Mecânica Quântica Relativista; estudo da simetria de spin e de pseudospin em núcleo atómicos e em outros sistemas físicos, incluindo estados ligados e de espalhamento; desenvolvimento de métodos matemáticos para aplicação ao Geomagnetismo; desenvolvimento de programas de computador interativos para uso no Ensino da Física em Escolas Secundárias; Computação de Alto Desempenho (High Performance Computing)
Research Highlights
- Relativistic particle in a box
P. Alberto, C. Fiolhais and V. M. Gil
European Journal of Physics 17, 19-24 (1996) - The Isospin asymmetry in the pseudospin dynamical symmetry
P. Alberto, M. Fiolhais, M. Malheiro, A. Delfino, and M. Chiapparini
Physical Review Letters 86, 5015-5018 (2001) - Pseudospin symmetry and the relativistic harmonic oscillator
R. Lisboa, M. Malheiro, A.S. de Castro, P. Alberto, M. Fiolhais
Physical Review C 69, 024319 (2004) - Relating pseudospin and spin symmetries through charge conjugation and chiral transformations: The case of the relativistic harmonic oscillator
A. S. de Castro, P. Alberto, R. Lisboa, M. Malheiro
Phys. Rev. C 73, 054309 (2006) - Spin and pseudospin symmetries of the Dirac equation with confining central potentials
P. Alberto, A. S. de Castro, M. Malheiro
Physical Review C 87, 031301(R) (2013)
Publications [LaTeX]
International Journals
1 - Bound states of relativistic spinless particles in a mix of circularly symmetric vector and scalar harmonic oscillators
V.B. Mendrot, A.S. de Castro, P. Alberto
Physica Scripta 99 (5), 055209 (2024)
2 - Spin in a planar relativistic fermion problem Castro, P. Alberto
Phys. Lett. A 404, 127412 (2021)
3 - Analytic continuation of nucleon electromagnetic form factors in the time-like region
P. Alberto , A. Drago, A. Mangoni, S. Moretti, S. Pacetti
J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 48, 085007 (2021)
4 - Pure Coulomb tensor interaction in the Dirac equation
M. G. Garcia, S. Pratapsi, P. Alberto, A. S. de Castro
Phys. Rev. A 99, 062102-062102-6 (2019)
5 - Relativistic particle in a box: Klein-Gordon vs Dirac Equations
Pedro Alberto, Saurya Das, Elias C. Vagenas
European Journal of Physics 39, 025401 (2018)
6 - New solutions of the D-dimensional
Klein–Gordon equation via mapping onto the
nonrelativistic one-dimensional Morse potential
M.G. Garcia, A.S. de Castro, L.B. Castro, P. Alberto
Annals of Physics 378, 88-99 (2017)
7 - Solutions of the three-dimensional radial Dirac equation from the Schrödinger equation with one-dimensional Morse potential
M.G.Garcia, Castro, P. Alberto, L.B.Castro
Physics Letters A 381, 2050-2054 (2017)
8 - Temperature effects on nuclear pseudospin symmetry in the Dirac-Hartree-Bogoliubov formalism
R. Lisboa, P. Alberto, B. V. Carlson, M. Malheiro
Physical Review C 96, 054306 (2017)
9 - Pseudospin and spin symmetries in 1+1
dimensions: The case of the Coulomb potential
L. B. Castro, A. S. de Castro, P. Alberto
Annals of Physics 356, 83-94 (2015)
10 - Time-correlated patterns from spherical harmonic expansions: Application to geomagnetism
M. A. Pais, P. Alberto, F. J. G. Pinheiro
J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth 120, 8012 (2015)
11 - General spin and pseudospin symmetries of the Dirac equation
P. Alberto, M. Malheiro, T. Frederico, A. de Castro
Physical Review A 92, 062137 (2015)
12 - Spin and pseudospin symmetries of the Dirac equation with confining central potentials
P. Alberto, A. S. de Castro, M. Malheiro
Physical Review C 87, 031301(R) (2013)
13 - Spin and pseudospin symmetries in the Dirac equation with central Coulomb potentials
A. S. Castro, P. Alberto
