Study of hydrogen states in semiconductors and oxides by muSR techniques; Study of materials with high capacity for hydrogen absorption; Development of equipment and technologies related to hydrogen storage in solid materials.
Research Highlights
- Novel muonium state in CdS
J. M. Gil, H. V. Alberto, R. C. Vilão, J. Piroto Duarte, P. J. Mendes, L. P. Ferreira, N. Ayres de Campos, A. Weidinger, J. Krauser, Ch. Niedermayer, S. F. J. Cox
Phys. Rev. Lett 83, 5294-5297 (1999) - Experimental confirmation of the predicted shallow donor hydrogen state in zinc oxide
S. F. J. Cox, E. A. Davis, S. P. Cottrell, P. J. C. King, J. S. Lord, J. M. Gil, H. V. Alberto, R. C. Vilão, J. Piroto Duarte, N. Ayres de Campos, A. Weidinger, R. L. Lichti, S. J. C. Irvine
Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 2601-2604 (2001) - Shallow donor muonium states in II-VI semiconductor compounds
J. M. Gil, H. V. Alberto, R. C. Vilão, J. Piroto Duarte, N. Ayres de Campos, A. Weidinger, J. Krauser, E. A. Davis, S. P. Cottrell, S. F. J. Cox
Phys. Rev. B 64, 075205 (2001) - The muonium donor in rutile TiO2 and comparison with hydrogen
R. C. Vilão, R. B. L. Vieira, H. V. Alberto, J. M. Gil, A. Weidinger, R. L. Lichti, B. B. Baker, P. W. Mengyan, and J. S. Lord
Phys. Rev. B 92 (2015) - A novel capacitive device for the study of volumetric expansion of hydride powders
Edivagner S. Ribeiro, João M. Gil
Int. J. Hydrogen Energy 40(43), 14900-14910 (2015)
Publications [LaTeX]
Chapters of Books
1 - Hydrogen Storage
Rahul Krishna, Elby Titus, Maryam Salimian, Olena Okhay, Sivakumar Rajendran, Ananth Rajkumar, J. M. G. Sousa, A. L. C. Ferreira, João Campos Gil and Jose Gracio
Chapter 10 - Hydrogen Storage for Energy Application 10 (2012)
International Journals
2 - Local Environment and Migration Paths of the Proton Defect in Yttria-Stabilized Zirconia Studied by Ab Initio Calculations and Muon-Spin Spectroscopy
AG Marinopoulos, RC Vilao, HV Alberto, JM Gil, RBL Vieira, JS Lord
Hydrogen 5(3), 374-386 (2024)
3 - Biochar ageing effects on soil respiration, biochar wettability and gaseous CO2 adsorption
G. Ojeda, J.M. Gil, S Mattana, J. Bachmann, K. Quenea, AJFN Sobral
Mitig. Adapt. Strateg. Glob. Change. 29 (2), 11 (2024)
4 - Investigation of the solar cell materials Cu(In,Ga)Se2 and Cu2ZnSnS4 with muon spin spectroscopy and density-functional calculations
RC Vilao, AG Marinopoulos, DG Santos, HV Alberto, JM Gil, PW Mengyan, M Kauk-Kuusik, JS Lord, A Weidinger
J. Appl. Phys. 136(5), 055704 (2024)
5 - Modified Biochar Materials From Eucalyptus globulus Wood as Efficient CO2 Adsorbents and Recyclable Catalysts
S Zomorodbakhsh, ACS Gonzalez, IG Cruz, G Piccirillo, TMR Maria, IS Marques, AF Peixoto, JM Gil, F Ferreira, RMB Carrilho
Adv. Sustain. Syst., 2400431 (2024)
6 - Understanding the magnetic dynamics and magnetostructural coupling in the paramagnetic phase of TbMnO3 by muon-spin spectroscopy
R Vilarinho, RC Vilao, H Alberto, AG Marinopoulos, JM Gil, H Luetkens, Z Guguchia, M Mihalik, M Mihalik Jr, JA Moreira
Phys. Rev. B 108 (17), 174401 (2023)
7 - Characterization of the Interfacial Defect Layer in Chalcopyrite Solar Cells by Depth-Resolved Muon Spin Spectroscopy
HV Alberto, RC Vilao, EFM Ribeiro, JM Gil, MA Curado, JP Teixeira, PA Fernandes, JMV Cunha, PMP Salome, M Edoff, MI Martins, T Prokscha, Z Salman, A Weidinger
Adv. Mater. Interfaces 9(19) (2022)
8 - Numerical Modeling and Prediction of Residual Stresses in AISI 316L and 18Ni300 Steels Produced by Selective Laser Melting
J. Gil, M. Pires, F. Fiorentin, M. J. Marques, A. Castanhola, M. Parente, A. de Jesus,
Procedia Structural Integrity 34, 6-12 (2021)
9 - Hydrogen states in mixed-cation CuIn(1-x)GaxSe2 chalcopyrite alloys: a combined study by first-principles density-functional calculations and muon-spin spectroscopy
AG Marinopoulos, RC Vilao, HV Alberto, EFM Ribeiro, JM Gil, PW Mengyan, MR Goeks, Kauk-Kuusik, JS Lord
Philos. Mag. 101(22), 2412-2434 (2021)
10 - Sapphire alpha-Al2O3 puzzle: Joint mu SR and density functional theory study
RC Vilao, AG Marinopoulos, HV Alberto, JM Gil, JS Lord, A Weidinger
Phys. Rev. B 103(12), 125202 (2021)
11 - Muon implantation experiments in films: Obtaining depth-resolved information
AFA Simoes, HV Alberto, RC Vilao, JM Gil, JMV Cunha, MA Curado, PMP Salome, T Prokscha, A Suter, Z Salman
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 91(2), 023906 (2020)
12 - Analysis of fungal deterioration phenomena in the first Portuguese King tomb using a multi-analytical approach
J Trovao, F Gil, L Catarino, F Soares, I Tiago, A Portugal
Int. Biodeterior. Biodegradation 149, 104933 (2020)
13 - Reply to "Comment on Role of the transition state in muon implantation and Thermal spike in muon implantation"
RC Vilao, HV Alberto, RBL Vieira, JM Gil, A Weidinger
Phys. Rev. B. 101(7), 077202 (2020)
14 - Synthesis and characterization of g/Ni-SiO2 composite for enhanced hydrogen storage applications
B Krishnakumar, S Kumar, JM Gil, D Mani, M Arivanandhan, AJFN Sobral
Int. J. Hydrog. Energy 44(41), 23249-23256 (2019)
15 - Thermal spike in muon implantation
RC Vilao, HV Alberto, JM Gil, A Weidinger
Phys. Rev. B. 99, 195206 (2019)
16 - Paramagnetic rare-earth oxide Nd2O3 investigated by muon spin spectroscopy
R.C. Vilão, M.A. Curado, H.V. Alberto, J.M. Gil, J.A. Paixão, J.S. Lord, A. Weidinger
Phys. Rev. B. 100, 205203 (2019)
17 - Electronic structure and migration of interstitial hydrogen in the rutile phase of TiO2
AG Marinopoulos, RC Vilao, HV Alberto, JM Gil
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 30, 425503 (2018)
18 - Slow-muon study of quaternary solar-cell materials: Single layers and p-n junctions
HV Alberto, RC Vilao, RBL Vieira, JM Gil, A Weidinger, MG Sousa, JP Teixeira, A da Cunha, JP Leitao, PMP Salome, A Fernandes, T Torndahl, T Prokscha, A Suter
Physical Review Materials 2, UNSP 025402 (2018)
19 - Calixarene functionalization of TiO2 nanoarrays: an effective strategy for enhancing the sensor versatility
I. Oueslati, A. Ghrairi, E. S. Ribeiro, L. A. E. Batista de Carvalho, J. M. Gil, J. A. Paixão
J. Mater. Chem. A 6, 10649-10654 (2018)
20 - Highly active P25@Pd/C nanocomposite for the degradation of Naphthol Blue Black with visible light
B Krishnakumar, S Kumar, JM Gil, V Pandiyan, A Aguiar, AJFN Sobral
Journal of Molecular Structure 1153, 346-352 (2018)
21 - Barrier model in muon implantation and application to Lu2O3
RC Vilao, RBL Vieira, HV Alberto, JM Gil, A Weidinger, RL Lichti, PW Mengyan, BB Baker, JS Lord
Phys. Rev. B 98, 115201 (2018)
22 - Mesoporous zeolite-chitosan composite for enhanced capture and catalytic activity in chemical fixation of CO2
Santosh Kumar, K. Prasad, João M. Gil, Abilio J.F.N. Sobral, Joonseok Koh
Carbohydrate Polymers 198, 401-406 (2018)
23 - Defect levels and hyperfine constants of hydrogen in beryllium oxide from hybrid-functional calculations and muonium spectroscopy
AG Marinopoulos, RC Vilão, RBL Vieira, HV Alberto, JM Gil, MV Yakushev, R Scheuermann, T Goko
Philosophical Magazine 97, 2108-2128 (2017)
24 - Synthesis, structure and physical properties of luminescent Pr(III) beta-diketonate complexes
VM Pereira, AL Costa, J Feldl, TMR Maria, JSS de Melo, P Martin-Ramos, J Martin-Gil, Manuela Ramos Silva
Spectrochim. Acta Mol. Biomol. Spectrosc. 172, 25-33 (2017)
25 - Role of the transition state in muon implantation
RC Vilão, RBL Vieira, HV Alberto, JM Gil, A Weidinger
Physical Review B 96, 195205 (2017)
26 - Carbon dioxide capture and conversion by an environmentally friendly chitosan based meso-tetrakis(4-sulfonatophenyl) porphyrin
Santosh Kumar, Joana de A. e Silva, Mohmmad Y. Wani, João M. Gil, Abilio J. F.N. Sobral
Carbohydrate Polymers 175, 575-583 (2017)
27 - Instrumentation and characterization of materials for hydrogen storage
Edivagner S. Ribeiro, João M. Gil
Ciência & Tecnologia dos Materiais 28, 99-105 (2016)
28 - Isolated hydrogen configurations in zirconia as seen by muon spin spectroscopy
and ab initio calculations
R. B. L. Vieira, R. C. Vilão, A. G. Marinopoulos, P. M. Gordo, J. A. Paixão, H. V. Alberto, J. M. Gil, A. Weidinger, R. L. Lichti, B. Baker, P. W. Mengyan: J. S. Lord
Phys. Rev. B 94, 115207(1)-115207(11) (2016)
29 - Electronic structure of interstitial hydrogen in lutetium oxide from DFT plus U calculations and comparison study with mu SR spectroscopy
