Publications [LaTeX]
Chapters of Books
1 - The Inner Crust and its Structure
Débora P. Menezes, Sidney S. Avancini, Constança Providência, Marcelo D. Alloy
"Neutron Star Crust", edited by C.A. Bertulani and J. Piekarewicz
Nova Publishers chap 10 (2012)
International Journals
2 - Thermal evolution of relativistic hyperonic compact stars with calibrated equations of state
Morgane Fortin, Adriana R. Raduta, Sidney Avancini, Constança Providência
Phys. Rev. D 103, 083004 (2021)
3 - Relativistic hypernuclear compact stars with calibrated equations of state
Morgane Fortin, Adriana R. Raduta, Sidney Avancini, and Constança Providência
Phys. Rev. D 101, 034017 (2020)
4 - Stability of the neutron-proton-electron matter under strong magnetic fields: The covariant Vlasov approach
Sidney Avancini, B. P. Bertolino, Aziz Rabhi, Jianjun Fang, Helena Pais, and Constança Providência
Phys. Rev. C 98, 025805 (2018)
5 - Effect of strong magnetic fields on the crust-core transition and inner crust of neutron stars
Jianjun Fang, Helena Pais, Sagar Pratapsi, Sidney Avancini, Jing Li, Constança Providência
Phys. Rev. C 95, 045802 (2017)
6 - Hypernuclei and massive neutron stars
M. Fortin, S.S. Avancini, C. Providência, I. Vidaña
Phys. Rev. C 95, 065803 (2017)
7 - Light Clusters and Pasta Phases in Warm and Dense Nuclear Matter
Sidney S. Avancini, Márcio Ferreira, Helena Pais, Constança Providência, Gerd Röpke.
Phys. Rev. C 95, 045804 (2017)
8 - Larger and more heterogeneous neutron star crusts: A result of strong magnetic fields
Jianjun Fang, Helena Pais, Sidney Avancini, and Constança Providência
Phys. Rev. C 94, 062801(R) (2016)
9 - Neutrino diffusion in the pasta phase matter within the Thomas-Fermi approach
U.J. Furtado, S.S. Avancini, J. R. Marinelli, W. Martarello, C. Providência
Eur. Phys. J. A 52, 290 (2016)
10 - Imprint of the symmetry energy on the inner crust and strangeness content of neutron stars
Constança Providência, Sidney S. Avancini, Rafael Cavagnoli, Silvia Chiacchiera, Camille Ducoin, Fabrizio Grill, Jérôme Margueron, Débora P. Menezes, Aziz Rabhi, Isaac Vidaña
EPJA 50-2, 44-1-44-18 (2014)
11 - Equation of state and thickness of the inner crust of neutron stars
Fabrizio Grill, Helena Pais, Constança Providência, Isaac Vidaña, Sidney S. Avancini
Phys. Rev. C 90, 045803 (2014)
12 - Relativistic Mean-Field Hadronic Models under Nuclear Matter Constraints
M. Dutra, O. Lourenço, S. S. Avancini, B. V. Carlson, A. Delfino, D. P. Menezes, C. Providência, S. Typel, J. R. Stone
Phys. Rev. C 90, 055203-1-055203-35 (2014)
13 - Effect of strong magnetic fields on the nuclear pasta phase structure
R. C. R. de Lima, S. S. Avancini, and C. Providência
Phys. Rev. C 88, 035804 (2013)
14 - Neutron star inner crust and symmetry energy
Fabrizio Grill, Constança Providência, Sidney S. Avancini
Phys. Rev. C 85, 055808 (2012)
15 - Light clusters in nuclear matter and the pasta phase
S. S. Avancini, C. C. Barros, Jr., L. Brito, S. Chiacchiera, D. P. Menezes, C. Providência
Phys Rev C 85, 035806 (2012)
16 - QCD critical end point under strong magnetic fields
Sidney S. Avancini, Débora P. Menezes, Marcus B. Pinto, Constança Providência
Phys. Rev. D (Rapid Communication) 85, 091901 (2012)
17 - Erratum: Warm pasta phase in the Thomas-Fermi approximation [Phys. Rev. C 82, 055807 (2010)]
Sidney S. Avancini, Silvia Chiacchiera, Débora P. Menezes, Constança Providência
Phys. Rev. C 85, 059904 (2012)
18 - Finite temperature quark matter under strong magnetic fields
S. S. Avancini, D. P. Menezes, and C. Providência
Phys. Rev. C 83, 065805 (2011)
19 - α particles and the pasta phase in nuclear matter
S. S. Avancini, C. C. Barros, Jr., D. P. Menezes, and C. Providência
Physical Review C 82, 025808 (2010)
20 - Warm pasta phase in the Thomas-Fermi approximation
Sidney S. Avancini, Silvia Chiacchiera, Débora P. Menezes, and Constança Providência
Physical Review C 82, 055807 (2010)
21 - Quark matter under strong magnetic fields in the NambuJona-Lasinio model
D. P. Menezes, M. Benghi Pinto, S. S. Avancini, A. Pérez Martínez, e C. Providência
Phys. Rev. C 79, 035807-13 (2009)
22 - Quark matter under strong magnetic fields in the su(3) Nambu-Jona-Lasinio Model
D.P. Menezes, M. Benghi Pinto, S.S. Avancini, C. Providência
Physical Review C 80, 065805 (2009)
23 - Nuclear pasta phase within density dependent hadronic models
S. S. Avancini, L. Brito, J. R. Marinelli, D. P. Menezes, M. M. W. de Moraes, C. Providência, and A. M. Santos
Phys. Rev. C 79, 035804-14 (2009)
24 - Skyrme forces versus relativistic models: Reexamining instabilities
M. Dutra, O. Lourenço, A. Delfino, J. S. Sá Martins, C. Providência, S. S. Avancini, and D. P. Menezes
Phys. Rev. C 77, 035201-1-035201-13 (2008)
25 - Warm and cold pasta phase in relativistic mean field theory
S.S. Avancini, D.P. Menezes, M.D. Alloy, J.R. Marinelli, M.M.W. Moraes, C. Providência
Phys. Rev. C 78, 015802-1-015802-12 (2008)
26 - Center-of-Mass Correction in a Relativistic Hartree Approximation Including the Meson Degrees of Freedom
P. Alberto, S.S. Avancini, M. Fiolhais, J.R. Marinelli
Physical Review C 75, 054324 (2007)
27 - Density dependent hadronic models and the relation between neutron stars and neutron skin thickness.