Physical Review A 86, 032122 (2012)
14 - Relativistic particle in a three-dimensional box
P. Alberto, S. Das, E. C. Vagenas
Phys. Lett. A 375, 1436-1440 (2011)
15 - Spin and pseudospin symmetries in the antinucleon spectrum of nuclei
R. Lisboa, M. Malheiro, P. Alberto, M. Fiolhais, A. S. de Castro
Phys. Rev. C 81, 064324 (2010)
16 - Spin and pseudospin symmetries and the equivalent spectra of relativistic spin-1/2 and spin-0 particles
P. Alberto, A. S. de Castro, M. Malheiro
Physical Review C 75, 047303 (2007)
17 - Center-of-Mass Correction in a Relativistic Hartree Approximation Including the Meson Degrees of Freedom
P. Alberto, S.S. Avancini, M. Fiolhais, J.R. Marinelli
Physical Review C 75, 054324 (2007)
18 - Relating pseudospin and spin symmetries through charge conjugation and chiral transformations: The case of the relativistic harmonic oscillator
A. S. de Castro, P. Alberto, R. Lisboa, M. Malheiro
Phys. Rev. C 73, 054309 (2006)
19 - Center-of-Mass Correction in a Relativistic Hartree Approximation
P. Alberto, M. Fiolhais, S. S. Avancini, J. R. Marinelli
Brazilian Journal of Physics 36, 1375-1378 (2006)
20 - Direct calculation of the K-matrix for pion electro-production in the delta channel
P. Alberto, L. Amoreira, M. Fiolhais, B. Golli and S. irca
European Physical Journal A 26, 99-106 (2005)
21 - Tensor coupling and pseudospin symmetry in nuclei
P. Alberto, R. Lisboa, M. Malheiro and A. S. de Castro
Physical Review C 71, 034313 (2005)
22 - Peierls-Yoccoz projection in $sigma-omega$ models
P. Alberto, S. S. Avancini e M. Fiolhais
International Journal of Modern Physics E 14, 1171-1196 (2005)
23 - Pattern search methods for user-provided points: application to molecular geometry problems
P. Alberto, F. Nogueira, H. Rocha, and Luís N. Vicente
SIAM Journal on Optimization 14, 1216-1236 (2004)
24 - On the non-uniqueness of main geomagnetic field determined by surface intensity measurements - the Backus problem
P. Alberto, O. Oliveira, M. A. Pais
Geophys. J. Int. 159, 548-554 (2004)
25 - Perturbative breaking of the pseudospin symmetry in the relativistic harmonic oscillator
R. Lisboa, M. Malheiro, A. S. de Castro, P. Alberto and M. Fiolhais
International Journal of Modern Physics D 13, 1447-1451 (2004)
26 - Pseudospin symmetry and the relativistic harmonic oscillator
R. Lisboa, M. Malheiro, A.S. de Castro, P. Alberto, M. Fiolhais
Physical Review C 69, 024319 (2004)
27 - The nuclear pseudospin symmetry along an isotopic chain
Ronai Lisboa, Manuel Malheiro and P. Alberto
Brazilian Journal of Physics 34, 293-296 (2004)
28 - Role of the Coulomb and the vector-isovector rho potentials in the isospin asymmetry of nuclear pseudospin
R. Lisboa, M. Malheiro, and P. Alberto
Physical Review C 67, 54305 (2003)
29 - Pseudospin symmetry as a relativistic dynamical symmetry in the nucleus
P. Alberto, M. Fiolhais, M. Malheiro, A. Delfino, and M. Chiapparini
Physical Review C 65, 34307-34307 (2002)
30 - N* electroproduction amplitudes in a model with dynamical confinement
P. Alberto, M. Fiolhais, B. Golli, and J. Marques
Physics Letters B 523, 273-279 (2001)
31 - The Isospin asymmetry in the pseudospin dynamical symmetry
P. Alberto, M. Fiolhais, M. Malheiro, A. Delfino, and M. Chiapparini
Physical Review Letters 86, 5015-5018 (2001)
32 - Delta electroproduction amplitudes in chiral soliton models of the nucleon
L. Amoreira, P. Alberto, and M. Fiolhais
Physical Review C 62, 45202-45202 (2000)
33 - On the relativistic LS-coupling
P. Alberto, M. Fiolhais, and Miguel Oliveira
European Journal of Physics 19, 553-562 (1998)
34 - Axial symmetric solutions of the linear sigma model