EL da Silva, AG Marinopoulos, RBL Vieira, RC Vilao, HV Alberto, JM Gil, RL Lichti, PW Mengyan, BB Baker
Phys. Rev. B 94(1), 014104 (2016)
30 - A novel capacitive device for the study of volumetric expansion of hydride powders
Edivagner S. Ribeiro, João M. Gil
Int. J. Hydrogen Energy 40(43), 14900-14910 (2015)
31 - Advanced nanomaterials for hydrogen energy
Elby Titus, Victor Neto, João Campos Gil
Int. J. Hydrogen Energy 40, 4915 (2015)
32 - Gelatin-assisted sol-gel derived TiO2 microspheres for hydrogen storage
B Liu, JZ Xiao, L Xu, YJ Yao, BFO Costa, VF Domingos, ES Ribeiro, FN Shi, K Zhou, J Su, HY Wu, K Zhong, JA Paixao, JM Gil
Int. J. Hydrogen Energy 40(14), 4945-4950 (2015)
33 - The muonium donor in rutile TiO2 and comparison with hydrogen
R. C. Vilão, R. B. L. Vieira, H. V. Alberto, J. M. Gil, A. Weidinger, R. L. Lichti, B. B. Baker, P. W. Mengyan, and J. S. Lord
Phys. Rev. B 92 (2015)
34 - Reduction of 4-nitrophenol to 4-aminopenol using novel Pd@NixB - SiO2/RGO nanocomposite: Enhanced hydrogen spillover and high catalytic performance
Rahul Krishna, Diana M. Fernandes, Valdemar F. Domingos, Edivagner S. Ribeiro, João Campos Gil, Catarina Dias, Joao Ventura, Cristina Freire, Elby Titus
RSC Advances 5 (74), 60658-60666 (2015)
35 - Muonium states in Cu2ZnSnS4 solar cell material
H. V. Alberto, R. C. Vilão, J. M. Gil, J. Piroto Duarte, R. B. L. Vieira, A. Weidinger, J. P. Leitão, A. F. da Cunha, M. G. Sousa, J. P. Teixeira, P. A. Fernandes, P. M. P. Salomé, et al.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 551, 012045 (2014)
36 - High-field study of muonium states in HfO2 and ZrO2
R. B. L. Vieira, R. C. Vilão, H. V. Alberto, J. M. Gil, A. Weidinger, B. B. Baker, P. W. Mengyan and R. L. Lichti
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 551, 012048 (2014)
37 - Muon-Spin-Rotation study of yttria-stabilized zirconia (ZrO2:Y): Evidence for muon and electron separate traps
R. B. L. Vieira, R. C. Vilão, P. M. Gordo, A. G. Marinopoulos, H. V. Alberto, J. Piroto Duarte, J. M. Gil, A. Weidinger and J. S. Lord
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 551, 012050 (2014)
38 - Rapid Electrochemical Synthesis of Hydrogenated Graphene Oxide Using Ni Nanoparticles
Rahul Krishna, Elby Titus, Olena Okhay, João Campos Gil, João Ventura, José J. A. Gracio
Int. J. Electrochem. Sci. 9(7), 4054-4069 (2014)
39 - Reversible sequestering of CO2 on a multiporous crystalline framework of 2-quinolyl-porphyrin
Joana de A. e Silva, Valdemar F. Domingos, Daniela Marto, Leticia D. Costa, Mariana Marcos, Manuela R. Silva, João M. Gil, Abilio J. F. N. Sobral
Tetrahedron Letters 54, 2449-2451 (2013)
40 - The first 25 years of semiconductor muonics at ISIS, modelling the electrical activity of hydrogen in inorganic semiconductors and high-kappa dielectrics
S. F. J. Cox, R. L. Lichti, J. S. Lord, E. A. Davis, R. C. Vilão, J. M. Gil, T. D. Veal and Y. G. Celebi
Phys. Scr. 88, 068503-68515 (2013)
41 - Hydrogen Impurity in Yttria: Ab-Initio and $mu$SR perspectives
E. L. Silva, A. G. Marinopoulos, R. C. Vilão, R. B. L. Vieira, H. V. Alberto, J. Piroto Duarte, and J. M. Gil
Physical Review B 85, 165211 (2012)
42 - Electron polarization and formation probability of bound muonium in CdS and Si
H.V. Alberto, R.C. Vilão, J. Piroto Duarte, J.M. Gil, A. Weidinger, J.S. Lord and S. F. J. Cox
Phys. Rev. B 86, 035203 (2012)
43 - Hydrogen impurity
in yttria: Ab initio and mu SR perspectives
E. L Silva, A. G. Marinopoulos, R. C. Vilao, R. B. L. Vieira, H. V. Alberto, J. Piroto Duarte, J. M. Gil
PHYSICAL REVIEW B 85, 165211 (2012)
44 - Study of hydrogen in Hf7Ni10 combined with TiV0.8Cr1.2 by PAC
J.M. Gil, B. Costa , P. de Rango, D. Fruchart , S. Miraglia , N. Skryabina
Solid State Phenomena 170, 293-297 (2011)
45 - Hydrogen impurity in paratellurite (alpha-TeO2): Muon-spin rotation and ab-initio study
R. C. Vilão, A. G. Marinopoulos, R. B. L. Vieira, A. Weidinger, H. V. Alberto, J. Piroto Duarte, J. M. Gil, J. S. Lord and S. F. J. Cox
Phys. Rev. B 84(4), 045201 (2011)
46 - Mechanisms of electron polarization of shallow muonium in CdTe and CdS
H. V. Alberto, A. Weidinger, R. C. Vilão, J. Piroto Duarte, J. M. Gil, J.S. Lord and S. F. J. Cox
Phys. Rev. B 81, 245205 (2010)
47 - Microscopic study of carrier transport in the organic semiconductor Zinc-Phthalocyanine
João Piroto Duarte, Helena Vieira Alberto, Rui César Vilão, João M. Gil, Alois Weidinger, and Nuno Ayres de Campos
Physica Status Solidi (c) 7, 996-999 (2010)
48 - Muonium in nano-crystalline II-VI semiconductors
A.J. Houtepen, J.M. Gil, J.S. Lord, P. Liljeroth, D. Vanmaekelbergh, H.V. Alberto, R.C. Vilão, J. Piroto Duarte, N. Ayres de Campos, J.L. Gavartin, S.F.J. Cox
Physica B: Condensed Matter 404, 837-840 (2009)
49 - Muonium as a probe of electron spin polarisation in CdTe
H. V. Alberto, A. Weidinger, Rui Vilão, J. Piroto Duarte, J. M. Gil, N. Ayres de Campos,S. F. J. Cox, J.S. Lord
Physica B: Condensed Matter 404, 5110-5112 (2009)
50 - Low-Energy-Muon [LEM] Study of Zn-Phtalocyanine Thin Films
H.V. Alberto, J. Piroto Duarte, A. Weidinger, R.C. Vilão, J.M. Gil, N. Ayres de Campos, K. Fostiropoulos, T. Prokscha, A. Suter, E. Morenzoni
Physica B: Condensed Matter 404, 870-872 (2009)
51 - Detailed Hyperfine Structure of Muoniated Radicals in Planar Phthalocyanines
J. Piroto Duarte, R.C. Vilão, H.V. Alberto, J.M. Gil, A. Weidinger, N. Ayres de Campos
Physica B: Condensed Matter 404, 933-935 (2009)
52 - Spin-Exchange of Axially Symmetric Mu States in Polycrystalline Media
J. Piroto Duarte, R.C. Vilão, H.V. Alberto, J.M. Gil, N. Ayres de Campos
Physica B: Condensed Matter 404, 859-861 (2009)
53 - Spin exchange of muonium in CdS
J.M. Gil, J. Piroto Duarte, R.C. Vilão, H.V. Alberto, N. Ayres de Campos, S.F.J. Cox
Physica B: Condensed Matter 404, 834-836 (2009)
54 - Shallow donor state of hydrogen in In2O3 and SnO2: Implications for conductivity in transparent conducting oxides
P.D.C. King, R.L. Lichti, Y.G. Celebi, J.M. Gil, R.C. Vilao, H.V. Alberto, J. Piroto Duarte, D.J. Payne, R.G. Egdell, I. McKenzie, C.F. McConville, S.F.J. Cox and T.D. Veal
Phys. Rev. B 80, 081201(R) (2009)
55 - Delayed electron capture and Mu- formation in ZnSe
R.C. Vilão, J.M. Gil, A. Weidinger, H.V. Alberto, J. Piroto Duarte, B.F.O. Costa, N. Ayres de Campos, R. L. Lichti, K. H. Chow, S. P. Cottrell, and S. F. J. Cox
Physica B 404, 888-891 (2009)
56 - Possible donor and acceptor energies for Mu in ZnSe
R.L. Lichti, B.R. Carroll, J.E. Vernon, H.N. Bani-Salameh, K.H. Chow, I. Fan, M. Egilmez, R.C. Vilão, J.M. Gil, H.V. Alberto, J. Piroto Duarte, N. Ayres de Campos, S.P. Cottrell, S.F.J. Cox
Physica B: Condensed Matter 404, 827-830 (2009)
57 - Acceptor level of interstitial muonium in ZnSe and ZnS
R.C. Vilão, J.M. Gil, A. Weidinger, H.V. Alberto, J. Piroto Duarte, and N. Ayres de Campos, R.L. Lichti, K.H. Chow, S.P. Cottrell and S.F.J. Cox
Phys. Rev. B 77, 235212 (2008)
58 - Information on hydrogen states in II-VI semiconductor compounds from a study of their muonium analogues
R.C. Vilão, J.M. Gil, A. Weidinger, H.V. Alberto, J. Piroto Duarte, N. Ayres de Campos, R.L. Lichti, K.H. Chow, S.F.J. Cox
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 580, 438-441 (2007)
59 - Muonium diffusion dynamics in mercury oxide
J. Piroto Duarte, J.M. Gil, H.V. Alberto, R.C. Vilão, A. Weidinger, N. Ayres de Campos, S.F.J. Cox, J.S. Lord, S.P. Cottrell, E.A. Davis
Physica B: Condensed Matter 374/375, 423-425 (2006)
60 - Muoniated radical states in the organic semiconductor phthalocyanine
J. Piroto Duarte, R. C. Vilão, H. V.Alberto, J. M. Gil, Francisco P. S. C. Gil, A. Weidinger, N. Ayres de Campos and K. Fostiropoulos
Phys. Rev. B 73, 075209 (2006)
61 - Dynamics of muoniated radical states in phthalocyanines
J. Piroto Duarte, R.C. Vilão, H.V.Alberto, J.M. Gil, Francisco P.S.C. Gil, A. Weidinger and N. Ayres de Campos
Physica B: Condensed Matter 374/375, 426-429 (2006)
62 - Muonium states in II-VI zinc chalcogenide semiconductors
R.C. Vilão, H.V. Alberto, J. Piroto Duarte, J.M. Gil, N. Ayres de Campos, A. Weidinger, R.L. Lichti, K.H. Chow, S.P. Cottrell, S.F.J. Cox
Physica B: Condensed Matter 374/375, 383-386 (2006)
63 - Location of the H[+/-] level: experimental limits for muonium
