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Hedgehog structures in general quark-meson lagrangians

Authors: E. Ruiz Arriola, P. Alberto, J.N. Urbano and K. Goeke

Ref.: Zeitschrift fur Physik A - Hadrons and Nuclei 333, 203-207 (1989)

Abstract: We investigate stationarity properties of hedgehog configurations in effective quark-meson Lagrangians involving scalar and vector boson fields with arbitrary self-couplings. The Lagrangians are assumed to be in the SU(2)-sector and to be invariant under Lorentz-transformations, isorotations and time reversal. Restricting ourselves to the mean field solution based on valence quarks in spherical s-orbits and bilinear couplings the quark-hedgehog is shown to generate simply structured meson fields and to correspond to a stationary solution of the equations of motion. In most practical cases this is even of minimal energy.

DOI: 10.1007/BF01565151