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Neutron Star Properties: Quantifying the Effect of the Crust-Core Matching Procedure
Authors: M. Ferreira; C. Providencia
Ref.: Universe 6(11), 220 (2020)
Abstract: The impact of the equation of state (EoS) crust-core matching procedure on neutron star (NS) properties is analyzed within a meta-modeling approach. Using a Taylor expansion to parametrize the core equation of state (EoS) and the SLy4 crust EoS, we create two distinct EoS datasets employing two matching procedures. Each EoS describes cold NS matter in a β equilibrium that is thermodynamically stable and causal. It is shown that the crust-core matching procedure affects not only the crust-core transition but also the nuclear matter parameter space of the core EoS, and thus the most probable nuclear matter properties. An uncertainty of as much as 5% (8%) on the determination of low mass NS radii (tidal deformability) is attributed to the complete matching procedure, including the effect on core EoS. By restricting the analysis, imposing that the same set of core EoS is retained in both matching procedures, the uncertainty on the NS radius drops to 3.5% and below 1.5% for 1.9M⊙. Moreover, under these conditions, the crust-core matching procedure has a strong impact on the Love number k2, of almost 20% for 1.0M⊙ stars and 7% for 1.9M⊙ stars, but it shows a very small impact on the tidal deformability Λ, below 1%.
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