R.L. Lichti, K.H. Chow, S.F.J. Cox, J.M. Gil, D.L. Stripe, R.C. Vilão
Physica B: Condensed Matter 376/377, 587-590 (2006)
64 - Oxide muonics I: Modelling the electrical activity of hydrogen in semiconducting oxides
S.F.J Cox, J.S. Lord, S.P. Cottrell, J.M. Gil, H.V. Alberto, A. Keren, D. Prabhakaran, R. Scheuermann, and A. Stoykov
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 18, 1061-1078 (2006)
65 - Oxide muonics and the 3-Delta model for deep and shallow hydrogen states in dielectric and semiconducting oxides
S.F.J. Cox, J.L. Gavartin, J.M. Gil, R.C. Vilão, J.S. Lord, E.A. Davis
Physica B: Condensed Matter 376/377, 385-388 (2006)
66 - Oxide muonics II: Modelling the electrical activity of hydrogen in wide–gap and high–permittivity dielectrics
S.F.J. Cox, J.L. Gavartin, J.S. Lord, S.P. Cottrell, J.M. Gil, H.V. Alberto, J. Piroto Duarte, R.C. Vilão, N. Ayres de Campos, D.J. Keeble, E.A. Davis, M. Charlton, and D.P. Van derWerf
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 18, 1079-1119 (2006)
67 - Oxide muonics: a new compendium
S.F.J. Cox, J.S. Lord, S.P. Cottrell, J.M. Gil, H.V. Alberto, J. Piroto Duarte, R.C. Vilão, D.J. Keeble, E.A. Davis, A. Keren, R. Scheuermann, A. Stoykov, M. Charlton, D.P. van derWerf, J. Gavartin
Physica B: Condensed Matter 374/375, 379-382 (2006)
68 - Muonium spectroscopy in ZnSe: metastability and conversion
R.C. Vilão, H.V. Alberto, J. Piroto Duarte, J.M. Gil, A. Weidinger, N. Ayres de Campos, R.L. Lichti, K.H. Chow, S.F.J. Cox
Phys. Rev. B 72, 235203 (2005)
69 - Hyperfine parameters for muonium in copper (I), silver (I) and cadmium oxides
S.F.J. Cox, J.S. Lord, S.P. Cottrell, H.V. Alberto, J.M. Gil, J. Piroto Duarte, R.C. Vilão, A. Keren, D. Prabhakaran
Hyperfine Int. 158, 313-316 (2004)
70 - Dependence of the hydrogen spin dynamics on the conductivity type in CdTe as studied by its muonium analogue
V. Corregidor, D. Martín y Marero, J. M. Gil, and E. Diéguez
Europhys. Lett. 67, 247-253 (2004)
71 - Shallow donor versus deep acceptor state in II-VI semiconductor compounds
A. Weidinger, J. M. Gil, H. V. Alberto, R. C. Vilão, J. Piroto Duarte, N. Ayres de Campos, S. F. J. Cox
Physica B: Condens. Matter 326, 124-127 (2003)
72 - Muoniated radicals in the organic semiconductor zinc-phthalocyanine
J. Piroto Duarte, R.C. Vilão, J.M. Gil, H.V. Alberto, N. Ayres de Campos, A. Weidinger
Physica B: Condens. Matter 326, 94-96 (2003)
73 - Hydrogen states in CuInSe2 - a muSR study
R. C. Vilão, H. V. Alberto, J. M. Gil, J. P. Piroto Duarte, N. Ayres de Campos, A. Weidinger and M. V. Yakushev
Physica B: Condens. Matter 340-342, 965-968 (2003)
74 - Muon diffusion and trapping in chalcopyrite semiconductors
R. C. Vilão, J. M. Gil, H. V. Alberto, J. Piroto Duarte, N. Ayres de Campos, A. Weidinger, M. V. Yakushev, S. F. J. Cox
Physica B: Condens. Matter 326, 181-184 (2003)
75 - Nuclear inelastic scattering with 161Dy
A. I. Chumakov, R. Rüffer, O. Leupold, A. Barla, H. Thiess, J. M. Gil, H. V. Alberto, R. C. Vilão, N. Ayres de Campos, V. G. Kohn, M. Gerken, M. Lucht
Phys. Rev. B 63, 172301 (2001)
76 - Powder pattern hyperfine spectroscopy of shallow donor muonium centres
H. V. Alberto, R. C. Vilão, J. Piroto Duarte, J. M. Gil, N. Ayres de Campos, R. L. Lichti, E. A. Davis, S. P. Cottrell, S. F. J. Cox
Hyperfine Int. 136/137, 471-477 (2001)
77 - Muonium states in HgO
J. M. Gil, H. V. Alberto, R. C. Vilão, J. Piroto Duarte, N. Ayres de Campos, A. Weidinger, E. A. Davis, S. F. J. Cox
J. Phys. Condens. Matter 13, L613-L618 (2001)
78 - Shallow donor muonium states in II-VI semiconductor compounds
J. M. Gil, H. V. Alberto, R. C. Vilão, J. Piroto Duarte, N. Ayres de Campos, A. Weidinger, J. Krauser, E. A. Davis, S. P. Cottrell, S. F. J. Cox
Phys. Rev. B 64, 075205 (2001)
79 - Probing the shallow-donor muonium wave function in ZnO and CdS via transfered hyperfine interactions
J. S. Lord, S. P. Cottrell, P. J. C. King, H. V. Alberto, N. Ayres de Campos, J. M. Gil, J. Piroto Duarte, R. C. Vilão, R. L. Lichti, S. Sjue, B. A. Bailey, E. A. Davis, S. F. J. Cox
Physica B: Condens. Matter 308/310, 920-923 (2001)
80 - Muon diffusion in intermetallic compounds of the MoSi2-type structure
P. J. Mendes, L. P. Ferreira, J. M. Gil, N. Ayres de Campos
J. Phys. Condens. Matter 13, 5285-5293 (2001)
81 - Shallow versus deep hydrogen states in ZnO and HgO
S. F. J. Cox, E. A. Davis, P. J. C. King, J. M. Gil, H. V. Alberto, R. C. Vilão, J. Piroto Duarte, N. Ayres de Campos, R. L. Lichti
J. Phys. Condens. Matter 13, 9001-9010 (2001)
82 - Experimental confirmation of the predicted shallow donor hydrogen state in zinc oxide
S. F. J. Cox, E. A. Davis, S. P. Cottrell, P. J. C. King, J. S. Lord, J. M. Gil, H. V. Alberto, R. C. Vilão, J. Piroto Duarte, N. Ayres de Campos, A. Weidinger, R. L. Lichti, S. J. C. Irvine
Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 2601-2604 (2001)
83 - Landau diamagnetism of a weakly bound muonium atom
V. G. Storchak, D. G. Eshchenko, S. P. Cottrell, S. F. J. Cox, E. Karlsson, R. Waeppling, J. M. Gil
Phys. Lett. A 290, 181-186 (2001)
84 - Study of RFe9.5Mo2.5H (R = Y, Dy, Ho, Er) and RFe9.5Mo2.5N (R = Y, Dy) compounds by Mössbauer spectroscopy, magnetisation and neutron powder diffraction
J. Ayres de Campos, L. P. Ferreira, P. J. Mendes, J. M. Gil, I. C. Ferreira, M. Bacmann, J.-L. Soubeyroux, D. Fruchart, M. Godinho, N. Ayres de Campos
J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 213, 293-303 (2000)
85 - High temperature trapping of muons in CuInSe2 and CuInS2
J. M. Gil, H. V. Alberto, R. C. Vilão, J. Piroto Duarte, P. J. Mendes, N. Ayres de Campos, A. Weidinger, Ch. Niedermayer, M. V. Yakushev, R. D. Pilkington, R. D. Tomlinson, S. F. J. Cox
Physica B: Condens. Matter 289/290, 567-569 (2000)
86 - Shallow level muonium centre in CdS
J. M. Gil, H. V. Alberto, R. C. Vilão, J. Piroto Duarte, P. J. Mendes, N. Ayres de Campos, A. Weidinger, J. Krauser, Ch. Niedermayer, S. F. J. Cox
Physica B: Condens. Matter 289/290, 563-566 (2000)
87 - The complexity of teaching and learning chemical equilibrium (Letter to the Editor),
Paiva JCM, Gil VMS
Journal of Chemical Education 77 (12), 1560-1560 (2000)
88 - Study of RFe12-xMox (R = Y, Ho) compounds by neutron powder diffraction, ac susceptibility and magnetization
J. Ayres de Campos, L. P. Ferreira, M. M. Cruz, J. M. Gil, P. J. Mendes, I. C. Ferreira, M. Bacmann, J.-L. Soubeyroux, D. Fruchart, M. Godinho, N. Ayres de Campos
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 11, 687-701 (1999)
89 - Novel muonium state in CdS
J. M. Gil, H. V. Alberto, R. C. Vilão, J. Piroto Duarte, P. J. Mendes, L. P. Ferreira, N. Ayres de Campos, A. Weidinger, J. Krauser, Ch. Niedermayer, S. F. J. Cox
Phys. Rev. Lett 83, 5294-5297 (1999)
90 - Modeling hydrogen in CuInSe2 and CuInS2 solar cell materials using implanted muons
J. M. Gil, P. J. Mendes, L. P. Ferreira, H. V. Alberto, R. C. Vilão, N. Ayres de Campos, A. Weidinger, Y. Tomm, Ch. Niedermayer, M. V. Yakushev, R. D. Tomlinson, S. P. Cottrell, S. F. J. Cox
Phys. Rev. B 59, 1912-1916 (1999)
91 - A Magnetisation and Neutron Powder Diffraction Study of RFe9.5Mo2.5 Compounds (R = Y, Dy, Ho, Er)
J. Ayres de Campos, L. P. Ferreira, M. Godinho, J. M. Gil, P. J. Mendes, N. Ayres de Campos, I. C. Ferreira, M. Bououdina, M. Bacmann, J.-L. Soubeyroux, D. Fruchart, A. Collomb
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 10, 4101-4112 (1998)
92 - Analysis of Mössbauer spectra of silicate glasses using a two-dimensional Gaussian distribution of hyperfine parameters
H. V. Alberto, J. L. Pinto da Cunha, B. O. Mysen, J. M. Gil and N. Ayres de Campos
J. Non-Cryst. Solids 194, 48-57 (1996)
93 - Magnetic phase transitions in RFe9.5Mo2.5 intermetallics studied by 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy, magnetisation and mu+SR
J. Ayres de Campos, J. M. Gil, P. J. Mendes, L. P. Ferreira, I. C. Ferreira, N. Ayres de Campos, P. Estrela, M. Godinho, M. Bououdina, A. Collomb, D. Fruchart, J.-L. Soubeyroux, S. Takele, J. Pelloth, R. A. Brand
J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 164, 305-318 (1996)
94 - Muon level crossing resonance in aluminium
S. F. J. Cox, G. H. Eaton, D. S. Sivia, R. L. Lichti, E. A. Davies,N. Ayres de Campos, J. Ayres de Campos, P. J. Mendes, J. M. Gil, K. Chow, et al.
