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Schwinger dark matter production

Authors: Bastero-Gil, M.; Ferraz, PB; Ubaldi, L.; Vega-Morales, R.

Ref.: J. Cosmol. Astropart. Phys. 10, 078 (2024)

Abstract: Building on recently constructed inflationary vector dark matter productionmechanisms as well as studies of magnetogenesis, we show that an inflationarydarkSchwingermechanism can generate the observed dark matter relic abundance for "dark electron" massesas light as similar to 0.1eV and as heavy as1012GeV. The dark matter can interact very weaklyvia the exchange of light dark photons with a power spectrum which is peaked at very smallscales, thus evading isocurvature constraints. This mechanism is viable even when (purely)gravitational particle production is negligible. Thus dark matter can be produced solely viathe Schwinger effect during inflation including for light masses

DOI: 10.1088/1475-7516/2024/10/078