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Nonperturbative scalar meson resonances with open charm and beauty

Authors: E. van Beveren and G. Rupp

Ref.: hep-ph/0312078 CFIF Workshop on Time Asymmetric Quantum Theory: The Theory of Resonances, Lisbon, Portugal, 23-26 Jul 2003., 1-16 (2003)

Abstract: We predict several new bound states and resonances for B-pion, B-Kaon, and B-D S-wave elastic scattering, within the same model which was recently employed to explain the D*sJ(2317)+ meson. In the charm-nonstrange sector we find a (virtual ?) bound state close to the B-pion threshold, and moreover two nearby resonances of comparable width in the range 5.9 to 6.1 GeV. We obtain bound states B*s0(5570) in b-sbar and B*c0(6490) in bbar-c, as well as resonances at higher energies. No JP=0+ states are found at 5.6 GeV (in bbar-u/d), at 5.7 GeV (in b-sbar), or at 6.1 GeV (in bbar-c), where they are predicted from pure confinement.

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