Hadron Physics and Fundamental Interactions
The group Hadron Physics and Fundamental Interactions is focused in different topics related to nuclear and particle physics: Different formalisms are applied to the study of the non-perturbative regime of Quantum chromodynamics (QCD) including ab-initio approaches as Lattice QCD, other quantum field theoretical methods and phenomenological descriptions based on chiral effective models and relativistic hadronic models. This allows for studies of QCD Green functions, hadron spectroscopy and structure, symmetries of the Dirac equation and relevance to nuclei and condensed matter, and to investigate the Phase Diagram for Strongly Interacting Matter and the nature of the respective phase transitions. Novel four-dimensional regularization tools are addressed for precision calculations in and beyond the Standard Model with the aim of gaining efficiency in the subtraction and cancellation of infrared and ultraviolet singularities in higher order computations in quantum field theories. This is essential to meet the accuracy of experimental data foreseen at the Future Circular Collider. Phenomenology of Particle Physics is used to explore particle physics beyond the Standard Model (neutrino masses, axions and the strong CP problem, supersymmetry, composite Higgs, extra-dimensions, grand unified theories, etc.).
Current projects
Previous projects
- Neutron Stars: matter under extreme conditions
- Compact Stars: Laboratories for nuclear and particle physics
- COST Action CA15213: Theory of hot matter and relativistic heavy-ion collisions (THOR)
- COST Action CA16201: Unraveling new physics at the LHC through the precision frontier (PARTICLEFACE)
- MagNStar: Magnetized neutron star matter: equation of state, properties, and structure of magnetars
Recent Publications
Chapters of Books
1 - Neutron star equation of state: identifying hadronic matter characteristics
Constança Providência, Tuhin Malik, Milena Bastos Albino, Márcio Ferreira
Talyor & Francis accepted (2024)
International Journals
2 - Lattice determination of the Batalin-Vilkovisky function and the strong running interaction
AC Aguilar, N Brito, MN Ferreira, J Papavassiliou, O Oliveira, PJ Silva
Phys. Lett. B 858, 139054 (2024)
3 - Thermal curvature perturbations in thermal inflation
M Bastero-Gil, JM Gomes, JG Rosa
J. Cosmol. Astropart. Phys. 6, 060 (2024)
4 - Sunspots Identification Through Mathematical Morphology
S Bourgeois, T Barata, R Erdélyi, R Gafeira, O Oliveira
Sol. Phys. 299(2), 10 (2024)
5 - Determining the spin of light primordial black holes with Hawking radiation. Part II. High spin regime
M. Calzà, JG Rosa
J. High Energy Phys. 8, 012 (2024)
6 - Primordial black hole superradiance and evaporation in the string axiverse
M Calzà, JG Rosa, F Serrano
J. High Energy Phys 140(5), 140 (2024)
7 - Detecting the third family of compact stars with normalizing flows
V.M. Carvalho, M Ferreira, C Providencia, M Bejger
Phys. Rev. D 109(10), 103032 (2024)
8 - From neutron star observations to nuclear matter properties: A machine learning approach
V.M. Carvalho, M. Ferreira, C. Providencia
Phys. Rev. D 109 (12), 123038 (2024)
9 - Detecting hyperons in neutron stars: A machine learning approach
V.M. Carvalho, M. Ferreira, C. Providência
Phys. Rev. D 110 (12), 123016 (2024)
10 - Dual-function starch aerogels: Nutraceutical carriers for iron and folic acid delivery
G Clare, P Simoes, BFO Costa, L Duraes
J. Drug Deliv. Sci. Technol. 100, 106069 (2024)
11 - Four Gluon Vertex from Lattice QCD