D. Urbano, A. Silva, M. Fiolhais and P. Alberto
Brazilian Journal of Physics 26, 690-708 (1996)
35 - Relativistic particle in a box
P. Alberto, C. Fiolhais and V. M. Gil
European Journal of Physics 17, 19-24 (1996)
36 - The projected chiral soliton model with vector mesons
E. Ruiz Arriola, P. Alberto, K. Goeke and J. N. Urbano
Nuclear Physics A 591 (4), 651-605 (1995)
37 - Linear and angular momentum projected observables in the chiral chromodielectric model of the nucleon
M. Fiolhais, T. Neuber, K. Goeke, P. Alberto and J. Urbano
Physics Letters B 268, 1-5 (1991)
38 - Canonical quantization of the chiral soliton model with vector mesons and then N-Delta splitting
E. Ruiz Arriola, P. Alberto, K. Goeke and J.N. Urbano
Physics Letters B 236, 381-386 (1990)
39 - Form factors in the projected chiral soliton model with vector mesons
P. Alberto, E. Ruiz Arriola, J.N. Urbano and K. Goeke
Physics Letters B 247, 210-214 (1990)
40 - Form factors in the projected linear chiral sigma model
P. Alberto, E. Ruiz Arriola, K. Goeke, F. Grümmer and J.N. Urbano
Zeitschrift fur Physik A - Hadrons and Nuclei 336, 449-460 (1990)
41 - Hedgehog structures in general quark-meson lagrangians
E. Ruiz Arriola, P. Alberto, J.N. Urbano and K. Goeke
Zeitschrift fur Physik A - Hadrons and Nuclei 333, 203-207 (1989)
42 - Nucleon form factors in the projected linear chiral soliton model
P. Alberto, E. Ruiz Arriola, M. Fiolhais, F. Grümmer, J. Urbano and K. Goeke
Physics Letters B 208, 75-78 (1988)
International Conferences
43 - Combining Two Computational Tools For Teaching and Learning Physics
C. Machado, P. Alberto
Conference proceedings. New perspectives in science education. 6th Edition (2017)
44 - From the nonrelativistic Morse potential to a unified treatment of
a large class of bound-state solutions of a modified D-dimensional
Klein–Gordon equation
M. G. Garcia, A. S. de Castro, L. B. Castro, P. Alberto
Astronomische Nachrichten 338, 1160-1165 (2017)
45 - Generalizing spin and pseudospin symmetries for
relativistic spin 1/2 fermions
P. Alberto, M. Malheiro, T. Frederico, A. de Castro
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 738, 012033 (2016)
46 - Pseudospin and Spin Symmetries in the Dirac Equation for Confining Potentials with the Application to the Coulomb Potential in 1+1 Dimensions
A. S. Castro, L. B. Castro, P. Alberto
Acta Physica Polonica B Proceedings Supplement 8, 267-271 (2015)
47 - Relativistic pseudospin and spin symmetries in physical systems recent results
P. Alberto, A. Castro, M. Fiolhais, R. Lisboa e M. Malheiro
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 490, 012069 (2014)
48 - Pion scattering and electro-production on nucleons in
the resonance region in chiral quark models
S. irca, B. Golli, M. Fiolhais, P. Alberto
Electronic Conference Proceedings Archive (eConf) at, 520-524 (2011)
49 - The effect of temperature and pairing on nuclear pseudospin symmetry
M. Malheiro, R. Lisboa, B. V. Carlson, P. Alberto
AIP Conference Proceedings 1139, 119-122 (2009)
50 - Antinucleon spectra in the Dirac equation with scalar and vector Wood-Saxon potentials
R. Lisboa, M. Malheiro, P. Alberto, A. S. de Castro
AIP Conference Proceedings 1139, 197-198 (2009)
51 - Milipeia: A new cluster at the University of Coimbra
P. Alberto, P. Almeida, M. Fiolhais, M. Oliveira, L. Pinto
Proceedings of IBERGRID, 1st Iberian Grid Infrastructure
Conference, J. Tobío et. al. (Eds.), Fundación CESGA, ISBN
978-84-611-6634-3 (2007)
52 - Pseudospin and spin symmetries in the relativistic harmonic
P. Alberto, A. Castro, M. Malheiro, R. Lisboa
