Aluno de doutoramento. Ultima inscrição em 2015/2016
Publications [LaTeX]
International Journals
1 - Formation stages of bcc (Fe44Co44)Sn12 extended solid solution by mechanical alloying
J.M. Loureiro, B.F.O. Costa, B. Malaman, G. Le Caër, S. Das, V.S. Amaral,
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 615, S559-S563 (2014)
2 - Neutron and X-ray Diffraction Residual Stress Measurements in Aluminium Alloys MIG Welded T-Joints after Friction Stir Processing
J.P. Nobre, A.C. Batista, J.R. Kornmeier, J.D. Costa, A. Loureiro, J.S. Jesus
Advanced Materials Research 996, 439-444 (2014)
3 - Mechanically driven dissolution of Sn in near-equiatomic bcc FeCo
J.M. Loureiro, B.F.O. Costa, G. Le Caër, B. Malaman
Solid State Phenomena 194, 187-193 (2013)
4 - A utilização da difração de neutrões na determinação do perfil de tensões residuais em revestimentos por soldadura
M.J. Marques, A.C. Batista, J.P. Nobre, A. Loureiro, J.R. Kornmeier
Soldag. Insp., São Paulo, Brasil 18(2), 149-157 (2013)
5 - The use of neutron diffraction for the determination of the in-depth residual stresses profile in weld coatings
Maria José Marques, A. C. Batista, J. P. Nobre, Altino Loureiro, Joana R. Kornmeier
Soldag. insp. [online] 18 n.2, 149-157 (2013)
6 - Mechanosynthesis of supersaturated solid solutions of Sn in near-equiatomic bcc FeCo
J.M. Loureiro, B.F.O. Costa, G. Le Caër
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 536(1), S31-S34 (2012)
7 - Order-disorder phenomena from X-ray diffraction in FeCo alloys annealed and ground at high energy
J.M. Loureiro, A.C. Batista, V.A. Khomchenko, B.F.O. Costa, G. Le Caër
Powder Diffr. 26(3), 267-272 (2011)
8 - Comparison of disorder induced by annealing and quench and by ball-milling in B2 FeCo
J. M. Loureiro, B. Malaman, B. F. O. Costa, G. Le Caër, V. A. Khomchenko, S. Das, V. S. Amaral
Phys. Status Solidi C 8 (11-12), 3087-3090 (2011)
9 - Long-time ball-milling of FeCr
J.M. Loureiro, B.F.O. Costa, G. Le Caër
International Journal of Nanomanufacturing 5 (1/2), 10-15 (2010)
10 - Ball milling in vacuum of alpha and sigma phases of near-equiatomic FeCr alloys
B.F.O. Costa, G. Le Caër and J.M. Loureiro
Journal of Alloys and Compds 483, 70-73 (2009)
11 - Partial amorphization of an alpha-FeCr alloy by ball-milling
J.M. Loureiro, B.F.O. Costa, G. Le Caër and P. Delcroix
Hyperfine Interactions 183, 109-115 (2008)
12 - Mechanically induced phase transformations of the sigma phase of nanograined and of coarse-grained near-equiatomic FeCr alloys
B.F.O. Costa, G. Le Caër, J.M. Loureiro and V.S. Amaral
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 424, 131-140 (2006)
13 - Phase transformations of sigma-FeCr induced by ball milling
B.F.O. Costa, J.M. Loureiro and G. Le Caër
Hyperfine Interactions 165, 107-112 (2006)
14 - Efeito de sucessivas reparações por soldadura
C. Veiga, A. Loureiro, J. Pina, A.C. Batista
Revista Iberoamericana de Ingeniería Mecánica 9(3), 111-120 (2005)
15 - Residual stress distribution in butt welded joints - Effect of the weld groove shape
C. Veiga, A. Loureiro, J. Pina, A. Castanhola Batista
Materials Science Forum 404-407, 387-392 (2002)
16 - “Ball milling in vacuum of alpha and sigma phases of near-equiatomic FeCr alloys”,
79001, B.F.O. Costa, G. Le Caër and J.M. Loureiro
14th International Symposium on Metastable and Nano Materials (ISMANAM07), Corfu, Grécia, Agosto de 2007, (livro de resumos, pp.24). (0)
17 - “Ball milling in vacuum of FeCr alloys”,
79001, J.M. Loureiro, B.F.O. Costa, G. Le Caër
14th Workshop on Magnetism and Intermetallics, Coimbra, Portugal, Fevereiro de 2008, (livro de resumos, pp. B4). (0)
18 - “Evolution of ball-milled equiatomic sigma-FeCr alloys: magnetic studies”,
79001, J.M. Loureiro, B.F.O. Costa, S. Das, V.S. Amaral , G. Le Caër
15th Workshop on Magnetism and Intermetallics, Lisboa, Portugal, Fevereiro de 2009, (livro de resumos). (0)
19 - Mössbauer studies on Fe-Co-Sn extended solid solutions synthesized by mechanical alloying
J.M. Loureiro, B.F.O. Costa, G. Le Caë
ICAME 2011, 31st International Conference on the Applications of the Mössbauer Effect, Kobe, Japão, setembro, (livro de resumos, pp. 160). (2011)
20 - Mechanosynthesis of (FeCo)Sn alloys
J.M. Loureiro, B.F.O. Costa, G. Le Caër, A. Ramalho
ISMANAM 2011, 18th International Symposium on Metastable and Nano Materials, Gijón, Espanha, junho, (livro de resumos, pp. 157). (2011)
21 - Quantitave analysis of order-disorder phenomena in FeCo alloys using X-ray diffraction
J.M. Loureiro, A.C. Batista, V. Khomchenko, B.F.O. Costa, G. Le Caër
European Conference on X-ray Spectrometry EXRS 2010, Figueira da Foz, Portugal, junho, (livro de resumos, pp. 295). (2010)
22 - Comparison of the disorder induced by annealing and by ball milling in Fe50Co50 alloys
B. Malaman P. Delcroix, V.S. Amaral S. Das
International Workshop on Non-Crystalline Solids, Barcelona, Espanha, abril, (livro de resumos, pp. 76). (2010)
23 - Long ball-milling of Fe-Cr alloys at different injected powders: amorphization and crystallization
J.M. Loureiro, B.F.O. Costa, G. Le Caër
International Conference on the Applications of the Mössbauer Effect, Wien, Austria, julho (livro de resumos, pp. 267). (2009)
24 - Magnetic studies on the ball milling amorphization of FeCr alloys
J.M. Loureiro, B.F.O. Costa, S. Das, V.S. Amaral, G. Le Caër
The International Conference on Magnetism 2009”, Karlshrue, Alemanha, julho, (livro de resumos, pp. 83). (2009)
25 - Ball milling in vacuum of alpha and sigma FeCr alloys
B.F.O. Costa, J.M. Loureiro, G. Le Caer
50 Years after- The Mössbauer effect today and in the future”, München, Alemanha, outubro, (livro de resumos, pp. 30). (2008)
26 - Ball milling of FeCr for long periods in vacuum
J.M. Loureiro, B.F.O. Costa, G. Le Caer
2nd International Conference on Advanced Nano Materials, Mira, Portugal, junho (livro de resumos). (2008)
MSc thesis
27 - “Transformações induzidas por longos períodos de moagem sob vácuo em ligas FeCr equiatómicas nas fases alfa e sigma”
João Carlos de Matos Loureiro
Mestrado em Instrumentação e Microelectrónica (2008)