Hyperfine Int. 85, 59-65 (1994)
95 - Level crossing resonance in ice: identification of two diamagnetic muon states
S. F. J. Cox, N. Ayres de Campos, P. J. Mendes, J. M. Gil, A Kratzer, V. M. Nield and J. A. S. Smith
Hyperfine Int. 86, 747-752 (1994)
96 - Muon spin-lattice relaxation and muonium diffusion in ice
S. F. J. Cox, R. M. MacRae, D. S. Sivia, N. Ayres de Campos, P. J. Mendes and J. M. Gil
Hyperfine Int. 85, 67-72 (1994)
97 - Redox equilibria of iron in Ti-bearing calcium silicate quenched glasses
H. V. Alberto, J. M. Gil, N. Ayres de Campos and B. O. Mysen
J. Non-Cryst. Solids 151, 39-50 (1992)
98 - PAC studies of ZrMn2+x alloys and their hydrides
L. P. Ferreira, J. M. Gil, P. J. Mendes, N. Ayres de Campos, L. Pontonnier, D. Fruchart, S. Miraglia, A. Baudry and P. Boyer
Hyperfine Int. 60, 731-734 (1990)
99 - Hydrogen and deuterium trapping at nitrogen in tantalum studied by PAC
P. J. Mendes, J. M. Gil, N. Ayres de Campos and A. Weidinger
Hyperfine Int. 60, 923-928 (1990)
100 - Ordering of Nb-H beta-phase studied by PAC
J. M. Gil, P. J. Mendes, A. Weidinger and N. Ayres de Campos
Zeit. Phys. Chem. Neue Folge 163, 193-198 (1989)
101 - Electric field gradients in different niobium hydride phases
J. M. Gil, P. J. Mendes, A. P. de Lima, N. Ayres de Campos, S. Yuqin, R. Peichl and A. Weidinger
J. Less-Common Met. 129, 145-151 (1987)
102 - Gamma-gamma perturbed angular correlation studies of dysprosium hydrides
L. P. Ferreira, G. Teisseron, P. Vuillet, J. M. Gil, P. J. Mendes, A. P. de Lima and N. Ayres de Campos
J. Less-Common Met. 130, 155-162 (1987)
103 - Study of hydrogen and deuterium trapping at oxygen impurities in niobium
P. J. Mendes, J. M. Gil, N. Ayres de Campos, A. Weidinger and R. Peichl
Zeit. Phys. Chem. Neue Folge 145, 141-145 (1985)
104 - Study of Nb-H phases using perturbed angular correlation techniques
J. M. Gil, P. J. Mendes, C. Lopes Gil, A. P. de Lima, N. Ayres de Campos and A. Weidinger
J. Less-Common Met. 103, 227-232 (1984)
105 - Phase transitions in the Ta-H system observed by PAC
P. J. Mendes, J. M. Gil, N. Ayres de Campos, R. Peichl and A. Weidinger
Hyperfine Int. 15/16, 791-794 (1983)
106 - PAC study of O-H and O-D in Ta
R. Peichl, A. Weidinger, E. Recknagel, J. M. Gil, P. J. Mendes and N. Ayres de Campos
Hyperfine Int. 15/16, 463-466 (1983)
107 - The secondary scintillation of rare gases under the influence of magnetic fields
M. Fátima A. Ferreira, C. A. N. Conde, N. Ayres de Campos and J. M. S. C. Gil
IEEE Trans. Nuclear Science NS-27, No.1, 208-211 (1980)
Portuguese Journals
108 - Electric field gradients measured on the systems Nb-H and Ta-H by perturbed angular correlations
J. M. Gil, P. J. Mendes, L. P. Ferreira, A. P. de Lima and N. Ayres de Campos
Portugal. Phys. 19 - n0. 3-4, 369-370 (1988)
International Conferences
109 - Low energy muon study of the p-n interface in chalcopyrite solar cells
HV Alberto, RC Vilão, EFM Ribeiro, JM Gil, MA Curado, JP Teixeira, PA Fernandes, JMV Cunha, PMP Salomé, M Edoff, MI Martins, T Prokscha, Z Salman, Weidinger A
15th International Conference on Muon Spin Rotation, Relaxation and Resonance
Parma, Italy, 29/August-2/September 2462, 012047 (2023)
110 - ANM 2017: 1st International Conference on Advanced Polymer Materials
Elby Titus, João Ventura, João Pedro Araújo, João Campos Gil
Polymer International 67(10), 1329-1329 (2018)
111 - Editorial, Preface to the special issue on "State of the art Solar Energy Materials"
Elby Titus, João Ventura, João Pedro Araújo, João Campos Gil
Solar Energy 172, 103 (2018)
112 - International Conference on Advanced Energy Materials 11-13 September 2016, University of Surrey, England, United Kingdom
Elby Titus, João Ventura, João Pedro Araújo, João Campos Gil
Materials Today: Proceedings 5(5), 13687-13687 (2018)
113 - Editorial - Preface to the special issue on “The 1st international conference on Advanced Energy Materials (AEM2016), 12-14 September 2016, Surrey, England
Elby Titus, João Ventura, João Campos Gil, Victor Neto, Abhishek Singh, Ajay Chaudhari, Carmen M. Rangel
Int. J. Hydrogen Energy 42(37), 23403 (2017)
114 - 7th International Conference on Advanced Nanomaterials
Elby Titus, João Ventura, João Pedro Araújo, João Campos Gil
Materials Today: Proceedings 4(11), 11505-11505 (2017)
115 - Preface - Advanced nanomaterials
Elby Titus, João Ventura, João Pedro Araújo, João Campos Gil
Applied Surface Science 424(1), 1 (2017)
116 - Editorial. Preface to the special issue on “1st International Conference on Hydrogen Energy, 20-22 July 2015, Aveiro, Portugal
Elby Titus, João Campos Gil, Ajay Chaudhari, Carmen M. Rangel, Victor Neto, Abhishek Kumar Singh
Int. J. Hydrogen Energy 41(27), 11497 (2016)
117 - Preface: Advanced Nanomaterials
Elby Titus, João Campos Gil, João Ventura, and João Pedro Araújo
J. Appl. Phys. 120(5), 051601 (2016)
118 - 6th International conference on Advanced Nano Materials - Preface
Elby Titus, João Ventura, João Pedro Araújo, João Campos Gil
Materials Today: Proceedings 3, 2587-2589 (2016)
119 - Muonium in ZnTe as a model for isolated hydrogen
R.C. Vilão, J.M. Gil, H.V. Alberto, J.P. Piroto Duarte, N. Ayres de Campos, A. Weidinger, R.L. Lichti, K.H. Chow, S.F.J. Cox
AIP Conference Proceedings 772, 169 (2005)
120 - Hydrogen in oxides, modelled by muonium
S.F.J. Cox, S.P. Cottrell, J.S. Lord, R.C. Vilão, H.V. Alberto, J.P. Piroto Duarte, J.M. Gil, N. Ayres de Campos, E.A. Davis, M. Charlton, D. Van der Werf, D. Keeble, R.L. Lichti, A. Weidinger
AIP Conference Proceedings 772, 193 (2005)
121 - Muon and Hydrogen states in II-VI semiconductor compounds. A mu SR study
A. Weidinger, H. V. Alberto, J. M. Gil, R. C. Vilão, J. Piroto Duarte, N. Ayres de Campos
Phys. Stat. Sol. (c), 711-714 (2003)
122 - Shallow donor states of hydrogen in II-VI oxide and chalcogenide semiconductors, modelled by muon spectroscopy
S. F. J. Cox, S. P. Cottrell, P. J. C. King, J. S. Lord, H. V. Alberto, N. Ayres de Campos, J. M. Gil, J. Piroto Duarte, R. C. Vilão, E. A. Davis, D. Ellis, D. Lamb, R. L. Lichti, G. Celebi, A. Weidinger
In Physics of Semiconductors 2002, J. H. Davies and A. R. Long (eds.), Institute of Physics Conference Series 171, 69-75 (2003)
123 - PAC techniques applied to the study of structures. Nb-H beta-phase and its evolution with temperature
J. M. Gil, P. J. Mendes, N. Ayres de Campos, A. Weidinger
Vacuum 39 (7-8), 860 (1989)
125 - Study of Nitrogen in Niobium and Tantalum Using the Perturbed Angular Correlation Method
P. J. Mendes, J. M. Gil, N. Ayres de Campos, A. P. de Lima, A. Weidinger
In Nuclear Physics Applications on Materials Science, E. Recknagel and J. C. Soares (eds.), NATO ASI Series E: Applied Sciences 144, 269-274 (1988)
Portuguese Conferences
126 - Células solares ultrafinas de Cu (In, Ga) Se2: passivação de interfaces
MA Curado, JMV Cunha, HV Alberto, RC Vilão, AFA Simões, PA Fernandes, JP Teixeira, J Leitão, JM Gil, PMP Salomé
CIES2020-XVII Congresso Ibérico e XIII Congresso Ibero-americano de Energia Solar, 357-363 (2020)
127 - Study of Hf7Ni10 hydride by PAC – Chapter II
J. M. Gil, B. F. O. Costa, J. Charbonnier, P. de Rango, D. Fruchart, S. Miraglia, N. E. Skryabina
14th Workshop on Magnetism and Intermetallics
Coimbra, 14-15 February 2008 E6 (2008)
128 - Intermetallics for hydrogen storage
V. F. Domingos, J, M, Gil, B. F. O. Costa, A. P. Gonçalves
14th Workshop on Magnetism and Intermetallics
Coimbra, 14-15 February 2008 E5 (2008)
129 - Study of Hf7Ni10 hydride by PAC
J. M. Gil, B. F. O. Costa, J. Charbonnier, P. de Rango, D. Fruchart, S. Miraglia, N. E. Skryabina
13th Workshop on Magnetism and Intermetallics
Porto, 8-9 February 2007 A2, 8 (2007)
130 - Study of Zr6FeSn2 and related compounds by nuclear methods
B. F. O. Costa, H. V. Alberto, N. Ayres de Campos, D. Fruchart, J. M. Gil, L. P. Romaka, N. E. Skryabina, Yu. V. Stadnik
11th Workshop on Magnetism and Intermetallics
Coimbra, 18-19 November 2004 (2004)
131 - Competição entre estado dador e aceitador em semicondutores do tipo II-VI
A. Weidinger, J.M. Gil, H.V. Alberto, R.C. Vilão, J. Piroto Duarte, N. Ayres de Campos, S.F.J. Cox
13ª Conferência Nacional de Física – FÍSICA 2002
Évora, Setembro 2002, 273-274 (2002)
132 - Difusão de muónio paramagnético em óxido de mercúrio
