Portugal) (2011)
197 - Boosting up the effects of molecular chirality
Sérgio R. Domingos
CHAINS: Chemistry as Innovative Science (NWO, Maarssen, Netherlands) (2011)
198 - Excitonic and local field effects in the optical response of Alumina
Myrta Grüning, A.G. Marinopoulos
DFT@PT, February 4, Coimbra, Portugal (2011)
199 - Nonlinear optical properties of polychlorotriphenylmethyl radicals: a computational study
Cláudia Cardoso, Bruce Forbes Milne, Fernando Nogueira
March meeting of the American Physical Society, Dallas TX, USA, March 21-25 (2011)
200 - Modeling Chiral and Deconfinement Transitions in the Context of the Polyakov--Nambu--Jona-Lasinio Model
P. Costa, C. A. de Sousa, M. C. Ruivo, H. Hansen,
Talk given at the SQM 2011 Strangeness in Quark Matter, 18-24 September, Krakow, Poland (2011)
201 - Modelacao 3D de crescmento de redes vasculares em condicoes patologicas
Margarida D.S. Quinas Guerra, Rui D.M. Travasso
Apresentacao Intercalar dos Projectos de Engenharia Biomedica, Coimbra, Portugal, 16th-18th February (2011)
202 - Delivering nutrients to a tissue: blood flow and growing capillaries
Rui D.M. Travasso, Aurora Hernandez-Machado, Mario Castro, Eugenia Corvera, Juan Carlos Rodriguez-Manzaneque, Joaquin Flores, Orlando Oliveira, Joana Oliveira, Tobias Schwartz
SINAL 2011, Coimbra, Portugal, 28th-30th April (2011)
203 - O Instituto, a sismologia em coimbra e o intercâmbio científico luso- espanhol
Leonardo, A. J. F., D. R. Martins, and C. Fiolhais
in Livro de Actas do Congresso Luso-Brasileiro de História da Ciência, CD-ROM, Universidade de Coimbra (2011)
204 - Investigation of colour tuning in firefly bioluminescence
Bruce F. Milne
Café com Física, Department of Physics, University of Coimbra (2011)
205 - Investigation of colour tuning in firefly bioluminescence
Bruce F. Milne
DFT@PT, Coimbra (http://www.tddft.org/DFT@PT/) (2011)
206 - Mechanisms of electron polarization of muonium in CdTe and CdS
H.V. Alberto, A. Weidinger, R.C. Vilão, J. Piroto Duarte, J.M. Gil, J.S. Lord, S.F.J. Cox
207 - Microscopic study of organic semiconductors using the hydrogen surrogate muonium
J. Piroto Duarte*, H.V. Alberto, R.C. Vilão, J.M. Gil, A. Weidinger, C.M. Cardoso, I. D. McKenzie
208 - Electron polarization of shallow muonium in CdTe and CdS
H.V. Alberto*, A. Weidinger, R.C. Vilão, J. Piroto Duarte, J.M. Gil, J.S. Lord, S.F.J. Cox
209 - Gas phase spectroscopy of the firefly luciferin anion: comparison of experiment with TDDFT predictions
Bruce F. Milne, Kristian Støchkel, Steen Brønsted Nielsen and Fernando Nogueira
Faraday Discussions 150 "Frontiers in Spectroscopy", Basel, Switzerland (2011)
210 - String Tension at Finite Temperature Lattice QCD
P. Bicudo, N. Cardoso, O. Oliveira, P. J. Silva
The XXIX International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (Lattice 2011), Squaw Valley, California, USA (2011)
211 - Modelacao 3D de crescmento de redes vasculares em condicoes patologicas
Margarida D.S. Quinas Guerra, Rui D.M. Travasso
Apresentacao Intercalar dos Projectos de Engenharia Biomedica, Coimbra, Portugal, 1st-3rd June (2011)
212 - A real-time approach to the optical properties of solids and nano-structures: the time-dependent Bethe-Salpeter equation
M. Gru ̈ C. Attaccalite, A. Marini ning
