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Detecting hyperons in neutron stars: A machine learning approach

Authors: Carvalho, V.M.; Ferreira, M.; ProvidĂȘncia, C.

Ref.: Phys. Rev. D 110 (12), 123016 (2024)

Abstract: We present a neural network classification model for detecting the presence of hyperonic degrees of freedom in neutron stars. The models take radii and/or tidal deformabilities as input and give the probability for the presence of hyperons in the neutron star composition. Different numbers of observations and different levels of uncertainty in the neutron star properties are tested. The models have been trained on a dataset of well-calibrated microscopic equations of state of neutron star matter based on a relativistic meanfield formalism. Real data and data generated from a different description of hyperonic matter are used to test the performance of the models.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.110.123016