Bled Workshops in Physics, ISSN 1580-4992 - Proceedings of the Mini-Workshop Progress in Quark Models 7, 1-6 (2006)
53 - Ab-initio modeling of acceptorhydrogen complexes in CdTe
P. Alberto, V. J. B. Torres, J. Coutinho, P. R. Briddon
Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Defects
in Semiconductors, Awaji Island, Japan, 24-29 July 2005, edited by
A. Oshiyama, K. Maeda, K.M. Itoh and H. Katayama-Yoshida,
Physica B 376, 775-777 (2006)
54 - Métodos de procura em padrão aplicados a problemas de optimização de geometria molecular
P. Alberto, F. Nogueira, H. Rocha
Métodos Numéricos en Ingenería 2005
José Aparício et. al. (Eds.), SEMNI, Barcelona, ISBN 84-95999-74-9, 431 (2005)
55 - Calculation of electroproduction amplitudes in the K-matrix formalism
B. Golli, P. Alberto, L. Amoreira, M. Fiolhais, S. Sirca
Bled Workshops in Physics 5, 62-69 (2004)
56 - Medium modification of nucleon properties in a Walecka - Linear Sigma Model description
P. Alberto, M. E. Bracco, M. Chiapparini, M. Fiolhais
AIP Conference Proceedings 739, 461-463 (2004)
57 - The non-uniqueness of external vector fields determined from their magnitude on a spherical surface - application to the geomagnetic field
P. Alberto, O. Oliveira, M. A. Pais, R. Guedes Jr
Proceedings of the XII Fall Workshop on Geometry and Physics, eds H. Albuquerque, J. Clemente-Gallardo, J.M. Nunes da Costa, J. Teles, Publicaciones de la Real Sociedad Matemática Española (RSME) 7, 127-132 (2004)
58 - Harmonic oscillator and nuclear pseudospin
Ronai Lisboa, Manuel Malheiro, Antonio S. de Castro, Pedro Alberto, Manuel Fiolhais
AIP Conference Proceedings 739, 569-571 (2004)
59 - Radial excited states of the nucleon in quark models with dynamical confinement
M. Fiolhais, P. Alberto, B. Golli and S. irca
Proceedings of the VIII International Workshop on Hadron Physics 2002, C. Vasconcellos et al. (Eds.), World Scientific, Singapore, 239-248 (2003)
60 - The non-uniqueness of external vector fields determined from their magnitude on a spherical surface - apllication to the geomagnetic field
P. Alberto, O. Oliveira, M.A.Pais, R. Guedes Jr.
XII Fall Workshop on Geometry and Physics, September, Coimbra (2003)
61 - Dynamical nature of the nuclear pseudospin and its isospin asymmetry
R. Lisboa, M. Malheiro, A. Delfino, P. Alberto, M. Fiolhais, M. Chiapparini
Proceedings of Proceedings of the VIII International Workshop on Hadron Physics 2002, C. Vasconcellos et al. (Eds.), World Scientific, Singapore, 257-260 (2003)
62 - Centre-of-mass corrections in relativistic mean-field descriptions of light nuclei
S.S. Avancini, P. Alberto, M. Fiolhais
Proceedings of Proceedings of the VIII International Workshop on Hadron Physics 2002, C. Vasconcellos et al. (Eds.), World Scientific, Singapore, 261-264 (2003)
63 - Roper electroproduction amplitudes in a chiral confinement model
M. Fiolhais, P. Alberto, J. Marques, and B. Golli
Proceedings of the International symposium Electromagnetic interactions in nuclear and hadron physics, M. Fujiwara, T. Shima (Eds.), 255-264 (2002)
64 - Pseudospin symmetry in nuclei
P. Alberto, M. Fiolhais, M. Malheiro, A. Delfino, and M. Chiapparini
Proceedings of the Workshop "Recent Developments in Particle and Nuclear Physics", 2001, Coimbra, 72-81 (2002)
65 - Excitation of non-quark degrees of freedom in N*
B. Golli, P. Alberto, and M. Fiolhais
Proceedings of the Mini-Workshop Selected Few-Body Problems in Hadronic and Atomic Physics, Bled Workshops in Physics 2, 38-41 (2001)
66 - Recoil effects in the electroproduction of the delta
L. Amoreira, P. Alberto, and M. Fiolhais