H.V. Alberto, J. Piroto Duarte, J.M. Gil, R.C. Vilão, N. Ayres de Campos, A. Weidinger, E.A. Davis, S.P. Cottrell, J.S. Lord, S.F.J. Cox
13ª Conferência Nacional de Física – FÍSICA 2002
Évora, Setembro 2002, 282-283 (2002)
133 - Radicais de muónio no semicondutor orgânico Zn-ftalocianina
J. Piroto Duarte, R.C. Vilão, J.M. Gil, H.V. Alberto, N. Ayres de Campos, A. Weidinger
13ª Conferência Nacional de Física – FÍSICA 2002
Évora, Setembro 2002, 285-286 (2002)
134 - Comportamento do hidrogénio em semicondutores do tipo calcopirite estudado pela analogia com o muão positivo
R.C. Vilão, J.M. Gil, H.V. Alberto, J. Piroto Duarte, N. Ayres de Campos, A. Weidinger, M.V. Yakushev, S.F.J. Cox
13ª Conferência Nacional de Física – FÍSICA 2002
Évora, Setembro 2002, 247-248 (2002)
135 - Hidrogénio em CdS, CdSe e CdTe estudado por muSR
R.C. Vilão, J.M. Gil, H.V. Alberto, J. Piroto Duarte, N. Ayres de Campos, A. Weidinger, Ch. Niedermayer, S.F.J. Cox
, 171-172 (2000)
136 - Muões em Calcopirites usadas em Células Solares
J.M. Gil, P.J. Mendes, L.P. Ferreira, H.V. Alberto, R.C. Vilão, N. Ayres de Campos, A. Weidinger, Y. Tomm, Ch. Niedermayer, M.V. Yakushev, R.D. Tomlinson, S.P. Cottrell, S.F.J. Cox
11ª Conferência Nacional de Física - FÍSICA 98
Maia, Setembro 1998 PXI - 24, 519-520 (1998)
137 - Mu+ Diffusion in Zr2Cu and Hf2Cu
L.P. Ferreira, P.J. Mendes, J.M. Gil, N. Ayres de Campos
11ª Conferência Nacional de Física - FÍSICA 98
Maia, Setembro 1998 PIX - 11, 454 (1998)
138 - Estudo de Amostras Policristalinas de Ti2Co Hidrogenadas
P.J. Mendes, J.M. Gil, L.P. Ferreira, N. Ayres de Campos, M.M. Cruz, M. Godinho
10ª Conferência Nacional de Física - FÍSICA 96
Faro, Setembro 1996 IV - PO (59), 194-195 (1996)
139 - Um novo método de análise de espectros de Mössbauer de vidros de silício
H.V. Alberto, J. Pinto da Cunha, B.O. Mysen, J.M. Gil e N. Ayres de Campos
9ª Conferência Nacional de Física - FÍSICA 94
Covilhã, Setembro 1994 60/70 - O3, 268 (1994)
140 - Estudo de ligas intermetálicas do tipo RFe12-xMox por espectroscopia Mössbauer
J. Ayres de Campos, P.J. Mendes, J.M. Gil, L.P. Ferreira, N. Ayres de Campos
9ª Conferência Nacional de Física - FÍSICA 94
Covilhã, Setembro 1994 60/70 - P20, 296 (1994)
141 - Estudos de ligas de RFe12-xMox por espectroscopia do muão positivo
J. Ayres de Campos, P.J. Mendes, J.M. Gil, L.P.Ferreira, N. Ayres de Campos
9ª Conferência Nacional de Física - FÍSICA 94
Covilhã, Setembro de 1994 60/70 - P21, 297-298 (1994)
142 - Estudo por Espectroscopia Raman e Mössbauer de Vidros de Si do Tipo SiO2-CaO-TiO2-Fe2O3
H.V. Alberto, J.M. Gil, N. Ayres de Campos e B.O. Mysen
VIII Conferência Nacional de Física - FÍSICA 92
Vila Real, Setembro de 1992 IIIP 30, 208-209 (1992)
143 - Difusão do Muão Positivo e do Hidrogénio em Hf2CoH3
L.P. Ferreira, J.M. Gil, P.J. Mendes, N. Ayres de Campos, A. Baudry, P. Boyer, S.W. Harris, S. Miraglia and L. Pontonnier
VIII Conferência Nacional de Física - FÍSICA 92
Vila Real, Setembro de 1992 IIIP 27, 203-204 (1992)
144 - Difusão do Muão Intersticial em Gelo
S.F.J. Cox, P.J. Mendes, J.M. Gil and N. Ayres de Campos
VIII Conferência Nacional de Física - FÍSICA 92
Vila Real, Setembro de 1992 IIIP 7, 167-168 (1992)
145 - Influência do Estanho na Formação da Fase sigma nas Ligas Fe-Cr
B.F.O. Costa, S.M. Dubiel, P.J. Mendes, J.M. Gil, N. Ayres de Campos
V Encontro Nacional da Sociedade Portuguesa de Materiais - MATERIAIS 91
Lisboa, 6-8 Novembro 1991, 289-293 (1991)
146 - Uma Experiência Didática de Ciência dos Materiais
B.F.O. Costa, N. Ayres de Campos, P.J. Mendes e J.M. Gil
7ª Conferência Nacional de Física - FISICA 90
Lisboa, Setembro 1990 XVIII P-13, 560 (1990)
147 - Aplicações de Espectroscopia Mössbauer ao Estudo de Vidros Comerciais
H.V. Alberto, B.O. Mysen, J.M. Gil, P.J. Mendes, B.F.O. Costa, L.P. Ferreira e N. Ayres de Campos
7ª Conferência Nacional de Física - FISICA 90
Lisboa, Setembro 1990 VIII-3, 241 (1990)
148 - Investigação de Fusão a Frio no Sistema Ti-D
J.M. Gil, P.J. Mendes, L.P. Ferreira, B.F.O. Costa, H.V. Alberto e N. Ayres de Campos
7ª Conferência Nacional de Física - FISICA 90
Lisboa, Setembro 1990 IV-1, 122 (1990)
149 - Medidas de Correlações Angulares Perturbadas em Hidretos de LaNi5
N. Ayres de Campos, J.M. Gil, P.J. Mendes, L.P. Ferreira, B.F.O. Costa e H.V. Alberto
7ª Conferência Nacional de Física - FISICA 90
Lisboa, Setembro 1990 VIII-2, 240 (1990)
150 - PAC Techniques Applied to the Study of Structures: Nb-H beta-Phase and its Evolution with Temperature
J.M. Gil, P.J. Mendes, A. Weidinger and N. Ayres de Campos
Iª Reunião Ibérica do Vazio e suas Aplicações
Braga, Setembro 1988 C56.1, 99 (1988)
151 - Implementação de um sistema de gestão e aquisição de dados aplicável a várias experiências independentes
J. Jesus, P.J. Mendes, C. Lopes Gil, J.M. Gil, N. Ayres de Campos, A.P. de Lima
5ª Conferência Nacional de Física - FÍSICA 86
Braga, Outubro 1986 5.68 (1986)
152 - Gradientes de Campo Eléctrico em Diferentes Fases do Sistema Nb-H
J.M. Gil, P.J. Mendes, A.P. de Lima, N. Ayres de Campos, S. Yuquin, R. Peichl e A. Weidinger
5ª Conferência Nacional de Física - FÍSICA 86
Braga, Outubro 1986 1.52 (1986)
153 - Estudos de Hidretos de Disprósio utilizando a Técnica de Correlações Angulares Perturbadas
L.P. Ferreira, J.M. Gil, P.J. Mendes, A.P. de Lima, N. Ayres de Campos, G. Teisseron e P. Vuillet
5ª Conferência Nacional de Física - FÍSICA 86
Braga, Outubro 1986 1.51 (1986)
154 - Captura de Hidrogénio por Impurezas Intersticiais em Nb e Ta Estudadas por Correlações angulares Perturbadas
P.J. Mendes, J.M. Gil, A.P. de Lima, N. Ayres de Campos, R. Peichl e A. Weidinger
5ª Conferência Nacional de Física - FÍSICA 86
Braga, Outubro 1986 1.54 (1986)
155 - Estudos de Defeitos em Aços por Técnicas de Aniquilação de Positrões
C. Lopes Gil, P.J. Mendes, J.M. Gil, A.P. de Lima, N. Ayres de Campos, G. Kögel e W. Triftshäuser
4ª Conferência Nacional de Física - FÍSICA 84
Évora, Abril 1984, 115 (1984)
156 - Estudo do Sistema NbH pelo Método das Correlações Angulares Perturbadas
J.M. Gil, P.J. Mendes, C. Lopes Gil, A.P. de Lima, N. Ayres de Campos, G. Eisen, R. Peichl e A. Weidinger
4ª Conferência Nacional de Física - FÍSICA 84
Évora, Abril 1984, 117 (1984)
157 - Comportamento dos defeitos na rede cristalina do aço SS316 estudado pelas técnicas de aniquilação de positrões
C. Gil, P. Mendes, J. Gil, N. Ayres de Campos, A.P. de Lima, G. Kögel, P. Sperr and W. Triftshäuser
Iº Encontro Luso-Espanhol de Física Nuclear
Lisboa, Junho 1983, 54 (1983)
158 - Efeitos de Transição de Fase Evidenciados pelo Método de Correlações Angulares Perturbadas
J. Gil, P. Mendes, C. Lopes Gil, N. Ayres de Campos, A.P. de Lima, A. Weidinger e R. Peichl
Iº Encontro Luso-Espanhol de Física Nuclear
Lisboa, Junho 1983, 53 (1983)
159 - Difusão de Impurezas Intersticiais em Tântalo
J.M. Gil, P.J. Mendes, J. Busse, N. Ayres de Campos, M. Deicher e A. Weidinger
3ª Conferência Nacional de Física - FÍSICA 82
Coimbra, June 1982 AN7 (1982)
160 - Estudo da Correlação entre a Forma do Sinal e o Posicionamento da Interacção da Radiação Gama num Cintilador Plástico
P.J. Mendes, J.M. Gil, C. Lopes Gil, N. Ayres de Campos, A.P. de Lima e A.J.P.L. Policarpo
3ª Conferência Nacional de Física - FÍSICA 82
Coimbra, Junho 1982. AN11 (1982)
161 - Muonium formation in insulators and semiconductors
RC Vilão, AG Marinopoulos, PJR Pires, SSS Santos, EFM_Ribeiro, HV Alberto, JM Gil, A Weidinger JS Lord
NEMPO- Neutron and Muon Users in Portugal,, 7th workshop (remote meeting) 29/1/2021 (2021)
162 - PAC for intermetallic hydrides
J.M. Gil*, N. Ayres de Campos
163 - Study of hydrogen in Hf7Ni10 combined with TiV0.8Cr1.2 by PAC
J.M. Gil, B.F.O. Costa, P. de Rango, D. Fruchart*, S. Miraglia, N.E. Skryabina
164 - Muonium as a probe for electron spin polarisation in II-VI semiconductors
H.V. Alberto*, A. Weidinger, Rui Vilão, J. Piroto Duarte, J. M. Gil, N. Ayres de Campos, S. F. J. Cox and J. Lord
165 - Local Probe Techniques
J. M. Gil*, B. F. O. Costa
166 - Muonium Reaction in MgO: a case study for the doorway model
Rui C. Vilão, Ali Roonkiani, Apostolos G. Marinopoulos, Helena V. Alberto, João M. Gil, Ricardo B L Vieira, Robert Scheuermann, Alois Weidinger
Física 2024 - 24 Conferência Nacional de Física (2024)
167 - On the interpretation of the fast relaxing
signal in μSR experiments.