M. Colaço, O. Oliveira, Paulo J. Silva
Phys. Rev. D 109 (7), 074502 (2024)
12 - Temperature evolution in the Early Universe and freeze-in at stronger coupling
C. Cosme, F. Costa, O. Lebedev
J. Cosmol. Astropart. Phys. 6 (2024)
13 - Temperature evolution in the Early Universe and freeze-in at stronger coupling
C. Cosme, F. Costa, O. Lebedev
J. Cosmol. Astropart. Phys. 6 (2024)
14 - Freeze-in at stronger coupling
C. Cosme, F. Costa, O. Lebedev
Phys. Rev. D 109 (7), 075038 (2024)
15 - Bayesian evaluation of hadron-quark phase transition models through neutron star observables in light of nuclear and astrophysics data
Debanjan Guha Roy, Anagh Venneti, Tuhin Malik, Swastik Bhattacharya, Sarmistha Banik
Phy. Lett. B (PLB) Volume 859, 139128 (2024)
16 - Analysis of Neutron Star f-mode Oscillations in General Relativity with Spectral Representation of Nuclear Equations of State
Debanjan Guha Roy, Tuhin Malik, Swastik Bhattacharya, Sarmistha Banik
Astrophys.J. (APJ) 968, 124 (2024)
17 - Constraining neutron star matter from the slope of the mass-radius curves
M. Ferreira, C. Providência
Phys. Rev. D 110(6), 063018 (2024)
18 - Collapsing domain wall networks: impact on pulsar timing arrays and primordial black holes
R. Ferreira, A. Notari, O. Pujolàs, F. Rompineve
J. Cosmol. Astropart. Phys. 6, 020 (2024)
19 - Axionic defects in the CMB: birefringence and gravitational waves
R.Z. Ferreira, S Gasparotto, T. Hiramatsu, I. Obata, O. Pujolàs,
J. Cosmol. Astropart. Phys. 5, 66 (2024)
20 - Lightening up primordial black holes in the galaxy with the QCD axion: Signals at the LOFAR telescope
RZ Ferreira, AG Muyor
Phys. Rev. D 110(8), 083013 (2024)
21 - The Impact of Asymmetric Dark Matter on the Thermal Evolution of Nucleonic and Hyperonic Compact Stars
E. Giangrandi, A. Avila, V. Sagun, O. Ivanytskyi, C. Providencia
Particles 7 (1), 179-200 (2024)
22 - Implications of comprehensive nuclear and astrophysics data on the equations of state of neutron star matter
SMA Imam, T. Malik, C. Providencia, B. Agrawal
Phys. Rev. D 109 (10), 103025 (2024)
23 - Astrophysics and nuclear physics informed interactions in dense matter: Inclusion of PSR J0437-4715
T. Malik, V. Dexheimer, C. Providência
Phys. Rev. D 110(4), 043042 (2024)
24 - A baryons in neutron stars
K.D. Marquez, D.P. Menezes, H. Pais, C. Providência
Phys. Rev. C 106 (5), 055801 (2024)
25 - Nambu-Jona-Lasinio description of hadronic matter from a Bayesian approach
KD Marquez, T. Malik, H. Pais, DP Menezes, C. Providência
Phys. Rev. D 110(6), 063040 (2024)
26 - Bound states of relativistic spinless particles in a mix of circularly symmetric vector and scalar harmonic oscillators
V.B. Mendrot, A.S. de Castro, P. Alberto
Physica Scripta 99 (5), 055209 (2024)
27 - Hybrid star properties with the NJL and mean field approximation of QCD models: A Bayesian approach
Milena Albino, Tuhin Malik, Márcio Ferreira, Constança Providência
Phys.Rev.D 110, 083037 (2024)
28 - Constraining the high-density behavior of nuclear symmetry energy with direct Urca processes
Olfa Boukari, Tuhin Malik, Aziz Rabhi, Constança Providência
Phy. Rev. C (PRC) 110(6), 065801 (2024)
29 - Deconfinement, center symmetry and the ghost propagator in Landau gauge pure SU(3) Yang-Mills theory
V. Paiva, P.J. Silva, O. Oliveira
J. High Energy Phys. 5, 164 (2024)
30 - High-refractive-index materials screening from machine learning and ab initio methods
Pedro J.M.A. Carriço, Márcio Ferreira, Tiago F.T. Cerqueira, Fernando Nogueira, Pedro Borlido
Phys. Rev. Mater. 8, 015201 (2024)
