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What do we learn about vector interactions from GW170817?
Authors: Veronica Dexheimer; Rosana de Oliveira Gomes; Stefan Schramm; Helena Pais
Ref.: J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 46, 034002 (2019)
Abstract: We analyze the role played by a mixed vector-isoscalar/vector-isovector meson interaction in dense matter present in the interior of neutron stars in the light of new measurements made during the double neutron-star merger GW170817. These concern measurements of tidal deformability from gravitational waves and electromagnetic observations. Our study includes three different equations of state that contain different physical assumptions and matter compositions, namely the NL3 family, many body forces, and chiral mean field models. Other related quantities/relations analyzed are the neutron matter pressure, symmetry energy slope, stellar masses and radii, and Urca process threshold for stellar cooling.