S. S. Avancini, J. R. Marinelli, D. P. Menezes, M. M. W. Moraes, and C. Providência
Phys. Rev. C 75, 055805 (2007)
28 - Neutron Skin Thickness and Neutron Stars within a Density Dependent
Hadronic Model.
S. S. Avancini, J. R. Marinelli, D. P. Menezes, M. M. W. de Moraes, C. Providência
Int. J. of Mod. Phys. E 16, 2989-2992 (2007)
29 - Unstable modes in relativistic neutron-electron-proton (npe) matter at finite temperature
Brito, L., C. Providência, Santos, A. M., Avancini, S. S., Menezes, D. P. and Chomaz, Ph.
Phys.Rev. C 74, 04580 (2006)
30 - Coupling of nuclear and electron modes in relativistic stella matter.
C. Providência, L. Brito, A.M.S. Santos, D.P. Menezes e S. S. Avancini
Phys. Rev. C 74, 045802 (2006)
31 - Low-density instabilities in relativistic asymmetric matter of compact stars.
C. Providência, L. Brito, S.S. Avancini, D.P. Menezes, Ph. Chomaz
Phys. Rev. C 73, 025805 (2006)
32 - Center-of-Mass Correction in a Relativistic Hartree Approximation
P. Alberto, M. Fiolhais, S. S. Avancini, J. R. Marinelli
Brazilian Journal of Physics 36, 1375-1378 (2006)
33 - Spinodal instabilities and the distillation effect in relativistic hadronic models.
S. S. Avancini, L. Brito, Ph. Chomaz, D. P. Menezes, C. Providência
Phys. Rev. C 74, 024317 (2006)
34 - Peierls-Yoccoz projection in $sigma-omega$ models
P. Alberto, S. S. Avancini e M. Fiolhais
International Journal of Modern Physics E 14, 1171-1196 (2005)
35 - Collective modes in relativistic asymmetric nuclear matter.
S.S. Avancini, L. Brito, D. P. Menezes, C. Providência
Phys. Rev. C 71, 044323 (2005)
36 - Asymmetric nuclear matter and its instabilities.
S.S. Avancini, L. Brito, D.P. Menezes e C. Providencia
Braz. J. Phys. 35 B, 832 (2005)
37 - Instabilities in asymmetric nuclear matter.
S.S. Avancini, L. Brito, D.P. Menezes, C. Providênci
Phys. Rev. C 70, 015203; nucl-th/0406022 (2004)
38 - Three-level Lipkin model in the context of the su_q(3) algebra.
L. Brito, C. Providência, J. da Providência, S. S. Avancini,F. F. de Souza Cruz, D. P. Menezes, M. M. Watanabe Moraes
Phys. Rev. A 52, 92 (1995)
39 - The q- Deformed Thouless Model for Superconductivity and the Study of Thermal Effects by Number Nonconserving Coherent States
D. Bonatsos, S.S. Avancini, D.P. Menezes and C. Providência
Phys. Lett. A 192, 192-200 (1994)
40 - Quantum algebraic description of the Moszkowski model
D. P. Menezes, S. S. Avancini, C. Providência
J. Phys A 25, 6317 (1992)
International Conferences
41 - Finite temperature matter subject to strong magnetic fields
D.P. Menezes, S.S. Avancini and C. Providência
International Journal of Modern Physics E 20, 93-99 (2011)
S. S. Avancini, Marinelli JR,D. P. Menezes, Moraes MMW, C. Providência, Santos AM
43 - Centre-of-mass corrections in relativistic mean-field descriptions of light nuclei
S.S. Avancini, P. Alberto, M. Fiolhais
Proceedings of Proceedings of the VIII International Workshop on Hadron Physics 2002, C. Vasconcellos et al. (Eds.), World Scientific, Singapore, 261-264 (2003)
44 - The suq(3) algebra: application to the three-level Lipkin model
Proceedings of The IV Wigner Symposium, Guadalajara, México, 7 11 August, 1995,
Brito, L., Providência, C., da Providência, J., Avancini, S. S., de Souza Cruz, F. F., Menezes, D. P. and Watanabe Moraes, M. M.
Eds. Natig M. Atakishiyev, Thomas H. Seligman and Kurt B. Wolf, World Scientific, Singapore, 54 (1996)
45 - The su_q(3) algebra: application to the 3-level Lipkin model.
L. Brito, C. Providência, J. da Providência, S. S. Avancini, F. F. de Souza Cruz, D. P. Menezes e M. M. Watanabe Moraes
Proceedings of the IV Wigner Symposium, Natigb M. Atakishiyev, Thomas H. Seligman and Kurt Bernardo Wolf (Eds),World Scientific, Singapura, 54 (1996)