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Collective modes in relativistic cold asymmetric nuclear matter within the covariant Vlasov approach
Authors: Rabhi, A.; Boukari, O.; Avancini, S. S.; ProvidĂȘncia, C.
Ref.: Phys. Rev. C 111 (1), 015804 (2025)
Abstract: A covariant relativistic approach based on the Vlasov equation is applied to the study of infinite asymmetric nuclear matter. We use several Walecka-type hadronic models and obtain the dispersion relations for the longitudinal modes. The isovector and isoscalar collective modes are determined for a wide range of densities as a function of isospin asymmetry and momentum transfer within a set of 11 relativistic mean field models with different nuclear matter properties. Special attention is given to beta-equilibrium matter. It is shown that the possible propagation of isoscalar- and isovector-like modes depends directly on the density dependence of the symmetric nuclear matter equation of state and of the symmetry energy, with a stiff equation of state favoring the propagation of isoscalar-like collective modes at high densities, and a stiff symmetry energy defining the behavior of the isovector-like modes which propagate for densities below two times saturation density. The coupling of the nuclear modes to the electron plasmon is also discussed.