I am a particle cosmologist, my main research interests lying in the interplay between particle and gravitational physics. I am interested in extensions of the Standard Model of particle physics that address its main shortcomings, such as the origin of dark matter, inflation, the baryon asymmetry, dark energy, neutrino masses and the strong CP problem, amongst others. I am a theoretical model builder interested in looking for signatures of new physics in astrophysics and cosmology, as a complement to for example collider searches.
Publications [LaTeX]
International Journals
1 - Thermal curvature perturbations in thermal inflation
M Bastero-Gil, JM Gomes, JG Rosa
J. Cosmol. Astropart. Phys. 6, 060 (2024)
2 - Evaporating Primordial Black Holes, the String Axiverse, and Hot Dark Radiation
M. Calzà, J. March-Russell, JG Rosa
Phys. Rev. Lett. 133(26), 261003 (2024)
3 - Determining the spin of light primordial black holes with Hawking radiation. Part II. High spin regime
M. Calzà, JG Rosa
J. High Energy Phys. 8, 012 (2024)
4 - Primordial black hole superradiance and evaporation in the string axiverse
M Calzà, JG Rosa, F Serrano
J. High Energy Phys 140(5), 140 (2024)
5 - Superradiant axion clouds around asteroid-mass primordial black holes
NP Branco, RZ Ferreira, JG Rosa
J. Cosmol. Astropart. Phys. (4), 3 (2023)
6 - Shrinking the Warm Little Inflaton
P. Ferraz, J. Rosa,
J. High Energy Phys. 12, 176 (2023)
7 - Comparable dark matter and baryon abundances with a heavy dark sector
J Rosa, D Silva
Phys. Lett. B 846, 138178 (2023)
8 - Warm inflation, neutrinos and dark matter: a minimal extension of the Standard Model
M Levy, JG Rosa, LB Ventura
J. High Energy Phys. 12, 176 (2022)
9 - Superradiant pion clouds around primordial black holes
Paulo B. Ferraz, Thomas W. Kephart, João G. Rosa
J. Cosmol. Astropart. Phys. 7, 26 (2022)
10 - Chemical trace XRF analysis to detect sharp force trauma in fresh and burned bone
J Rosa, LAEB De Carvalho, MT Ferreira, D Goncalves, MPM Marques, FPSC Gil
Sci. Justice 62(5) (2022)
11 - Towards a reliable effective field theory of inflation
Mar Bastero-Gil, Arjun Berera, Rudnei O. Ramos, JG Rosa
Phys. Lett. B 813, 136055 (2021)
12 - Warm Inflation, Neutrinos and Dark matter: a minimal extension of the Standard Model
Miguel Levy, JG Rosa, Luís B. Ventura
J. High Energy Phys.. 12, 176 (2021)
13 - Can dark matter drive electroweak symmetry breaking?
C Cosme, JG Rosa, O Bertolami
Phys. Rev. D 102(6), 063507 (2020)
14 - ν-inflaton dark matter
António Torres Manso, JG Rosa
JHEP 02, 020 (2019)
15 - Warm Little Inflaton becomes Dark Energy
JG Rosa, Luís B. Ventura
Physics Letters B 798, 134984 (2019)
16 - Warm Little Inflaton becomes Cold Dark Matter
JG Rosa, Luís B. Ventura
Physical Review Letters 122, 161301 (2019)
17 - Warm inflation within a supersymmetric distributed mass model
Mar Bastero-Gil, Arjun Berera, Rafael Hernández-Jiménez, JG Rosa
Physical Review D 99, 103520 (2019)
18 - Scalar field dark matter with spontaneous symmetry breaking and the 3.5 keV line
Catarina Cosme, JG Rosa, Orfeu Bertolami
Physics Letters B 781, 639 (2018)
19 - Scale-invariant scalar field dark matter through the Higgs portal
Catarina Cosme, JG Rosa, Orfeu Bertolami
JHEP 05, 129 (2018)
20 - Inflation with Planck data: A survey of some exotic inflationary models
Cláudio Gomes, Orfeu Bertolami, JG Rosa
Physical Review D 97, 104061 (2018)
21 - Stimulated Axion Decay in Superradiant Clouds around Primordial Black Holes
JG Rosa, Thomas W. Kephart
Physical Review Letters 120, 231102 (2018)
22 - Dynamical and observational constraints on the Warm Little Inflaton scenario
Mar Bastero-Gil, Arjun Berera, Rafael Hernández-Jiménez, JG Rosa
Physical Review D 98, 083502 (2018)
23 - The role of fluctuation-dissipation dynamics in setting initial conditions for inflation
Mar Bastero-Gil, Arjun Berera, Robert Brandenberger, Ian G. Moss, Rudnei O. Ramos, JG Rosa
JCAP 01, 002 (2018)
24 - Adiabatic out-of-equilibrium solutions to the Boltzmann equation in warm inflation
Mar Bastero-Gil, Arjun Berera, Rudnei O. Ramos, JG Rosa
JHEP 02, 063 (2018)
25 - Knotty inflation and the dimensionality of spacetime
Arjun Berera, Roman V. Buniy, Thomas W. Kephart, Heinrich Pas, JG Rosa
European Physical Journal C 77, 682 (2017)
26 - Inflation in non-minimal matter-curvature coupling theories
Cláudio Gomes, JG Rosa, Orfeu Bertolami
JCAP 06, 021 (2017)
27 - Superradiance in the sky
JG Rosa
Physical Review D 95, 064017 (2017)
28 - Warm Little Inflaton
Mar Bastero-Gil, Arjun Berera, Rudnei O. Ramos, JG Rosa
Physical Review Letters 117, 151301 (2016)
29 - Scalar field dark matter and the Higgs field
Orfeu Bertolami, Catarina Cosme, JG Rosa
Physics Letters B 759, 1 (2016)
30 - Primordial black holes in the string axiverse
Rosa, JG
Majorana-Raychaudhuri Seminar series (online), 4 October (2024)
31 - Primordial black hole superradiance
Rosa, J.