R. C. Vilão, R. B. L. Vieira, H. V. Alberto, J. M. Gil, A. Weidinger
14th International Conference on Muon Spin Rotation,
Relaxation and Resonance (μSR2017) (2017)
168 - Hydrogen polaron in TiO2 investigated by muSR
R. B. L. Vieira*, R. C. Vilão, H. V. Alberto, J. M. Gil, A. Weidinger, J. S. Lord, P. Mengyan, B. B. Baker and R. L. Lichti
CSI2015 - Colloquium Spectroscopicum Internationale XXXIX
30 August - 3 September 2015, Figueira da Foz, Portugal, OP64 (2015)
169 - Muonium as a probe in a Cu2ZnSnS4-based junction
H. V. Alberto*, R. C. Vilão, J. M. Gil, A. Weidinger, J. P. Leitão, A. F. da Cunha, M. G. Sousa, J. P. Teixeira, P. A. Fernandes, P. M. P. Salomé, T. Prokscha, A. Suter, Z. Salman, and E. Stilp
13th International Conference on Muon Spin Rotation, Relaxation and Resonance (mu SR2014)
1-6 June 2014, Grindelwald, Switzerland (2014)
170 - MuSR in cubic stabilised zirconia. New experimental data and analysis in the “separate-traps” model
R. B. L. Vieira*, R. C. Vilão, P. M. Gordo, A. G. Marinopoulos, H. V. Alberto, J. Piroto Duarte, J. M. Gil, A. Weidinger, J. S. Lord, and S. F. J. Cox
13th International Conference on Muon Spin Rotation, Relaxation and Resonance (mu SR2014)
1-6 June 2014, Grindelwald, Switzerland. (2014)
171 - Hydrogen Impurity in Y2O3: an Ab-Initio and a muSR perspective
E. L. Silva*, A. G. Marinopoulos, R. C. Vilão, R. B. L. Vieira, H. V. Alberto, J. Piroto Duarte, and J. M. Gil
172 - Hydrogen Impurity in Y2O3: an Ab-Initio and a µSR perspective
E. L. Silva, A. G. Marinopoulos, R. C. Vilão, R. B. L. Vieira, H. V. Alberto, J. Piroto Duarte, and J. M. Gil
DPG Spring Meeting 2012, 25-30 March, Berlin, Germany (2012)
173 - Electron polarization of shallow muonium in CdTe and CdS
H.V. Alberto*, A. Weidinger, R.C. Vilão, J. Piroto Duarte, J.M. Gil, J.S. Lord, S.F.J. Cox
174 - Mechanisms of electron polarization of muonium in CdTe and CdS
H.V. Alberto, A. Weidinger, R.C. Vilão, J. Piroto Duarte, J.M. Gil, J.S. Lord, S.F.J. Cox
175 - Microscopic study of organic semiconductors using the hydrogen surrogate muonium
J. Piroto Duarte*, H.V. Alberto, R.C. Vilão, J.M. Gil, A. Weidinger, C.M. Cardoso, I. D. McKenzie
176 - Hydrogen impurity in paratellurite (alpha-TeO2): muSR and ab-initio study
R.C. Vilão*, A.G. Marinopoulos, R.B.L. Vieira, A. Weidinger, J.M. Gil, H.V. Alberto, J. Piroto Duarte, J.S. Lord and S. F. J. Cox
177 - Hydrogen in alpha-TeO2: a muon spin-rotation spectroscopy (muSR) and computational study
R. C. Vilão*, A. G. Marinopoulos, J. M. Gil, J. Piroto Duarte, H. V. Alberto, A. Weidinger
178 - Muonium in nano-crystalline II-VI semiconductors
A.J. Houtepen, P. Liljeroth, D. Vanmaekelbergh, J.M. Gil, H.V. Alberto, R.C. Vilão, J. Piroto Duarte, N. Ayres de Campos, J.L. Gavartin, J.S. Lord*, and S. F. J. Cox
, O-102, p. 30 (2008)
179 - Detailed Hyperfine Structure of Muoniated Radicals in Planar Phthalocyanines
J. Piroto Duarte*, R. C. Vilão, H. V. Alberto, J. M. Gil, A. Weidinger and N. Ayres de Campos
, O-053, p. 52 (2008)
180 - Delayed electron capture and Mu- formation in ZnSe and ZnS
R. C. Vilão*, J.M. Gil, A. Weidinger, H. V. Alberto, J. Piroto Duarte, N. Ayres de Campos, R. L. Lichti, K. H. Chow, S. P. Cottrell, and S. F. J. Cox
, O-067, p. 31 (2008)
181 - Muonium states in II-VI zinc chalcogenide semiconductors
R.C. Vilão*, J.M. Gil, H.V. Alberto, A. Weidinger, J. Piroto Duarte, N. Ayres de Campos, R.L. Lichti, K.H. Chow, S.P. Cottrell, S.F.J. Cox
, O35, p. 48 (2005)
182 - Shallow Donor Muonium States in II-VI Wide-Gap Semiconductors
J. M. Gil*, H. V. Alberto, R. C. Vilão, J. Piroto Duarte, N. Ayres de Campos, A. Weidinger, E. A. Davis, R. L. Lichti, S. J. C. Irvine, S. P. Cottrell, J. S. Lord, P. J. C. King, S. F. J. Cox
183 - Shallow Level Muonium Centre in CdS
J. M. Gil*, H. V. Alberto, R. C. Vilão, J. Piroto Duarte, P. J. Mendes, L. P. Ferreira, N. Ayres de Campos, A. Weidinger, J. Krauser, Ch. Niedermayer, S. F. J. Cox
184 - Ordering of Nb-H beta-phase studied by PAC
J. M. Gil*, P. J. Mendes, A. Weidinger and N. Ayres de Campos
185 - Electric Field Gradients Measured on the Systems Nb-H and Ta-H by Perturbed Angular Correlations
J. M. Gil*, P. J. Mendes, L. P. Ferreira, A. P. de Lima and N. Ayres de Campos
186 - “Influência do estanho na formação da fase sigma nas ligas Fe-Cr”
79001, B.F.O. Costa, S.M. Dubiel, P.J. Mendes, J.M. Gil, N. Ayres de Campos
V Encontro Nacional da Sociedade Portuguesa de Materiais, Lisboa, Novembro de 1991, (actas pp. 289-293). (0)
187 - “Study of Zr6FeSn2 and related compounds by nuclear methods
79001, Benilde Costa, H.V. Alberto, N. Ayres de Campos, D. Fruchart, J.M. Gil, L.P. Romaka, N.E. Skryabina and Yu V. Stadnik
11th Workshop on Magnetism and Intermetallics, Coimbra, Novembro de 2004, (livro de resumos). (0)
188 - “Study of Hf7Ni10 hydride by PAC- ChapterII
79001, J.M. Gil, B.F.O. Costa, P. de Rango, D. Fruchart, S. Miraglia, N.E. Skryabina
14th Workshop on Magnetism and Intermetallics, Coimbra, Portugal, Fevereiro de 2008, (livro de resumos, pp. E6). (0)
189 - “Intermetallics for hydrogen storage”,
79001, V.F. Domingos, J.M. Gil, B.F.O. Costa and A.P. Gonçalves
14th Workshop on Magnetism and Intermetallics, Coimbra, Portugal, Fevereiro de 2008, (livro de resumos, pp. E5). (0)
190 - Magnetic-Metal Organic Frameworks (Magnetic-MOFs): Two Lanthanide Specimens
Maria Susano, A.J.F.N. Sobral, Teresa Roseiro, Victor Lavín, Inocencio R. Martín, João M. Gil, Laura C.J. Pereira, Manuela Ramos Silva
Photophysics of Molecular Magnets, Edinburgh,10 - 11th October, (2019)
191 - Muon study of p-n junctions used in solar cells
H. V. Alberto, R. C. Vilao, J. M. Gil, A. Weidinger, J. P. Leitao, M. G. Sousa, J. P. Teixeira, A. F. Cunha, P. M. P. Salome, P. A. Fernandes, Tobias Torndahl, Thomas Prokscha, Andreas Suter, Zaher Salman
14th International Conference on Muon Spin Rotation,
Relaxation and Resonance (μSR2017) (2017)
192 - Effect of biochar additivation with KNO3, NH4NO3 and urea on its ability to sequestering CO2 by adsorption
C.M.F. Dias, J. de A. e Silva, G. Ojeda, P. S. Pereira Silva, M. Ramos Silva, J. A. Paixão, V. F. Domingos, J. M. Gil, Abilio J. F. N. Sobral
ANM2015- 6th International Conference on Advanced Nanomaterials, Aveiro, 20-22/7 (2015)
193 - Importance of biochar characteristics on its ability towards CO2 capture by adsorption,
C.M.F. Dias, J. de A. e Silva, G. Ojeda, P.S. Pereira Silva, M. Ramos Silva, J.A. Paixão, L.A.E. Batista de Carvalho, M.G. Rasteiro, V.F. Domingos, J.M. Gil, A.J.F.N. Sobral
XXIV Encontro Nacional da Sociedade Portuguesa de Química, Coimbra, 1-3/7 (2015)
194 - A novel device for the study of swelling and shrinkage of hydrides
E.S. Ribeiro and J.M. Gil
6th International Conference on Advanced Nanomaterials, 1st International Conference on Graphene Technology, 1st International Conference on Hydrogen Energy - ANM2015, 20-22 July 2015, Aveiro, Portugal (2015)
195 - Automatic equipment for hydrogen charge-discharge cycling and study of degradation and lifetime of hydrides
E.S. Ribeiro, F.J.A. Cardoso and J.M. Gil
6th International Conference on Advanced Nanomaterials, 1st International Conference on Graphene Technology, 1st International Conference on Hydrogen Energy - ANM2015, 20-22 July 2015, Aveiro, Portugal (2015)
