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Crust-core transition of a neutron star: effect of the temperature under strong magnetic fields
Authors: Márcio Ferreira; Aziz Rabhi; Constança Providência
Ref.: Eur. Phys. J. A 57, 263 (2021)
Abstract: The effect of temperature on the crust-core transition of a magnetar is studied. The thermodynamical spinodals are used to calculate the transition region within a relativistic mean-field approach for the equation of state. Magnetic fields with intensities 5×10165\times 10^{16}5×1016 G and 5×10175\times 10 ^{17}5×1017 G are considered. It is shown that the effect on the extension of the crust-core transition is washed away for temperatures above 10910^{9}109 K for magnetic field intensities ≲5×1016 \lesssim 5\times 10^{16}≲5×1016 G but may still persist if a magnetic field as high as 5×10175\times 10 ^{17}5×1017 G is considered. For temperatures below that value, the effect of the magnetic field on crust-core transition is noticeable and grows as the temperature decreases and, in particular, it is interesting to identify the existence of disconnected non-homogenous matter above the B=0B=0B=0 crust core transition density. Models with different symmetry energy slopes at saturation show quite different behaviors. In particular, a model with a large slope, as suggested by the recent results of PREX-2, predicts the existence of up to four disconnected regions of non-homogeneous matter above the zero magnetic field crust-core transition density.
DOI: 10.1140/epja/s10050-021-00572-y
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