16th ETSF Workshop on Electronic Excitations, 27-30 September, Torino, Italy (2011)
213 - Mössbauer studies on Fe-Co-Sn extended solid solutions synthesized by mechanical alloying
J.M. Loureiro, B.F.O. Costa, G. Le Caë
ICAME 2011, 31st International Conference on the Applications of the Mössbauer Effect, Kobe, Japão, setembro, (livro de resumos, pp. 160). (2011)
214 - Hydrogen Impurity in Y2O3: Ab-Initio Study by Semi-local and Hybrid Functionals
E. L. Silva and A. G. Marinopoulos
Hands-on Tutorial Workshop 2011 on Ab Initio Molecular Simulations, 12-21 July, Berlin, Germany (2011)
215 - Delivering nutrients to a tissue: blood flow and capillary growth
Rui D.M. Travasso, Tobias Schwartz, Eugenia Corvera, Mario Castro, Juan Carlos Rodriguez-Manzaneque, Orlando Oliveira, Joana Oliveira, Aurora Hernandez- Machado
1st PF2MUC Symposium, Coimbra, Portugal, 17th October (2011)
216 - Delivering nutrients to a tissue: blood flow and capillary growth
Rui D.M. Travasso, Tobias Schwartz, Eugenia Corvera, Mario Castro, Juan Carlos Rodriguez-Manzaneque, Orlando Oliveira, Joana Oliveira, Aurora Hernandez- Machado
FisEs 2011, Barcelona, Spain, 2nd-4th June (2011)
217 - Charge transport dynamics in the organic semiconductor Zinc-Phthalocyanine
J. Piroto Duarte, H. V. Alberto, R. C. Vilão, J. M. Gil, N. Ayres de Campos and A. Weidinger
218 - Mechanosynthesis of (FeCo)Sn alloys
J.M. Loureiro, B.F.O. Costa, G. Le Caër, A. Ramalho
ISMANAM 2011, 18th International Symposium on Metastable and Nano Materials, Gijón, Espanha, junho, (livro de resumos, pp. 157). (2011)
219 - 3D EoS for SN and NS simulations: the phase transition between uniform and non-uniform matter
Helena Pais, Jirina R. Stone, William G. Newton
International Workshop on Baryon and Lepton Number Violation, Gatlinburg, TN, USA, September 22-24 (2011)
220 - Real-time approach to the optical properties of solids and nanostructures: Time-dependent Bethe-Salpeter equation
M. Grüning, C. Attaccalite and A. Marini
16th ETSF Workshop on Electronic Excitations, Turin (Italy) (2011)
221 - A network approach for the determination of the critical exponents for high aspect ratio composites
Jaime Silva, R. Simoes, S. Lanceros-Mendez
ECCS 11. University of Vienna. (2011)
222 - Collective modes in cold trapped Fermi gases
S. Chiacchiera, D. Davesne, T. Lepers, M. Urban
Presented at the "Workshop on Frontiers in Ultracold Fermi Gases", June 6-10, 2011, ICTP, Trieste, Italy. (2011)
PhD thesis
223 - X-ray Diffraction, X-ray Fluorescence, Raman spectroscopy and Hiper-spectral Imaging applied to artworks study
Luís Carlos Gonçalves Namorado Freire
Condensed Matter Physics PhD, Coimbra (ongoing) (2011)
224 - O Instituto de Coimbra e a evolução das Ciências Físico – Químicas em Portugal de 1852 a 1952
António José Fontoura Leonardo
Tese (História e Ensino da Física) - Universidade de Coimbra (Co-orientador) (2011)
225 - O Instituto de Coimbra e a evolução das Ciências Físico Químicas em Portugal de 1852 a 1952
António José Fontoura Leonardo
Tese de Doutoramento em História e Ensino da Física - Universidade de Coimbra (2011)
MSc thesis
226 - Novel approach to vascular network modeling in 3D
Maria Margarida Dias Soares Quinas Guerra
Universidade de Coimbra (2011)
227 - O Ensino da Físico-Química no Projecto TurmaMais
Taborda, A. M.
