Publications [LaTeX]
International Journals
1 - Local solutions of General Relativity in the presence of the Trace Anomaly
Marco Calzà, Alessandro Casalino, Lorenzo Sebastiani
Phys. Dark Univ. 37, 101066 (2022)
2 - Kinematic reconstructions of extended theories of gravity at small and intermediate redshifts
Marco Calzà, Alessandro Casalino, Orlando Luongo, Lorenzo Sebastiani
Eur. Phys. J. Plus 135, 1 (2020)
3 - A special class of solutions in F(R)-gravity
Marco Calzà, Massimiliano Rinaldi, Lorenzo Sebastiani
Eur.Phys.J.C 78, 3, 178 (2018)
International Conferences
4 - Evaporating primordial black holes, the string axiverse, and hot dark radiation
Marco Calzà
27th PASCOS conference, Max Planck institute (Heidelberg) (2022)
5 - Evaporating primordial black holes, the string axiverse, and hot dark radiation
Marco Calzà
IberiCOS2022, University of Barcelona (2022)
6 - Evaporating primordial black holes, the string axiverse, and hot dark radiation
Marco Calzà
XVI Black Holes Workshop, University of Aveiro (2021)
7 - Kinematic reconstruction of extended theories of gravity at small and intermediate redshifts
Marco Calzà
15th IberiCOS meeting, University of Coimbra (2021)
8 - Evaporating primordial black holes, the string axiverse, and hot dark radiation
Marco Calzà
University of Trento, 21th of December (2021)
9 - Reconstruction of f(R,G) and f(R) scenarios at small redshifts through kinematics
Marco Calzà
TIFPA, University of Trento (2018)
10 - Local solutions in modified gravity adopting ad hoc ansatz
Marco Calzà
Journal Club, University of Coimbra, 7th of October (2021)
11 - The Axiverse and how to probe it exploiting evaporating primordial black holes.
Marco Calzà
Journal Club, University of Coimbra, 25th of November (2021)
12 - The strong CP problem and the Axion solution
Marco Calzà
Journal Club, University of Coimbra (2020)
13 - A special class of vacuum solutions in F(R)-gravity & Kinematic reconstruction of F(R,G) at small red-shifts
Marco Calzà
Journal Club, University of Coimbra (2020)
14 - Evaporating primordial black holes, the string axiverse, and hot dark radiation
Marco Calzà, John March-Russell, João G. Rosa
Submitted not yet accepted (2022)
Thesis supervised
Knowledge Transfer
- Exploring the darkest side of dark matter
- Testing fundamental physics with astrophysical and cosmological observations