31 - E-cadherin variants associated with oral facial clefts trigger aberrant cell motility in a REG1A-dependent manner
J. Pereira, S. Melo, R.M. Ferreira, P. Carneiro, V.T. Yang, A.F. Maia, J. Carvalho, C. Figueiredo, J.C. Machado, E. Morais-de-Sá, R. Seruca, J. Figueiredo
Cell Commun. Signal. 22 (1), 152 (2024)
32 - Towards Uncovering Dark Matter Effects on Neutron Star Properties: A Machine Learning Approach
Prashant Thakur, Tuhin Malik, T.K. Jha
Particles 7, 80-95 (2024)
33 - Isoscaling in dilute warm nuclear systems
A Rebillard-Soulie, R Bougault, H Pais, B Borderie, A Chbihi, C Ciampi, Q Fable, J Frankland, E Galichet, T Genard, D Gruyer, N Le Neindre, I Lombardo, O Lopez, L Manduci, M Parlog, G Verde
J. Phys. G 51 (1), 015104 (2024)
34 - Building models of quarks and gluons with an arbitrary number of colors using Cartan-Polyakov loops
Renan Câmara Pereira and Pedro Costa,
Nucl. Phys. B 998, 116415-24 (2024)
35 - A new approach to the 3-momentum regularization of the in-medium one and two fermion line integrals with applications to cross sections in the Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model
Renan Câmara Pereira, Pedro Costa, Constança Providência, João Moreira
Phys. Rev. C 109, 025206-57 (2024)
36 - Assessing the joint effect of temperature and magnetic field on the neutron star equation of state
L. Scurto, V.M. Carvalho, H. Pais, C. Providência
Phys. Rev. C 110(4), 045805 (2024)
37 - General predictions of neutron star properties using unified relativistic mean-field equations of state
L. Scurto, H. Pais, F. Gulminelli
Phys. Rev. D 109 (10), 103015 (2024)
38 - Calibrating global behaviour of equation of state by combining nuclear and astrophysics inputs in a machine learning approach
Sk Md Adil Imam, Prafulla Saxena, Tuhin Malik, N.K. Patra, B.K. Agrawal
Phy. Rev. D (PRD) (accepted) (2024)
39 - Exploring robust correlations between fermionic dark matter model parameters and neutron star properties: A two-fluid perspective
P. Thakur, T. Malik, A. Das, T.K. Jha, C. Providência
Phys. Rev. D 109 (4), 043030 (2024)
40 - Unified neutron star equations of state calibrated to nuclear properties
Tuhin Malik, Helena Pais, Constança Providência
Astron.Astrophys. (A&A) 689, A242 (2024)
41 - The Automatic Identification and Tracking of Coronal Flux Ropes -- Part II: New Mathematical Morphology-based Flux Rope Extraction Method and Deflection Analysis
A. Wagner, S. Bourgeois, E. Kilpua, R. Sarkar, D. Price, A. Kumari, J. Pomoell, S. Poedts, T. Barata, R. Erdélyi, O. Oliveira, R. Gafeira
Astron. Astrophys. (2024)
42 - The automatic identification and tracking of coronal flux ropes II. New mathematical morphology-based flux rope extraction method and deflection analysis
A. Wagner, S. Bourgeois, EKJ Kilpua, R. Sarkar, D.J. Price, A. Kumari, J. Pomoell, S. Poedts, T. Barata, R. Erdélyi, O. Oliveira, R. Gafeira
Astron. Astrophys. 683, A39 (2024)
43 - Modified Biochar Materials From Eucalyptus globulus Wood as Efficient CO2 Adsorbents and Recyclable Catalysts
S Zomorodbakhsh, ACS Gonzalez, IG Cruz, G Piccirillo, TMR Maria, IS Marques, AF Peixoto, JM Gil, F Ferreira, RMB Carrilho
Adv. Sustain. Syst., 2400431 (2024)
44 - Rapid neutron star cooling triggered by dark matter
A. Ávila, E. Giangrandi, V. Sagun, O. Ivanytskyi, C. Providência
Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. (2024)
International Conferences
45 - A fold catastrophe potential illustrated with a pure mechanical apparatus
Fiolhais, M.
J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 2701, 012069 (2024)