Dissertação de Mestrado em Supervisão Pedagógica e Formação de Formadores. Coimbra. Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação. (2011)
228 - Nuclear matter equation of state with light clusters
Márcio Rafael Baptista Ferreira
Tese de Mestrado, UC (2011)
229 - Nuclear matter equation of state with light clusters
Márcio Ferrerira (supervisor Constança Providência)
MSc thesis, Universidade de Coimbra (2011)
230 - Relatório de estágio de mestrado em ensino da física e química no 3º ciclo do ensino básico e no ensino secundário
Nuno Filipe Pereira do Rosário
Dissertação (Mestrado em Ensino de Física e de Química) - Universidade de Coimbra (Co-orientador) (2011)
231 - Escultura de São Jorge da sua criação ao restauro
Jorge Manuel Borges Pereira
AM-CMC, Coimbra (2011)
232 - Análise de pigmentos por técnicas de Espectroscopia e Difracção de raios-X
Ana Carina Pereira Fernandes
Physics Dept, UC, Coimbra (2011)
233 - Thesis in Physics and Chemistry on 3rd Cicle and Secundary School Teaching
Ana Isabel Padrão Nunes
Physics Dept, FCTUC (2011)
234 - Relatório de estágio de mestrado em ensino da física e química no 3º ciclo do ensino básico e no ensino secundário
Nuno Filipe Pereira do Rosário
Mestrado em Ensino de Física e de Química - Universidade de Coimbra. (2011)
BSc thesis
235 - Intensity-Enhanced Vibrational Circular Dichroism Using the Open-shell Coordination Environment of Cobalt (II)
Lambert Baij
Van t Hoff Institute for Molecular Sciences (University of Amsterdam, Netherlands) (2011)
236 - Congresso Luso-Brasileiro de História das Ciências
C. Fiolhais
(Coimbra, Portugal)main organizer principal and President of the Organizative and Sciebntific Commissions (2011)
237 - Prefácio do livro "Aprender a aprender", Various
C. Fiolhais
Lisbon: Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos (2011)
238 - Prefácio do livro "Cálculo", C. Djerassi
C. Fiolhais
Coimbra: Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra (2011)
239 - História da Ciência em Portugal no Ensino
A. J Leonardo, Décio R Martins, C. Fiolhais
240 - The Institute of Coimbra and the University.
A. J. Leonardo, Décio R. Martins, C. Fiolhais
241 - First indications of the existence of a 38 MeV light scalar boson
E. van Beveren and G. Rupp
arXiv:1102.1863 (2011)
242 - Sierpinskis Triangle Revisited
A. Hall, P Leite
Bridges Pécs, Art Exhibition Catalog 2011. In Robert Fathauer & Nathan Selikoff, editors, Tessellations Publishing, p.67. 2011., 67 (2011)
243 - Prefácio do livro "O Valor do Ensino Experimental", autor Various
C. Fiolhais
Lisbon: Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos (2011)
244 -
Martins, Décio R.
Congresso Luso-Brasileiro de História das Ciências (2011)
245 - Prefácio do livro "Casamentos e Outros Desencontros", J. Buescu
C. Fiolhais
Lisbon: Gradiva (2011)
246 - A Democratic Gauge Model for Dark/Visible Matter Symmetry
O. Oliveira, C. A. Bertulani, M. S. Hussein, W. de Paula, T. Frederico
arXiv: 1108.2723 (2011)
247 - Linking Dynamical Gluon Mass to Chiral Symmetry Breaking via a QCD Low Energy Effective Field Theory
O. Oliveira, W. de Paula, T. frederico
arXiv 1105.4899 (2011)
248 - Prefácio do livro "Caminhos de Ciência", autor A. Piedade
C. Fiolhais
Coimbra: Imprensa da Universidade (2011)