196 - Olympics Experimental Physics – a hands-on workshop for high school teachers
F. Oliveira, J.M. Gil, M. Ramos Silva, J.A. Paixão
Hope annual forum 2015 , Physics Studies in an Entrepreneurial and Innovative Global Perspective, 9-12/9 (2015)
197 - Hydrogen in Yttrium Stabilized Zirconia: A muSR Perspective
R. B. L. Vieira, R. C. Vilão, P. M. Gordo, A. G. Marinopoulos,a H. V. Alberto, J. M. Gil, A. Weidinger, J. S. Lord
198 - Hydrogen polaron in TiO2 investigated by muSR
R. C. Vilão, R. B. L. Vieira, H. V. Alberto, J. M. Gil, A. Weidinger, J. S. Lord, B. B. Baker, P. W. Mengyan, R. L. Lichti
199 - Volumetric Sieverts-type apparatus for the study of gas adsorption
V. F. Domingos, E.S. Ribeiro and J.M. Gil
6th International Conference on Advanced Nanomaterials, 1st International Conference on Graphene Technology, 1st International Conference on Hydrogen Energy - ANM2015, 20-22 July 2015, Aveiro, Portugal (2015)
200 - Spectroscopy of a muonium atom formed inside a semiconductor
H.V. Alberto, J.M. Gil, R.C. Vilão, J.P. Leitão, C. Baines, T. Prokscha
201 - High field study of muonium in high-K oxides at TRIUMF
R. B. L. Vieira, R. C. Vilão, H. V. Alberto, J. M. Gil, A. Weidinger, R. L. Lichti, P. W. Mengyan, and B. B. Baker
202 - Pressure cycling system for intermetallic hydrides
E.S. Ribeiro, V.F. Domingos, J.M. Gil
IV Iberian Symposium on Hydrogen, Fuel Cells and Advanced Batteries (HYCELTEC 2013), June 26-28 2013, Estoril, Portugal (2013)
203 - Enhanced hydrogen storage by spillover on nickel exchanged zeolite
Maryam Salimian, Rahul Krishna, Olena Okhay, Elby Titus, Jose Gracio, E.S. Ribeiro, V.F. Domingos, J.M. Gil
IV Iberian Symposium on Hydrogen, Fuel Cells and Advanced Batteries (HYCELTEC 2013), June 26-28 2013, Estoril, Portugal (2013)
204 - Synthesis of hydrogenated graphene oxide – nickel hydroxide nanocomposite: A new material for hydrogen storage, supercapacitor and battery application
Rahul Krishna, Maryam Salimian, Olena Okhay, Elby Titus, Jose Gracio, E.S. Ribeiro, V.F. Domingos, J.M. Gil
IV Iberian Symposium on Hydrogen, Fuel Cells and Advanced Batteries (HYCELTEC 2013), June 26-28 2013, Estoril, Portugal (2013)
205 - Sievert-type system for measurement of gas sorption isotherms
V.F. Domingos, E.S. Ribeiro, J.M. Gil
IV Iberian Symposium on Hydrogen, Fuel Cells and Advanced Batteries (HYCELTEC 2013), June 26-28 2013, Estoril, Portugal (2013)
206 - Theoretical and Experimental Methodologies to Study Hydrogen Impurity in Yttria
E. L. Silva and A. G. Marinopoulos, R. C. Vilão, R. B. L. Vieira, H. V. Alberto, J. Piroto Duarte, and J. M. Gil
207 - Theoretical and Experimental Methodologies to Study Hydrogen Impurity in Yttria
E. L. Silva and A. G. Marinopoulos, R. C. Vilão, R. B. L. Vieira, H. V. Alberto, J. Piroto Duarte, and J. M. Gil
17th ETSF Workshop on Electronic Excitations, 2-5 October, Coimbra, Portugal (2012)
208 - Shallow-muonium state interaction with native donors in CdS
J.M. Gil, H.V. Alberto, R.C. Vilão, J. Piroto Duarte, N. Ayres de Campos
209 - Charge transport dynamics in the organic semiconductor Zinc-Phthalocyanine
J. Piroto Duarte, H. V. Alberto, R. C. Vilão, J. M. Gil, N. Ayres de Campos and A. Weidinger
210 - PAC study of hydrogen diffusion in Hf7Ni10 combined with TiV0.8Cr1.2
J. Gil, B. Costa, P. de Rango, D. Fruchart, S. Miraglia, N. Skryabina
, P-80, p. 58 (2010)
211 - PAC study of hydrogen diffusion in Hf7Ni10 combined with TiV0.8Cr1.2
J.M. Gil, B.F.O. Costa, P. de Rango, D. Fruchart, S. Miraglia, N.E. Skryabina
212 - Hydrogen in TeO2: a muSR and computational study
R.C. Vilão, A. Marinopoulos, J. M. Gil, J. Piroto Duarte, H. V. Alberto, A. Weidinger
213 - Low-Energy-Muon [LEM] Study of Zn-Phthalocyanine and ZnO Thin Films
H. V. Alberto, J. Piroto Duarte, A. Weidinger, R. C. Vilão, J. M. Gil, N. Ayres de Campos, T. Prokscha, A. Suter, E. Morenzoni
, P-066, p. 176 (2008)
214 - Zn Phthalocyanine and ZnO studied by positive muons: thin films versus bulk behaviour
H.V. Alberto, J. Piroto Duarte, R.C. Vilão, A. Weidinger, J.M. Gil, N. Ayres de Campos, T. Proksha, A. Suter, E. Morenzoni
215 - Spin-Exchange of Axially Symmetric Mu States in Polycrystalline Media
J. Piroto Duarte, R. C. Vilão, H. V. Alberto, J. M. Gil, and N. Ayres de Campos
, P-142, p. 120 (2008)
216 - Spin-Exchange of Axially Symmetric Mu States in Polycrystalline Media
J. Piroto Duarte, R. C. Vilão, H. V. Alberto, J. M. Gil, and N. Ayres de Campos
, P-142, p. 120 (2008)
217 - Spin exchange of muonium in CdS
J.M. Gil, J. Piroto Duarte, R.C. Vilão, H.V. Alberto, N. Ayres de Campos, S.F.J. Cox
, P-101, p. 130 (2008)
218 - Possible Donor and Acceptor Levels for Muonium in ZnSe
R.L. Lichti, B.R. Carroll, J.E. Vernon, K.H. Chow, I. Fan, M. Egilmez, R.C. Vilão, J.M. Gil, A. Weidinger, H.V. Alberto, J. Piroto Duarte, N. Ayres de Campos, S.P. Cottrell, and S.F.J. Cox
, P-040, p. 132 (2008)
219 - PAC study of hydrogen diffusion in Hf7Ni10 combined with TiV0.8Cr1.2
J. M. Gil, B. F. O. Costa, J. Charbonnier, P. de Rango, D. Fruchart, S. Miraglia, N. E. Skryabina
220 - Muonium states as a model for hydrogen in II-VI semiconductors
R. C. Vilão, J. M. Gil, H. V. Alberto, J. P. Piroto Duarte, A. Weidinger, N. Ayres de Campos, K. H. Chow, R. L. Lichti, S. F. J. Cox
221 - Muonium diffusion dynamics in mercury oxide
J. Piroto Duarte, J.M. Gil, H.V. Alberto, R.C. Vilão, A. Weidinger, N. Ayres de Campos, S.F.J. Cox, J.S. Lord, S.P. Cottrell, E.A. Davis
, P98, p. 164 (2005)
222 - Probing local environment in organic semiconductors with muonium, an exotic experimental analogue of hydrogen
J. Piroto Duarte, R. C. Vilão, H. V.Alberto, J. M. Gil, Francisco P. S. C. Gil, A. Weidinger and N. Ayres de Campos
223 - Dynamics of muoniated radical states in phthalocyanines
J. Piroto Duarte, R.C. Vilão, H.V.Alberto, J.M. Gil, A. Weidinger and N. Ayres de Campos
, P99, p. 166 (2005)
224 - Location of the H[+/-] level: experimental limits for muonium
R.L. Lichti, K.H. Chow, S.F.J. Cox, J.M. Gil, D.L. Stripe, R.C. Vilão
225 - Oxide muonics and the 3-Delta model for deep and shallow hydrogen states in dielectric and semiconducting oxides
S.F.J. Cox, J.L. Gavartin, J.M. Gil, R.C. Vilão, J.S. Lord, E.A. Davis
226 - Oxide muonics - a new compendium
S.F.J. Cox, J.S. Lord, S.P. Cottrell, J.M. Gil, H.V. Alberto, J. Piroto Duarte, R.C. Vilão, D.J. Keeble, E.A. Davis, A. Keren, R. Scheuermann, A. Stoykov, M. Charlton, D.P. van derWerf, J. Gavartin
, P22, p.87 (2005)
227 - Hyperfine parameters for muonium in silver (I) and copper (I) oxides
S. F. J. Cox, J. S. Lord, S. P. Cottrell, J. M. Gil, H. V. Alberto, R. C. Vilão, J. P. Piroto Duarte
228 - Hydrogen in oxides, modelled by its pseudo-isotope, muonium
S. F. J. Cox, S. P. Cottrell and J. S. Lord, H. V. Alberto, J. Piroto Duarte, J. M. Gil and R. C. Vilão, E. A. Davis, M. Charlton, D. J. Keeble and R. L. Lichti
229 - Hydrogen neutral states on chalcopyrite I-III-VI2 semiconductors as seen by the muon analogue
R. C. Vilão, J. M. Gil, H.V. Alberto, J. P. Piroto Duarte, N. Ayres de Campos, A. Weidinger, M. V. Yakushev, S. F. J. Cox
230 - Mu0/+ donor versus Mu0/- acceptor state in II-VI semiconductor compounds