Proceedings of the International Workshop on Hadron Physics 2000, F. Navarra et al. (ed.), World Scientific, Singapore, 387-389 (2001)
67 - Pattern search methods for user-provided points
P. Alberto, F. Nogueira, H. Rocha and L. N. Vicente
Lecture Notes in Computer Science - Proceedings of the 2001 International Conference on Computational Science, San Francisco, USA, May 2001 2074, 95-98 (2001)
68 - Recoil effects in the calculation of the delta electroproduction amplitudes
L. Amoreira, P. Alberto, and M. Fiolhais
in Proceedings of the mini-workshop Hadrons as Solitons, M. Rosina et al. (eds.), Bled (1999)
69 - The projected chiral soliton model with vector mesons
E. Ruiz Arriola, P. Alberto, K. Goeke, J. N. Urbano
Proceedings of the International Conference on Many-Body Physics,
C. Fiolhais, M. Fiolhais, C. Sousa, J. N. Urbano (Eds.),
World Scientific, Singapura., 207-210 (1994)
70 - Peierls-Yoccoz projections in quark-meson models for the nucleon
M. Fiolhais, T. Neuber, P. Alberto, J. N. Urbano and K. Goeke
Proceedings Int. School of Intermediate Energy Nuclear Physics, eds. S. Costa, G. Orlandini and C. Schaerf, World Scientific, Singapore, 495-497 (1992)
71 - The nucleon as a projected chiral soliton: vacuum and medium
M. Fiolhais, E. Ruiz Arriola, P. Alberto, Chr. V. Christov
Proceedings of International School of
Nuclear Physics, Erice, Italy, 16-25 July
1989, Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics 24, 283-302 (1990)
72 - Sea quark effects and nucleon form factors
K. Goeke, P. Alberto, M. Fiolhais, F. Gruemmer, Th.Meissner, E. Ruiz Arriola, J. N. Urbano
Proceedings of the International Conference on Excited Baryons 1988, G. Adams, N.C. Mukhopadhyay e P. Stoler (Eds.), World Scientific, Singapura, 110-115 (1989)
73 - Mathematical solutions of Coulomb type tensor interactions in relativistic quantum mechanics
P. Alberto
International Conference on Mathematical Methods
in Physics (ICMMP 2019) 1-5 April 2019, Marrakech, Morroco (2019)
74 - On the non-uniqueness of main geomagnetic field determined by surface intensity measurements - the Backus problem
P. Alberto, R. B. Guedes Jr, O. Oliveira, A. Pais
Geophysical Research Abstracts 5, 11053 (2003)
MSc thesis
75 - “An iron-nickel meteorite characterization using different experimental techniques”
Pedro Alberto Oliveira Costa e Silva
Mestrado Integrado em Engenharia Física (2015)
76 - Tooling4G – Minimize the Airflow Generated Noise on Automotive HVAC Systems
J. F. Caseiro, P. Alberto
White Papers – SHAPE Projects PRACE-6IP (2021)
Thesis supervised
- Simulador no quadro interactivo: impactos no ensino e aprendizagem da Física
Candida Aparecida Machado
PhD thesis, Tese de Doutoramento em Ensino das Ciências - Ramo de Ensino da Física Orientadores: Pedro Almeida Vieira Alberto, Maria Augusta Vilalobos Filipe Pereira Nascimento (2018)
Knowledge Transfer
- Acuvent
- Biblioteca Rómulo de Carvalho
- CERN/FP/109316/2009 - Asymmetric nuclear matter: from the lab to neutron stars
- CERN/FP/83505/2008 - Asymmetric nuclear matter: from the lab to neutron stars
- EUMaster4HPC
- Estudo da simetria de pseudospin usando modelos quânticos relativistas
- EuroCC
- EuroCC2
- From particles to compact stars
- Meson scattering and the role of temperature in chiral phase transitions
- Optimization in Physics
- POCI/FP/81923/2007 - Asymmetric nuclear matter: from the lab to neutron stars
- Stellar matter at subsaturation densities: neutron star crust and supernova
- Estágios de Verão (01/Jul/2020)
- Estágios de Verão (01/Jul/2019)
- Estágio de Verão (18/Jun/2018)
- Estágio de Verão (01/Jul/2017)
- Estágio de Verão (07/May/2016)