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Constraining neutron star matter from the slope of the mass-radius curves

Authors: Ferreira, M.; ProvidĂȘncia, C.

Ref.: Phys. Rev. D 110(6), 063018 (2024)

Abstract: We analyze the implications of information about local derivatives from the mass-radius diagram in neutron star matter. It is expected that the next generation of gravitational wave and electromagnetic detectors will allow the determination of the neutron star radius and mass with a small uncertainty. Observations of neutron stars clustered around a given neutron star mass allow the estimation of local derivatives in the M ( R ) diagram, which can be used to constrain neutron star properties. From a model- independent description of the neutron star equation of state, it is shown that a M ( R ) curve with a negative slope at 1.4Mo predicts a 2Mo neutron star radius below 12 km. Furthermore, a maximum mass below 2.3Mo is obtained if the M ( R ) slope is negative in the whole range of masses above 1Mo, and a maximum mass above 2.4Mo requires the M ( R ) slope to be positive in some range of masses. Constraints on the mass-radius curve of neutron stars will place strong constraints on microscopic models.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.110.063018