A. Weidinger, J. M. Gil, H. V. Alberto, R. C. Vilão, J. Piroto Duarte, N. Ayres de Campos, S. F. J. Cox
231 - Hydrogen and muon states in II-VI semiconductor compounds
A.Weidinger, H. V. Alberto, J. M. Gil, R. C. Vilão, J. Piroto Duarte, N. Ayres de Campos, S. F. J. Cox, S. P. Cottrell, P. J. C. King, J. S. Lord, E. A. Davis
232 - Shallow donor states associated with muonium in InN and II-VI semiconductors
Edward A. Davis, Stephen F. J. Cox, João M. Gil, Roger L. Lichti
233 - Diffusion of paramagnetic Mu in HgO
H. V. Alberto, J. Piroto Duarte, J. M. Gil, R. C. Vilão, N. Ayres de Campos, A. Weidinger, E. A. Davis, S. P. Cottrell, J. S. Lord, S. F. J. Cox
234 - Muonium in the organic semiconductor zinc-phtalocyanine
J. Piroto Duarte, R. C. Vilão, J. M. Gil, H. V. Alberto, N. Ayres de Campos, A. Weidinger
235 - Hydrogen behaviour in chalcopyrite materials as seen by the muon analogue
R. C. Vilão, J. M. Gil, H. V. Alberto, J. Piroto Duarte, N. Ayres de Campos, A. Weidinger, M. V. Yakushev, S. F. J. Cox
236 - Shallow donor states of hydrogen in II-VI and III-V (nitride) semiconductors, modelled by muon spectroscopy
S. F. J. Cox, S. P. Cottrell, P. J. C. King, J. S. Lord, E. A. Davis, H. V. Alberto, N. Ayres de Campos, J. M. Gil, J. Piroto Duarte, R. C. Vilão, and R. L. Lichti
237 - Shallow Versus Deep Hydrogen States in ZnO and HgO
S. F. J. Cox, E. A. Davis, S. P. Cottrell, P. J. C. King, J. S. Lord, J. M. Gil, H. V. Alberto, R. C. Vilão, J. Piroto Duarte, N. Ayres de Campos, A. Weidinger, R. L. Lichti, S. J. C. Irvine
238 - Interstitial Hydrogen in II-VI Semiconductors: Sites and Electronic Structures from Muonium and Superhyperfine Spectroscopy
S. F. J. Cox, J. S. Lord, P. J. C. King, S. P. Cottrell, E. A. Davis, J. M. Gil, H. V. Alberto, R. C. Vilão, J. Piroto Duarte, N. Ayres de Campos, A. Weidinger, R. L. Lichti, S. J. C. Irvine
239 - Shallow versus deep hydrogen states in CdS, ZnO, HgO
S.F.J. Cox, E.A. Davis, S.P. Cottrell, P.J.C. King, J.S. Lord, J.M. Gil, H.V. Alberto, R.C. Vilão, J. Piroto Duarte, N. Ayres de Campos, and R.L. Lichti
240 - Muonium States in Crystalline ZnSe
J. M. Gil, H. V. Alberto, R. C. Vilão, J. Piroto Duarte, P. J. Mendes, L. P. Ferreira, N. Ayres de Campos A. Weidinger, Ch. Niedermayer, E. A. Davis, S. F. J. Cox
241 - High Temperature Trapping of Muons in CuInSe2 and CuInS2
J. M. Gil, H. V. Alberto, R. C. Vilão, J. Piroto Duarte, P. J. Mendes, L. P. Ferreira, N. Ayres de Campos A. Weidinger, Ch. Niedermayer, M. V. Yakushev, R. D. Pilkington, R. D. Tomlinson, S. F. J. Cox
242 - Study of RFe9.5Mo2.5H (R = Y, Dy, Ho, Er) and RFe9.5Mo2.5N (R = Y, Dy) compounds by Mössbauer spectroscopy, magnetisation and neutron powder diffraction
J. Ayres de Campos, L. P. Ferreira, P. J. Mendes, J. M. Gil, I. C. Ferreira, J.-L. Soubeyroux, M. Bacmann, D. Fruchart, M. Godinho, N. Ayres de Campos
243 - 57Fe Mossbauer Spectroscopy and Magnetisation Measurements on DyFe9.5Mo2.5Hx and YFe9.5Mo2.5Hy
J. Ayres de Campos, I. C. Ferreira, J. M. Gil, L. P. Ferreira, P. J. Mendes, N. Ayres de Campos, M. Godinho, J.-L. Soubeyroux, D. Fruchart
244 - Study of Ti2CoH(D)x by Positive Muon Spectroscopy, Magnetic Mesurements and Calorimetry
L. P. Ferreira, J. M. Gil, P. J. Mendes, N. Ayres de Campos, M. M. Cruz, M. Godinho
245 - Diffusion of Hydrogen and Muon in HfCo-H System
P. J. Mendes, L. P. Ferreira, J. M. Gil, A. Matos Beja, N. Ayres de Campos, M. M. Cruz
246 - Study of RFe9.5Mo2.5 Alloys
J. Ayres de Campos, I. C. Ferreira, M. Godinho, D. Fruchart, A. Collomb, J.-L. Soubeyroux, J. M. Gil, P. J. Mendes, L. P. Ferreira, N. Ayres de Campos
247 - A Mössbauer and mu SR study of RFe9.5Mo2.5 (R = Y, Dy, Er, Nd and Sm)
J. Ayres de Campos, I. C. Ferreira, B. F. O. Costa, H. V. Alberto, L. P.Ferreira, P. J. Mendes, J. M. Gil, N. Ayres de Campos, G. LeCaër, E. Tomey, D. Fruchart, J.-L. Soubeyroux
248 - Aplicação da Espetroscopia Mössbauer ao estudo de vidros comerciais
H.V. Alberto, B.O. Mysen, J.M. Gil, P.J. Mendes, B.F.O. Costa, L.P. Ferreira, N. Ayres de Campos
VII Conferência Nacional de Física, Lisboa, setembro, (livro de resumos pp. 241). (1990)
249 - PAC Studies of ZrMn2+x Alloys and their Hydrides
L. P. Ferreira, J. M. Gil, P. J. Mendes, N. Ayres de Campos, L. Pontonnier, D. Fruchart, S. Miraglia, A. Baudry and P. Boyer
250 - Hydrogen and Deuterium Trapping at Nitrogen in Tantalum Studied by PAC
P. J. Mendes, J. M. Gil, N. Ayres de Campos and A. Weidinger
251 - Hydrogen and Deuterium Trapping at Nitrogen in Tantalum Studied by PAC
P. J. Mendes, J. M. Gil, N. Ayres de Campos and A. Weidinger
252 - Electric Field Gradients Measured on the Systems Nb-H and Ta-H by Perturbed Angular Correlations
J. M. Gil, P. J. Mendes, L. P. Ferreira, A. P. de Lima and N. Ayres de Campos
253 - Study of RFe9.5Mo2.5 alloys by Neutron Diffraction, Mössbauer Spectroscopy and Magnetic Measurements
J. Ayres de Campos, L. P. Ferreira, M. Godinho, J. M. Gil, P. J. Mendes, N. Ayres de Campos, I. C. Ferreira, J.-L. Soubeyroux, D. Fruchart
254 - Magnetic Dependence on Mo content of the Compounds RFe12-xMox (R= Y, Ho, x= 1,2,3)
J. Ayres de Campos, L. P.Ferreira, J. M. Gil, P. J. Mendes, N. Ayres de Campos, M. M.Cruz, M. Godinho, J.-L. Soubeyroux e D. Fruchart
256 - Study of Nitrogen in Niobium and Tantalum Using the Perturbed Angular Correlation Method
P. J. Mendes, J. M. Gil, N. Ayres de Campos, A. P. de Lima, A. Weidinger
257 - Electric field gradients in different Niobium hydride phases
J. M. Gil, P. J. Mendes, A. P. de Lima, N. Ayres de Campos, Sheng Yuqin, R. Peichl, A. Weidinger
258 - Gamma-gamma perturbed angular correlation studies of Dysprosium hydrides
L. P. Ferreira, J. M. Gil, P. J. Mendes, A. P. de Lima, N. Ayres de Campos, G. Teisseron, P. Vuillet
259 - Study of hydrogen and deuterium trapping at oxygen impurities in niobium
P. J. Mendes, J. M. Gil, N. Ayres de Campos, A. Weidinger, R. Peichl
260 - Study of Nb-H phases using perturbed angular correlations techniques
J. M. Gil, P. J. Mendes, C. Gil, A. P. de Lima, A. Weidinger, N. Ayres de Campos
261 - Low temperature diffusion of hydrogen and deuterium in tantalum in the presence of oxygen
A. Weidinger, R. Peichl, J. M. Gil, P. J. Mendes and N. Ayres de Campos
262 - Phase transitions in the Tantalum-Hydrogen system observed by PAC
P. J. Mendes, J. M. Gil, N. Ayres de Campos, R. Peichl and A. Weidinger
263 - Muon states and spin dynamics in open-shell phthalocyanines
J. Piroto Duarte, H. V. Alberto, R. C. Vilão, J. M. Gil, N. Ayres de Campos and A. Weidinger
Thesis supervised
- Método e instrumentação de caracterização de materiais sólidos aplicáveis no armazenamento de hidrogénio
Edivagner da Silva Ribeiro
PhD thesis, Tese doutoramento, Universidade de Coimbra (2016) - Functionalized carbon materials for CO2 capture and catalytic processes for its valorization
Inês Gonçalves Cruz
MSc thesis, MSc in Chemistry (2023) - Câmara para Análise por Difracção de Raios-X de Hidretos Metálicos Activados. Aplicação ao LaNi5
Joao Bernardo de Azeredo Keating Perdiz
MSc thesis, (2013)
Knowledge Transfer
- Pigmentos Naturais, Artificiais e sua Reflectancia (26/Apr/2017)
- Advanced Course in Experimental Physics (01/Jan/2013)