Spanish Portuguese Relativity Meeting - EREP 2023, Bilbao - Spain, 21 July (2023)
32 - Primordial black hole superradiance
JG Rosa
Invited seminar at Dartmouth College, USA (online). 24 June 2021 (2021)
33 - Evaporating Kerr black holes as probes of new physics
Rosa, JG
NEHOP 2024: New Horizons in Primordial Black Hole Physics, National Galleries of Scotland, Edinburgh, UK, 17-20 June (2024)
34 - Evaporating Kerr black holes as probes of new physics
Rosa, JG
IberiCos 2024 - 18th Iberian Cosmology Meeting, U. Salamanca, Spain, 25-27 March (2024)
35 - Primordial black hole superradiance
Rosa, J.
New Horizons in Primordial Black Holes - NEHOP 2023, Naples - Italy, 21 June (2023)
36 - A solution to the dark matter coincidence problem with a heavy dark sector
Rosa, J.
IberiCos 2024, Ponte de Lima, Portugal, 3 April (2023)
37 - Primordial black hole superradiance and evaporation: new probes of high-energy physics and cosmology
João G. Rosa
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai, India, 8 July (2022)
38 - Primordial black hole superradiance and evaporation: new probes of high-energy physics and cosmology
João G. Rosa
EJCMS, Colombia, 12 July (2022)
39 - Determining the spin of light primordial black holes with Hawking radiation
João G. Rosa
XV Black Holes workshop, ISCTE-Lisboa, 19-20 December (2022)
40 - Primordial black hole superradiant instabilities
JG Rosa
XIV Black Holes Workshop, Universidade de Aveiro (21/12/2021) (2021)
41 - Fourteen billion years in thirty minutes
João Rosa
6th IDPASC/LIP PhD Students Workshop (online, Portugal 26, June 2020 (2020)
42 - The inflation trilogy and primordial black holes
P. Ferraz, J. Rosa,
Submitted to J. Cosmol. Astropart. Phys (2024)
43 - Superradiant Darwinism: survival of the lightest axion
D. Neves, JG Rosa
Submitted to J. Cosmol. Astropart. Phys (2024)
44 - Participation in 4th EuCAPT Annual Symposium
Rosa, JG
CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, 14-16 May (2024)
45 - Evaporating Kerr black holes as probes of new physics
M. Calza, J. Rosa
arXiv:2312.09261 [hep-ph] (2023)
46 - Spontaneous breaking of the Peccei-Quinn symmetry during warm inflation
JG Rosa, Luís B. Ventura
submitted not yet accepted [arXiv: 2105.05771] (2022)
47 - Participation in "Zooming in on Axions in the Early Universe" workshop
João Rosa
CERN, Switzerland (online). 22-26 June 2020 (2020)
48 - Participation in "XIII Black Holes Workshop"
João Rosa
Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal. 21-22 December 2020 (2020)
49 - Participation in "6th IDPASC/LIP PhD Student Workshop" (online)
João Rosa
Portugal. 22-26 June 2020 (0)
Thesis supervised
- Primordial black holes as laboratories for new physics
Calzà, M.
PhD thesis, PhD in Physics, 03 Abril (2024) - Aspectos cosmológicos de inflação quente.
Luís Bastos Ventura
PhD thesis, (2020) - A mechanism of resonant particle production during inflation
Diogo Severino Gorgulho
MSc thesis, MSc in Physics, University of Coimbra, 30 September (2024) - Superradiant Instabilities of Multiple Scalar Fields around a Rotating Black Hole
Daniel Filipe Neves
MSc thesis, (2023) - Evaporação de Hawking e instabilidades superradiantes de buracos negros primordiais no axiverso da teoria de cordas
Filipe Coelho
MSc thesis, MSc. Thesis in Physics (2022) - Axiões e Instabilidades Superradiantes de Buracos Negros Primordiais
Nuno Branco
MSc thesis, MSc Thesis in Physics (2022) - Asymmetric Baryo/Darkgenesis
Duarte Miguel Coelho Silva
MSc thesis, Master Thesis in Physics, Univ. Coimbra (2021) - Curvature perturbations from thermal inflation
Joaquim António Maximiano Gomes
MSc thesis, (2020)
Knowledge Transfer
- Dark complexity: exploring dark matter scenarios with multiple components
- Exploring the darkest side of dark matter
- Testing fundamental physics with astrophysical and cosmological observations